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作者 標題 [情報] 美元會再漲5% !?降息不可能?
時間 Wed Sep 13 22:42:30 2023
Dollar to Rise Another 5% on Sticky Inflation, Acadian Says
The dollar is poised to jump with Treasury yields in the coming months as still-
elevated inflation will likely push the Federal Reserve toward further policy ti
ghtening, says Clifton Hill at Acadian Asset Management.
Bloomberg News
Anya Andrianova
Published Sep 12, 2023 ‧
(Bloomberg) — The dollar is poised to jump with Treasury yields in the coming m
onths as still-elevated inflation will likely push the Federal Reserve toward fu
rther policy tightening, says Clifton Hill at Acadian Asset Management.
Hill, a global macro portfolio manager, sees the US currency gaining an addition
al 5% versus many peers, with the trigger coming as policy makers signal further
interest-rate hikes in the leadup to their Oct. 31-Nov. 1 meeting. He’s preppi
ng for that outcome by favoring the greenback against the Australian, New Zealan
d and Canadian dollars, as well as the yen.
His views on the Fed and the dollar proved prescient earlier this year. In Febru
ary, he correctly predicted that the yen would fall back toward the 32-year lows
it hit in 2022 as the Fed tightened further than many market participants antic
The US currency stabilized on Tuesday, after falling from a six-month high Monda
y as authorities in Japan and China ramped up support for their currencies. But
as Hill sees it, the decline to start the week will amount to a bump in the road
as markets reprice the Fed’s path. It’s a chain of events he also expects wil
l push 10-year Treasury yields close to 5%, a level last seen in 2007, from roug
hly 4.3% now.
“The Fed may have to leave the possibility open of hiking further,” potentiall
y two or three more times, said the money manager, whose firm oversees about $10
0 billion. “Inflation actually going up away from global central banks’ target
s in the fourth quarter would be a game changer for markets.”
Read more: Fed Hikes Risk Dragging Yen Back to 145 Per Dollar, Acadian Says
Traders expect the Fed to stay on hold at a policy meeting next week, and see ro
ughly a 50% chance that it delivers another hike at the following decision Nov.
1, before pivoting to cuts next year. The Fed pushed its benchmark rate to the h
ighest in more than two decades in July to tame inflation.
The dollar gained the past eight weeks, buoyed by the US economy’s resilience r
elative to other major peers, in particular Europe and China.
US consumer-price index data scheduled for release Wednesday is expected to show
inflation pressure reaccelerating, which risks jolting the Treasury market. The
CPI is expected to have risen 3.6% in August from a year earlier, from 3.2% in
July, even as the core measure — which removes food and energy costs — fell to
4.3%, the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey shows.
Read more: Bond Traders Brace for Risk Inflation Will Fuel Rate-Hike Bets
“Every time that inflation comes down some, markets and economists extrapolate
out that it will continue all the way down to 2% in short order,” Hill said. “
But we are still well over 4% in US core inflation, and there is a good chance t
hat it stays there, or increases back up this autumn into early next year.”
Hill also anticipates dollar strength versus most emerging markets, with the yua
n, South Korean won and Brazilian real likely to lose the most.
He acknowledges that his outlook poses a risk to assets like stocks, which are v
ulnerable to any uptick in expectations for additional Fed tightening.
But if inflation is proving tough to tackle, policy makers’ “hands are complet
ely tied,” he said. “If inflation is going up, you can’t then all of a sudden
cut rates.”
In the “best case,” he said, in which inflation doesn’t accelerate as much as
he expects, the Fed refrains from hiking further, and instead stays on hold for
most of 2024.
(Updates market movement.)
Acadian Asset Management(知名資產管理公司)管理著約1000億美元的基金經理Clifton
d 非常有可能在10/31-11/1 的會議上宣布加息)
他說:美國核心通膨還在4%以上 就不能說反通膨成功,反通膨沒有成功 就不能提降息
結論: 救救美債?
