看板 StrawberryU
作者 標題 Re: [珍珠紅]
時間 2013年06月27日 Thu. AM 07:43:47
[DBSK] Are You A Good Girl & Mirotic Remix - YouTube
DBSK sang mirotic clean . i think its gud to hear that .. anyway , here 4 you .
DBSK sang mirotic clean . i think its gud to hear that .. anyway , here 4 you .
※ 作者: StrawberryU 時間: 2013-06-27 07:43:47
※ 看板: StrawberryU 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 90
2樓 時間: 2013-06-27 07:45:47 (台灣)
06-27 07:45 TW
我六十歲再看老鄭不曉得心臟還會不會蹦蹦蹦蹦不受控制DBSK - Hey! (Don't bring me down) - YouTube I love DBSK... Hope their contract issue can be resolved asap and to see them perform tog on stage again...
3樓 時間: 2013-06-27 07:47:02 (台灣)
06-27 07:47 TW
真想看現在的他跳跳看>///////<肉比較多應該又更性感了吧科科科科科科科동방신기 / DBSK - HEY! Don't Bring Me Down Live - YouTube Not sung live, but the dancing is amazing :D from 10/02/08 東方神起 Fighting!! ☆★☆ 恵理 Enjoy ! ♪