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※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-11 21:49:06
作者 fantinwei (綠豆漿)
標題 [影音] SMT In Taiwan SNSD part
時間 Sun Jun 10 15:59:02 2012






http://youtu.be/FkT9KGfkxP4     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls
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http://youtu.be/NfkFrv3x5-w     The Boys
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http://youtu.be/EHjLADlTpN0     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(短)
http://youtu.be/emluKFu2_UE     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(長)
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http://youtu.be/wTOS8a68dJY     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
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http://youtu.be/bdr4ucePvnk     HOPE+Ending

http://youtu.be/dhEJVMzcCQc     自我介紹+Talk
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/vciWv8TH6s0     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls
http://youtu.be/D8KJe4GkpL8     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/wdzJh7uLcsI     Run Devil Run

http://youtu.be/vXR59Js97Qg     The Boys
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http://youtu.be/43r8iBlNta0     HOPE+Ending
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http://youtu.be/xiLsCTpcOWs     The Boys(音源)

http://youtu.be/ldVnRnhiODo     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(短)
http://youtu.be/7dfMCs9XeGA     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(長)
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http://youtu.be/KTfIL0HNZnE     The Boys
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http://youtu.be/COMBvS8YQrE     自我介紹+Talk
http://youtu.be/odfK-YeSPYo     Devil's Cry+Run Devil Run
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http://youtu.be/pqr2Z6a23GY     Genie
http://youtu.be/cfSrrV239n0     TTS-Twinkle

http://youtu.be/cw7rkKw8yp8     Gee

http://youtu.be/sd9lkg0-NQU     HOPE+Ending
http://youtu.be/BSAukoJx98M     Devil's Cry+Run Devil Run+自我介紹+Kissing you
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http://youtu.be/QcBVw69NqZQ     Way To Go+Gee
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http://youtu.be/qdqNEejZSnk     Twinkle+DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
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http://youtu.be/Qt8uUfGtka4     The Boys

http://youtu.be/0TUpl3QNDok     HOPE+Ending(1)
http://youtu.be/bOu8Y6j20gQ     HOPE+Ending(2)太妍推Fany & 比VV
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http://youtu.be/YHDVDHgRu0U     自我介紹

http://youtu.be/bcD7VGhLckU     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry (B2拍的)
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http://youtu.be/LesWoUfBpsU     Genie  "Taiwan,put it back on"

http://youtu.be/rc08uG82cfg     自我介紹

http://youtu.be/7IwjjKiN290     Ending(主徐玄)
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http://youtu.be/bbBrYnIRQj8     Kissing You(主徐玄)
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http://youtu.be/hHYQsc7GZ58     TTS+EXO-DJ got us falling in love again(主徐玄)
http://youtu.be/roWKS-f0q7s     The Boys (主徐玄)
http://youtu.be/p3gBk5xad-o     TTS-Twinkle
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http://youtu.be/6sRIVSjxR4Q     藝聲 XDDD
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http://youtu.be/1KeC8w1WOTY     Way To Go (YoonA)
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http://youtu.be/ngaSa4zUQfU     TTS+EXO-DJ got us falling in love again
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http://youtu.be/lWt48somooc     Way To Go
http://youtu.be/JpMRJWTdDlE     TTS+EXO-DJ got us falling in love again
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http://youtu.be/O00Fig1a9UI     Genie
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http://youtu.be/EHF1p591OxE     HOPE+Ending(1)
http://youtu.be/fdFQMqpr7Uw     HOPE+Ending(2)
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http://youtu.be/5JbcJjCBiwc     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
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http://youtu.be/91W7s9zQZgQ     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls

http://youtu.be/q4IRptCs2Lc     TTS+EXO-DJ got us falling in love again

http://youtu.be/DSF6fMV77zQ     Talk
http://youtu.be/-uBQvBJjXR4     Gee
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http://youtu.be/kpnJ9su6TME     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/lKrGHsrlMto     TTS-Twinkle
http://youtu.be/JktIHu5V8nM     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls


http://youtu.be/Ltx0n7CBd_o     Ending(太妍在攝影機前推藝聲~)
http://youtu.be/yktbuE4rl7Q     TTS-Twinkle(大螢幕版)
【Fancam】120609 TTS - TWINKLE (big screen ver.) @ SMT TAIWAN - YouTube 就是說開頭震驚到忘了按下錄影 轉載請註明 cam by Nanna