Sent from my iPhone 13 Pro Max
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: gothmog 2023-09-13 22:42:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b0SfO9f (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1694616152.A.269.html
推 : 計畫通 裱死中國1F 09/13 22:44
推 : 台幣35指日可待2F 09/13 22:46
推 : 一邊說降息一邊說升息…3F 09/13 22:46
推 : 騙人吧,嗚嗚嗚4F 09/13 22:47
推 : 根本沒說過會降息吧 多挖自作多情5F 09/13 22:48
推 : 美國財政部也可能出手買美債6F 09/13 22:48
推 : 走降息循環走了20年所累積下來的通膨預期,用1-2年7F 09/13 22:49
→ : 急速升息就能打下來?想得太美了吧
→ : 急速升息就能打下來?想得太美了吧
推 : 要不要去跟上一篇打一架9F 09/13 22:50
推 : 中國表示:要死一起死10F 09/13 22:50
推 : 這波利率大概會升到8%以上 幫QQ11F 09/13 22:53
→ : 這篇可是彭博社的新聞12F 09/13 22:53
推 : 躺著噴 不重要13F 09/13 22:55
推 : 真的完了14F 09/13 22:57
推 : 散戶都進場長債ETF了,怎麼現在才說15F 09/13 22:57
→ : 美國農會表示:16F 09/13 22:58
→ : 漲5%也才33多 不會到35啦17F 09/13 22:59
推 : 噴噴19F 09/13 23:02
推 : 美元短多長空20F 09/13 23:06
推 : 台幣短期36 長期4021F 09/13 23:08
推 : 丸子 台股要崩了嗎23F 09/13 23:10
推 : 台幣至少35了24F 09/13 23:11
推 : 一副要跌的樣子25F 09/13 23:11
→ : 我加碼 新台幣回到固定4026F 09/13 23:12
推 : 很好啊美國就是自己在做債務調整27F 09/13 23:12
推 : 讚喔28F 09/13 23:13
推 : 部位在美股,樂觀其成29F 09/13 23:13
推 : 買美債ETF真的保重30F 09/13 23:15
噓 : 5%哩 沒看台幣目前反應是升值 美債也是嗎31F 09/13 23:15
→ : 房租都要降了 石油是還能漲多久32F 09/13 23:18
→ : 問題是噴到爆啊....33F 09/13 23:18
推 : 美國繼續升息的話,死最慘的是壽險公司,不是現在34F 09/13 23:19
→ : 進場買美債ETF的散戶
→ : 進場買美債ETF的散戶
推 : 騙人的啦36F 09/13 23:19
推 : 台幣會再跌,只是會跌到哪裡,難估~~~37F 09/13 23:24
推 : 鎂蛙笑哇哇38F 09/13 23:25
推 : 買美債的只有破產跟在破產的路上 二選一39F 09/13 23:29
推 : 也太噴40F 09/13 23:31
推 : 美債壽險公司表示41F 09/13 23:33
→ : 美債問題 美國財政部應會處理42F 09/13 23:35
噓 : 窮鬼最喜歡酸買美債的大戶,笑死44F 09/13 23:36
→ : 國際原油價格高漲 是聯合減產造成 頁岩油民主黨不45F 09/13 23:38
→ : 喜歡
→ : 喜歡
→ : 開戰破5047F 09/13 23:39
推 : 替代能源搞這麼多年 仍無法擺脫原油48F 09/13 23:39
推 : 什麼35 40 上看45歐印買美元財富自由49F 09/13 23:44
→ : 嘴砲誰不會 笑死
→ : 嘴砲誰不會 笑死
推 : 剔除能源、食物,8月份cpi算是溫和 應該不升也不降51F 09/13 23:50
→ : 比較合理
→ : 比較合理
推 : 大家都朝自己喜歡的解讀 蠻合理的53F 09/13 23:52
推 : 通膨依在。54F 09/13 23:54
推 : 35台人就要吃草了 還40咧55F 09/13 23:54
→ : 雖然我大蘋說 台幣只值37 嘿嘿
→ : 雖然我大蘋說 台幣只值37 嘿嘿
→ testutw …
推 : 通膨本來就降不下來 拜登沒招了 準備大爆崩吧58F 09/13 23:57
→ : 之前都只是在數字上動個手腳 假象而已
→ : 之前都只是在數字上動個手腳 假象而已
推 : 央行這種擺爛的態度 35真的不是不可能60F 09/13 23:59
→ : 台灣cpi太低了才該降息61F 09/14 00:00
推 : 我有大量外匯存底 我也會擺爛 匯差 利差 賺翻了 只62F 09/14 00:03
→ : 是要犧牲人民的血汗 反正央行又不關心
→ : 是要犧牲人民的血汗 反正央行又不關心
→ : 核心有降,無腦多就對了64F 09/14 00:03
→ testutw …
推 : 為什麼不早說67F 09/14 00:08
→ : 台灣出過13A總裁,經濟本來就為政治服務,不用期待68F 09/14 00:13
→ : 跌倒35。
→ : 跌倒35。
推 : 不是FED講的 我都當他在放屁70F 09/14 00:39
噓 : 他是誰 他說不降就不降71F 09/14 00:41
→ : FED 有議員施壓 他有嗎
→ : FED 有議員施壓 他有嗎
推 : 什麼開戰破50,真開戰的話,就變廢紙了啦73F 09/14 00:45
→ : 央行這種操作,真的賭很大
→ : 央行這種操作,真的賭很大
推 : 央行又要騎斑馬遊台灣嘍75F 09/14 00:47
→ : 蘋果表示:甘 早知道給台灣1:40
→ : 蘋果表示:甘 早知道給台灣1:40
→ : 怎麼每到9月就會出現同樣一批論調的人啊77F 09/14 00:49
→ : 去年九月也這樣 今年又來一次
→ : 去年九月也這樣 今年又來一次
推 : 所以世界上蠢人多啊 整天做夢喊79F 09/14 00:54
推 : 美債隨便買隨便賺80F 09/14 01:07
→ : 32*105%=?81F 09/14 01:09
推 : 目標3582F 09/14 01:09
推 : 推文一堆政治仔要不要乾脆去政黑版83F 09/14 01:41
推 : 經濟本來就跟政治密切相關,這樣就要趕人去政黑板?84F 09/14 02:35
→ : ?
