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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 遭指涉中國器官買賣 柯P否認
時間 Tue Oct 28 00:20:49 2014
※ 引述《Dialysis (Chiquitia)》之銘言:
: 翻了一下,柯P的段落占了9頁,含一張大頭照。
: 一開始放上雙方對談,最後的一段話是:
: 採訪者:「是否法輪功有遭受迫害?他們有可能在清醒之下被摘器官呢?」
: 柯P:「我想是的」
: So is it true? Aren't prisoners of conscious-Falun Gong, perhaps others,
: being harvested?"
: What happened next was something I thiught only occurred in the movies. Ko's
: body seemed to simply retract, his jaw, his shoulders collapsing. His eyes
: gazing at the emptiness of the wall, he fell into a barely audible hiss.
: "Yes," Dr. Ko said, "Yes, they are doing that. Yes, it's true."
: 接下來,就是用第三人稱的敘述法,開始描述他如何在中國跟醫師打交道。
: (透過不具名中國醫師)
: 最後,文章又回到了專訪的時空,柯P向訪談者秀出了他已設計出的移植配對系統,
: Dr. Ko moved us over to his desktop computer, and we looked it over. It was
: beautiful actually-simple, clear, mainland-user friendly-something even a
: barefoot doctor could use.
: Maybe he could even have sold the system to the Chinese medical establishment,
: evern received some sort of compensation, and yet-that gnaw again-even if
: the mainland doctors adopted the system, "you would only remove 95 percent of
: the problem," Ko said, shaking his head.
: Anyway, they rejected it......
: ------------
: 最後心得是,完全吐嘈不能,不管是對新聞或者對書本內文。
: 基本上,柯P是不看門診的,沒有門診病人的醫師,是要怎麼幫病人轉介?
: (想像一下,難道是病人進到加護病房,然後帶著葉克膜飛到中國去換器官嗎?)
但百度了一下這位 Ethan Gutmann是誰
有沒有法輪功遇強則強, 亂放謠言的八卦?
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