http://youtu.be/Z-OTfx8iMuM     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again

http://youtu.be/AdPuFiDM6YQ     Genie

http://youtu.be/ksmYuUXH-wI     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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bug fany
http://youtu.be/beFk5UrZBAQ     TTS+EXO-DJ got us falling in love again(主太妍)
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http://youtu.be/m1i1CGZRQqs     HOPE+Ending(1)(主孝淵)
http://youtu.be/c51Y-UVUYtg     HOPE+Ending(2)(主孝淵)
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http://youtu.be/KYXHQvSzCMU     TTS+EXO-DJ got us falling in love again
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http://youtu.be/jpkjuwitqyg     Gee
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http://youtu.be/pOUU3EQos0E     HOPE+Ending
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http://youtu.be/eOkCvxdXnhE     後台

h19980923      <--幾乎有全場~~~SM家族飯請進
http://youtu.be/EfCcbCKKLfo     TTS-Twinkle
http://youtu.be/L9KK0mKrKP8     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/7gcscx_nVhg     Way To Go
http://youtu.be/aDlLtp7-NAo     Gee
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/2bCHG-dcO7E     The Boys
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/dZlw8KplE_o     HOPE+Ending
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http://youtu.be/UogPVy0MIrA     Kissing You
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http://youtu.be/eVUKexszjS0     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(Tiffany)

http://youtu.be/l1zjrutOBiA     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(Tiffany)
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http://youtu.be/1cFR_6uT14k     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
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http://youtu.be/z9mu8s2mdT8     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
http://youtu.be/sL1XEoc-YLw     TTS-Twinkle
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/Yckw7xtXzyU     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/K38SDWRGCmI     Kissing You

http://youtu.be/_tAotG9NL6s     The Boys

http://youtu.be/DJyOKNYgAXA     Way To Go
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http://youtu.be/vv5rWtoLsiw     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
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http://youtu.be/PVCVIk9R2ek     Gee
http://youtu.be/jYndNdJ2WKw     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls
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http://youtu.be/00aWR20ryM4     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
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http://youtu.be/nc2guHdOAZg     HOPE+Ending
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aning0318       <----家族飯請進
http://youtu.be/LHSlFhSFWgA     Genie
http://youtu.be/l3S71hWbfWE     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
http://youtu.be/eGCMIL8mQ40     Run Devil Run
http://youtu.be/JS-zQgth1V8     自我介紹
http://youtu.be/5gjoiNAV59Q     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
http://youtu.be/53DwCfAJT6E     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls
http://youtu.be/wLqjRNDUVG4     TTS-Twinkle
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/zIvpuAMH1K4     Way To Go
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/fUzkGAmw33w     Gee
http://youtu.be/ofm6hfaQ6Zc     The Boys
http://youtu.be/Q0pCGVjOy9o     HOPE+Ending(1)
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http://youtu.be/35sHSbReGhg     HOPE+Ending(2)
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http://youtu.be/bu1jqanQ3Y4     The Boys

http://youtu.be/qv1Tfixix-k     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry

Humorhumorista   搖B2
http://youtu.be/G3Xn1bFESlA     HOPE+Ending (奇怪的舞)
又再跳奇怪的舞了? - YouTube
120609 TW- SMT Ending曲 (搖B2)

http://youtu.be/OlY6cO29nzQ     HOPE+Ending (五星連珠)
走道內外兼顧的五星連珠XDDD - YouTube
帕妮今天好嗨喔,心情好像很好 常跟咱們搖B2的SONE群揮手


http://youtu.be/BasNnSHWOeE     自我介紹(秀英)
http://youtu.be/tzvbkLZVQXA     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls
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http://youtu.be/4igFGvDfz68     自我介紹(孝淵+Sunny)
http://youtu.be/cKuz7xQfpDU     TTS-Twinkle
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/MgeDfZ8SBSw     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
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http://youtu.be/vHCjR_EXLts     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again(太妍)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/Byor9WK6G1g     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
http://youtu.be/PcfJVz76AbU     自我介紹+Talk
http://youtu.be/nXDkY24BBp0     TTS-Twinkle (太妍)
http://youtu.be/E4UNLzrcfyU     Gee (太妍)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/0805AUgp9wI     Way To Go (太妍)

