※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-12 23:11:19
作者 標題 [情報] 想問少女們問題嗎?
時間 Sun Feb 12 10:40:18 2012
소녀시대(Girls' Generation) | Facebook
소녀시대(Girls' Generation) - GIRLS' GENERATION OFFICIAL FACEBOOK - Description: Asia’s No.1 girl group, Girls’ Generation! Girls’ Generation is made of nine beautiful girls who have great abilities in singing, acting and emceeing. Since 2007 Korean debut, Girls’ Generation has become a sensation sweepi ...
Want to ask the girls of GG a question? Email us!
Want to Ask the Girls of Girls’ Generation a Question?
Hey Girls’ Generation Fans! GG wants to hear from ALL of you! Ask a
question by sending it to askgirlsgeneration@interscope.com and they will
be answering them weekly by email! If you're not yet on GG’s special US
Girls' Generation : News : Want to Ask the Girls of Girls’ Generation a Question?
Hey Girls’ Generation Fans! GG wants to hear from ALL of you! Ask a question by sending it to askgirlsgeneration@interscope.com and they will be answering them weekly by email! If you're not yet on GG’s special US mailing... ...
Hey Girls’ Generation Fans! GG wants to hear from ALL of you! Ask a
question by sending it to askgirlsgeneration@interscope.com and they will be
answering them weekly by email! If you're not yet on GG’s special US mailing
list, don't miss out – sign up now at GirlsGenerationUSA.com!
Sign up now and send GG an email at askgirlsgeneration@interscope.com --
Maybe one of the girls will pick YOUR question next week!
看來如alian616所說 要先註冊的樣子!!
貼個簡單教學推 alian616:http://i.imgur.com/CZg3k.jpg
有問題想問的 就趕快寄信吧 XDD 雖然不一定 會被回 XDDD
╭─╮│ 少 女 時 代 大 發 全 世 界 ╭─╮│ ╭─╮│
│ ││ 時 王 尚 表 笑 瘋 團 紀 級 │ ├┤ │ │├─
│ ││ 最 愛 大 食 腹 珍 最 撒 舞 │ ├┤ │ ││
│ ││ 愛 睡 媽 神 黑 珠 乖 嬌 后 ╰─╯│ │ │├─
│ ││ 帕 西 太 秀 小 權 忙 順 初 ╭──╮╰─╯│
╰─╯│ 妮 卡 妍 英 鹿 呆 內 圭 丁 ╰──╯ │ φbwebwe
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :↖( ̄▽ ̄ )↗1F 02/12 10:49
Girls' Generation : News : Want to Ask the Girls of Girls’ Generation a Question?
Hey Girls’ Generation Fans! GG wants to hear from ALL of you! Ask a question by sending it to askgirlsgeneration@interscope.com and they will be answering them weekly by email! If you're not yet on GG’s special US mailing... ...
→ :然後是不是要在GirlsGenerationUSA.com 註冊才能寄信啊3F 02/12 11:07
※ 編輯: bwebwe 來自: (02/12 11:12)推 :在剛剛不專業測試與判斷後我在想,註冊的意思好像就是把4F 02/12 11:20
→ :你的email登入在他們的郵寄清單,可能只會回覆清單上面的
→ :email,如果大家不註冊直接寄會塞爆而且會亂啊XDD
推 :http://i.imgur.com/CZg3k.jpg 然後zip code格式我不確定
→ :你的email登入在他們的郵寄清單,可能只會回覆清單上面的
→ :email,如果大家不註冊直接寄會塞爆而且會亂啊XDD
推 :http://i.imgur.com/CZg3k.jpg 然後zip code格式我不確定
→ :所以我填寫 Taichung,Taiwan 402** 這樣 註冊有成功8F 02/12 11:29
→ :我是用Gmail信箱申請,送出後馬上就收到回信了 以上謝謝.
→ :我是用Gmail信箱申請,送出後馬上就收到回信了 以上謝謝.
推 :我ZIP CODE直接填數字XD,過了10F 02/12 11:34
推 : Cell Phone Number 是要怎樣輸入阿?11F 02/12 11:47
推 :那格沒打星號所以我省略了,殺大可以填填看XDDD12F 02/12 11:51
推 : 手機格式不符合阿XD 怎寫都失敗13F 02/12 11:55
推 :空著吧~~~殺大別糾結了XD 填手機好像只是方便收到消息14F 02/12 11:56
推 : 我幻想著手機響起時 (泣)15F 02/12 11:56
→ :殺大 你真是異想天開阿 XDDDD 還滿簡單註冊的16F 02/12 11:58
推 : 人因夢想而偉大!17F 02/12 11:59
推 : 人因亂想而糗大! (快逃~~18F 02/12 12:01
推 :一人抽一個回答嗎? 怎麼覺得應該是九個都是帕妮回答XDD19F 02/12 12:13
推 :寫好之後交給兩個海歸派翻譯(無誤20F 02/12 13:14
推 :寄出去了!!!! 希望帕尼可以回答我>/////////<21F 02/12 14:41
推 :問題一定要用英文或韓文寫嗎?.....(破英文者煩惱中)22F 02/12 14:49
推 :因為是美國站收的信,所以用英文好像比較好~23F 02/12 14:57
→ :我用FB帳號登入了耶~
※ 編輯: bwebwe 來自: (02/12 15:18)→ :我用FB帳號登入了耶~
推 :註冊好了,要用英文寫啊@@ 英文不是很好(遮臉)25F 02/12 15:27
推 : 身為殺士比亞 來寫個英文情詩寄過看看...26F 02/12 15:28
推 :有需要英文的可以寄信來~ (誤27F 02/12 15:40
※ 看板: SNSD 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 219
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