※ 本文為 LineageIII.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-25 18:06:23
看板 NBA
作者 標題 Re: [情報] Westbrook回應賽後裝扮:因為我懂搭配了
時間 Fri May 25 17:17:13 2012
Dwyane Wade
Dwyane Wade Postgame Miami Heat v. Indiana Pacers Game 1 5-13-12 - YouTube Dwyane Wade after the Heat's 95-86 win in game 1. twitter @dannywqam Check out WQAM's NBA show "Inside the Paint" this Monday (9pm-11pm) and Tuesday followin...

Dwyane Wade Postgame Interview vs. Pacers || NBA Playoffs 2012 Game 2 || 5.15.12 - YouTube Dwyane Wade talks about needing to make plays down the stretch and how the heat missed bosh in game 2.

Dwyane Wade postgame interview Heat at Pacers Game 4 HD - YouTube Dwyane Wade postgame interview Miami Heat at Indiana Pacers Game 4 Easter Conference Semi Finals 5/20/12

Dwyane Wade Postgame Interview vs. Pacers || NBA Playoffs 2012 Game 5 || 5.22.12 - YouTube Dwyane Wade Postgame Interview vs. Pacers || NBA Playoffs 2012 Game 5 || 5.22.12

Dwyane Wade Says People Can't Carry Off His Pink Pants
Dwyane Wade Says People Can't Carry Off His Pink Pants! [HD] - YouTube Dwayne Wade & Lebron James have a laugh about Wade's pink pants after clinching the series vs Pacers

LeBron James
LeBron James Postgame Miami Heat v. Indiana Pacers Game 1 5-13-12 - YouTube LeBron James after the Heat's 95-86 win in game 1. twitter @dannywqam Check out WQAM's NBA show "Inside the Paint" this Monday (9pm-11pm) and Tuesday followi...

LeBron James Postgame Interview vs. Pacers || NBA Playoffs 2012 Game 3 || 5.17.12 - YouTube LeBron James talks about what went wrong in Game 3 and the areas they need to fix.

LeBron James Postgame Interview vs. Pacers || NBA Playoffs 2012 Game 4 || 5.20.12 - YouTube LeBron James talks with the media after the Heat win Game 4 over the pacers.

Wade的打扮都是成熟穩重又紳士 他選的眼鏡明顯適合自己臉型
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◆ From:
→ :一個很穩重的跟教練咆哮 一個有很鮮豔的走步1F 05/25 17:23
→ :說錯 腳步
→ :說錯 腳步
推 :只會跳針的酸酸 可憐3F 05/25 17:26
推 :WADE的衣服看起來都好貴= =4F 05/25 17:28
推 :Wade每天的樣式都截然不同...而且第4套穿了真的很帥~5F 05/25 17:58
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