SS501KIM       <-----家族飯請進
http://youtu.be/PytSGIqVC2A     Taeyeon-Devil's Cry
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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                                +Run Devil Run+自我介紹+Genie
http://youtu.be/Hq4mX7qEwHk     TTS+EXO-DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
http://youtu.be/pIMOHyVpTlc     TTS-Twinkle
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/DgGq_7xf0qU     Way To Go+Gee
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/x_yqba5h4Wg     The Boys
http://youtu.be/qOTXLCIWkFo     Way To Go
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http://youtu.be/oNKj5LDOEVU     Kissing You
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/6NpZSu32uIk     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/5jKdQNzndJ0     家族影片
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http://youtu.be/nycssBunHQA     HOPE+Ending

http://youtu.be/cHHKjNk0Lrw     Gee
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/ZalWIaexy-A     Way To Go
http://youtu.be/IWQTuVcezLg     TTS-Twinkle
http://youtu.be/pwTgvYzy-Vc     Genie
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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http://youtu.be/Y9X3k0P_gyg     Genie
http://youtu.be/rVfL-e-vlkc     Run Devil Run
http://youtu.be/r76RWgFak8k     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls

http://youtu.be/a7XQ7ZnWybU     Jessica+Krystal-California Girls

http://youtu.be/4_4gmK9xBMs     The Boys

http://www.youtube.com/user/lovesnsd11/videos  lovesnsd11
http://www.youtube.com/user/sonekiho/videos    sonekiho

http://tinyurl.com/7w74k26      開場至Oops下載(感謝z大提供)


GoreWon: 而 而 l                                               12/20 23:52
flyingkid:我真的覺得在我結念老公的片段很收斂了XD                12/20 23:52
elenuial:徐玄好恐怖XDDD 少年表示:不敢說話...                   12/20 23:52
GoreWon: 大 大 .                                                12/20 23:52
elenuial:耎耎被分屍了囧                                         12/20 23:53
GoreWon:e大自請水桶吧!!  XD                                     12/20 23:54