→ : ?
推 : 某些人可能不知道經濟是政治的一個分支86F 09/14 03:34
推 : 哇幹 感覺事情真大條了87F 09/14 03:51
推 : 那位?說升就升88F 09/14 03:52
→ : 台幣應該33啦 但有些國家資金被這樣吸走 看來是要89F 09/14 03:53
→ : 有金融風暴了
→ : 有金融風暴了
推 : 媽的定存美金比玩股票賺得多91F 09/14 04:12
推 : 說降息的不是都華爾街在說?他們期待一年多了吧?92F 09/14 04:56
推 : https://i.imgur.com/9hKo4Aw.jpg
→ : 美金定存現在真的香到不行,可惜當初買太少了,要
→ : 是敢all in的話,現在一個月的利息應該已經超過我
→ : 未來的月退俸了
推 : https://i.imgur.com/9hKo4Aw.jpg
→ : 美金定存現在真的香到不行,可惜當初買太少了,要
→ : 是敢all in的話,現在一個月的利息應該已經超過我
→ : 未來的月退俸了
推 : 告訴你還會漲五趴還不歐印97F 09/14 05:40
推 : 35當然好啊,台灣是出超國,賺翻了98F 09/14 06:26
推 : 樓上,台灣是能源進口國,台電、中油會破產99F 09/14 06:42
→ : 通膨會爆炸,政府要又花稅金救台電、中油
→ : 通膨會爆炸,政府要又花稅金救台電、中油
噓 : 看來美金要跌了,快出脫唷101F 09/14 06:58
推 : 推 美元102F 09/14 07:06
推 : 台灣也準備升息了 大哥二弟大利空 趕快逢低買進103F 09/14 07:10
→ : 去年央行怎做 今年就會怎做 但好奇的是 假如這波打104F 09/14 07:40
→ : 通膨+降息要耗十年爲單位的話 央行不升息撐的住?
→ : 匯率放風到35會讓政府被物價洗臉 升息會被房貸族洗
→ : 臉 兩難 XD
→ : 通膨+降息要耗十年爲單位的話 央行不升息撐的住?
→ : 匯率放風到35會讓政府被物價洗臉 升息會被房貸族洗
→ : 臉 兩難 XD
推 : 哈哈 前兩年還有人在酸美金定存108F 09/14 07:43
推 : 去年酸32美金定存的人呢?109F 09/14 07:56
→ : 老鮑:怎麼一直都有人不信我說的話110F 09/14 07:57
推 : 股票都賺多少了 美金定存現在賺多少啊?111F 09/14 08:00
推 : 中國還能防守離岸人民幣前,應該不會降息112F 09/14 08:02
推 : 股票真的賺得人是有多少?有定存美金的人多嗎?113F 09/14 08:08
→ : 台幣真的要貶破35了114F 09/14 08:15
→ : 到35 出口的中小會爽死吧115F 09/14 08:18
推 : 油價減產,升息繼續116F 09/14 08:29
噓 : 等一下~你這是翻譯?還是心得?也縮太短了吧?117F 09/14 08:32
推 : 再漲5%也太爽了吧 躺著領10%118F 09/14 09:11
推 : 再漲5%.....今天馬上就跌惹~119F 09/14 09:35
推 : 國泰美金定存還是只有3%左右,有點想換銀行了120F 09/14 09:44
推 : 華南美金定存優利5%121F 09/14 10:00
推 : 匯豐有美元定存優利6%新戶6個月~122F 09/14 10:15
→ : 32台灣央行已經受不了~ 還35勒123F 09/14 10:31
推 : 匯豐那個6.6%要先放300萬才行喔124F 09/14 10:35
推 : 美蛙vvv125F 09/14 10:54
推 : 語畢台幣狂跌 笑死126F 09/14 11:44
→ : 通常這種文章一出 應該就...127F 09/14 12:33
推 : 現在買美金定存??當真?128F 09/14 13:11
推 : cc129F 09/14 19:51
推 : 央行死不升息在那撐...ㄎㄎ130F 09/14 20:49
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