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
mike780503:頭淚推QQ1F 06/10 15:59
wkw:感謝整理~~~2F 06/10 15:59
Gibb:水啦!! 淚推等三巡阿  看水管解解渴先XD3F 06/10 16:00
litfive5:感謝整理推!!!4F 06/10 16:01
avrilrock:感謝整理5F 06/10 16:04
CSONE:藝聲師兄真的好幸福XDDDD三個少女在他左右耶!!6F 06/10 16:04
sky212121:謝謝啊!!! 等一下補推7F 06/10 16:06
midgrad:推整理!!辛苦了!!!!!8F 06/10 16:08
hjfreehappy:昨天TTS的舞伴是男生欸 XDDDDD9F 06/10 16:08
sky212121:TTS的舞群歐膩們沒來 有點可惜XDD10F 06/10 16:09
j88612457j:強大呀!!!!!11F 06/10 16:09
a29864588:藝聲太幸福啦!!!!!左秀英右忙內> <12F 06/10 16:09
cph1230:Genie的媽勒巴超大聲!!SONE好棒啊:)13F 06/10 16:10
zxp930110:太強大了!!!XDD 辛苦了~14F 06/10 16:12
zetatmrptt:http://youtu.be/qdqNEejZSnk twinkle~Fall in Love15F 06/10 16:12
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CSONE:看到最後整家族站一列鞠躬,真的有很感動的fu~真的是SM TOWN!16F 06/10 16:14
kenkie:推推推推推推推 謝謝整理17F 06/10 16:14
adobeteru:超讚的捏!!!!推推18F 06/10 16:14
enigmafun:而且藝聲最後大合唱時還獲得太妍的一秒抱抱>////<好羨慕19F 06/10 16:15
stevefran:推啊!!這太棒了!!!20F 06/10 16:16
zetatmrptt:http://youtu.be/BSAukoJx98M 這個有到kissing you21F 06/10 16:22
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sky212121:太妍推藝聲XD http://youtu.be/Ltx0n7CBd_o?hd=122F 06/10 16:23
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rt7hwq8f:為什麼每次一聽到太妍獨唱就直接眼淚掉下來阿 T^T23F 06/10 16:23
ACGfun:秀英超正的阿~~~~太妍唱的好用力~~三巡快來~~~~~25F 06/10 16:24
rt7hwq8f:秀英變好正+1,但腿太瘦了啦><養肥一點~~26F 06/10 16:25
stillsmile:看抽抽DJGUFILA差點滑倒好揪心 QAQ27F 06/10 16:25
rt7hwq8f:秀圓的臉真的..XD28F 06/10 16:25
kenkie:請問太妍的一秒抱抱哪個大合唱飯拍有..?找不到@@"29F 06/10 16:27
enigmafun:樓上k大在HJJ28大的ending影片2:38處 真的只有一秒XD30F 06/10 16:31
P7aradise:回ken大~大約在2:26那段:))31F 06/10 16:31
kenkie:謝謝謝謝兩位!!!!!!!32F 06/10 16:32
crazywithme:感謝整理~~^^33F 06/10 16:32
fr066703:不推怎行~期待更多更好飯拍34F 06/10 16:38
decencyix9:太妍啊~~~~QQ35F 06/10 16:41
CSONE:藝聲今天真的圓滿了XDDD我也想要一秒呀!!!!!!36F 06/10 16:45
rainiea:看完飯拍影片 覺得搖C4 還不錯!! 只是真的很遠><...37F 06/10 16:48
enigmafun:不知道那一秒有沒有版友拍到更完整的壓~> <38F 06/10 16:49
rainiea:我該知足了!!! 小舞台真的很不需要 控制台跟攝影機都擋到39F 06/10 16:50
eric1999ty:推 開始回味   小舞台一度遺忘了它...40F 06/10 16:51
e761031:跟著喊媽勒吧真的太爽了!!!昨天真的超棒!!!41F 06/10 16:52
TaeNyIsReal:感謝整理42F 06/10 16:52
elainakuo:感謝整理<343F 06/10 16:55
baitlunas:女王的臉變成怎樣了@@46F 06/10 17:05
andy1813:感謝用心整理!!47F 06/10 17:09
LeeSunny:好愛TTS+EXO的合作舞台喔!!!!!!48F 06/10 17:10
viperqqq:推推   昨天能去的真的超幸福的啊!!!49F 06/10 17:12
heekyu:我也超愛TTS跟小師弟合作舞台  那首好好聽也好嗨50F 06/10 17:13
andy1813:TTS和EXO的合作舞台超棒!!一直RP51F 06/10 17:23
CSONE:抽抽差點滑倒,好危險TT太妍蹲下也太性感了吧>/////<52F 06/10 17:26
w8a82k75566:抽抽在最後hope的時候還直接被水柱噴到背53F 06/10 17:28
cutestar1005:淚推!!!!太感謝了54F 06/10 17:34
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Stacey:這個GG好強大....56F 06/10 17:37
bluedrop:Yuri 拍戲期間好像都沒在運動了吼 XD57F 06/10 17:42
Stacey:我前兩排一個大姐拿著單眼+腳架錄整場~58F 06/10 17:48
kenkie:htsju 自我介紹55秒時 金太妍小朋友打不開礦泉水XDDD59F 06/10 17:50
y90290:等待三巡了>//<60F 06/10 17:51
e761031:這場飯拍真的蠻誇張的XD 後面都拿全幅加小小白等級起跳...61F 06/10 17:59
halousa:太妍轉不開水的蓋子好好笑!還轉超久,結果秀英一轉就開了XD62F 06/10 18:04
zetatmrptt:http://youtu.be/Qt8uUfGtka4 The Boys63F 06/10 18:04
wind164:http://youtu.be/5JbcJjCBiwc?hd=1 Devil's cry64F 06/10 18:09
stillsmile:DJGUFILA請來個studio ver.吧切拜!!!!65F 06/10 18:11
zslee086:這文章太棒啦! 未看先推 30度戶外搖滾區 水要多帶幾瓶66F 06/10 18:32
zslee086:我中後半段 一瓶水喝完 差點渴死XDDD
stillsmile:喝多了跑廁所...兩難啊 XD68F 06/10 18:34
e761031:不可能跑廁所拉XD69F 06/10 18:35
zetatmrptt:期待全場音源 我只有悲劇的片段音源70F 06/10 18:54
nnccp:我有錄音源~不過張力尹前面沒錄到> <71F 06/10 18:58
zetatmrptt:我有開場張力尹到oops 高音質72F 06/10 19:00
doggy2009:看到太妍差點跌倒真的有點嚇到 還好沒事!!73F 06/10 19:06
vivianhsu319:http://youtu.be/beFk5UrZBAQ 飛站拍得特別舞台74F 06/10 19:48
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                已補上~~來源為bug fany
stillsmile:飛花都這樣TT 每次都放幾十秒逼飯吃DVD土TT75F 06/10 19:50
GoreWon:這段特別舞台是第一次公演吧? 影片下面有外國飯羨慕了76F 06/10 19:59
htrae:天哪太妍的嗯啊飛吻>///////< (暈倒77F 06/10 20:00
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UHXMM:我也想要全場音源說~~~~~~81F 06/10 21:20
thisispika:想聽TTS版的DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again音源~~~~82F 06/10 21:34
r50824:Fifi3403的那個好像跟htjsu一樣的@@83F 06/10 22:31
cph1230:後台的少時版sherlock太可愛了啦 > <84F 06/10 22:49
ki01277:推TTS唱 DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again!!!!!85F 06/10 22:56
wind164:http://youtu.be/91W7s9zQZgQ?hd=1 California girls86F 06/10 23:00
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crazywithme:推TTS+EXO的合作舞台!!!!!好聽呀~!!!87F 06/10 23:09
vivianhsu319:http://youtu.be/eVUKexszjS0 Cr: shining smile88F 06/10 23:14
vivianhsu319:http://youtu.be/l1zjrutOBiA cr.thestephi.com
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willy0527:韓站真猛! 不管在哪國都必到XD90F 06/10 23:18
LeeSunny:帕尼啊衣服穿好>///////<91F 06/10 23:18
god9595995:http://youtu.be/roWKS-f0q7s  the boys92F 06/10 23:18
                  JP5766影片上傳~~補上lizzyho1231的The Boys
avrilrock:永遠收也收不完的飯拍...93F 06/10 23:41
god9595995:http://youtu.be/Yckw7xtXzyU  Devil's Cry94F 06/10 23:45
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god9595995:http://youtu.be/sL1XEoc-YLw TWINKLE95F 06/10 23:46
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god9595995:http://youtu.be/z9mu8s2mdT8  DJGUFILA96F 06/10 23:49
god9595995:http://youtu.be/1cFR_6uT14k Devil'sCry CrJTsteplove
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zetatmrptt:準備好3T硬碟 光少女就這麼多了 收全場就更恐怖了98F 06/10 23:56
blossomleave:謝謝!99F 06/11 00:07
kenkie:http://youtu.be/DJyOKNYgAXA CR:9ife way to go 雙短100F 06/11 00:22
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ROGANJACK: 好讀版 http://disp.cc/b/311-3Mu4101F 06/11 00:48
bryantlee:http://youtu.be/vv5rWtoLsiw 我拍的 TTS feat EXO102F 06/11 01:14
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zetatmrptt:音源重上傳 上面網址先幫我砍掉103F 06/11 01:16
zetatmrptt:http://tinyurl.com/7w74k26 開場~oops .mp3檔104F 06/11 01:42
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stk11:加州女孩 http://youtu.be/jYndNdJ2WKw 都是主西卡107F 06/11 02:47
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stk11:TTS & EXO http://youtu.be/00aWR20ryM4108F 06/11 02:49
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god9595995:http://youtu.be/qv1Tfixix-k devil's cry109F 06/11 12:23
post21127:用心整理推!!!!!110F 06/11 13:16
QQcarrot:沒爆不好找,推爆它111F 06/11 13:34
mmaniac328:謝謝整理!!112F 06/11 14:00
harkhunt:爆113F 06/11 14:02
syelle37:感謝整理 看飯拍就又開始想他們了TAT114F 06/11 15:06
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htjsu:圓頂在抓影片了....我的目前先鎖私人  晚點會放打包載點115F 06/11 20:09
zetatmrptt:我的也鎖私人...  先避風頭...116F 06/11 20:26
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