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※ 本文為 GeniusKiKi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-04 07:23:12
看板 PokemonGO
作者 EMKCUF (在墳上跳舞的天使)
標題 [閒聊] 把喜歡的寶可夢繡出來吧
時間 Fri Sep  3 02:16:56 2021






























※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XCHKQZs (PokemonGO)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1630606618.A.8F6.html
popopal: 利害了1F 09/03 02:18
a89512ro: 好好看!2F 09/03 02:39
fish1919: 很可愛3F 09/03 02:47
jevix: 推才華4F 09/03 02:58
Two4: 神奇寶貝給推~5F 09/03 03:03
chienlihui: 厲害給推6F 09/03 03:26
t8756321: 可愛<37F 09/03 04:07
wordwin: 厲害!!8F 09/03 04:10
orange6764: 可愛9F 09/03 04:26
lien: 可愛10F 09/03 04:48
lucky1lk: 看了解析度高的 看這個有點不習慣@.@11F 09/03 05:36
jasonfu66: 有才給推12F 09/03 05:47
jayak472001: 手作推!13F 09/03 06:14
MicroIce: 厲害14F 09/03 06:34
shadowofpure: 私心推神獸洛奇亞>///<15F 09/03 06:46
bmw3633: 這不就是前年的8bit活動嗎,真是懷念16F 09/03 07:01
AppleApe: 可愛!17F 09/03 07:03
oliviasparks: 超強!18F 09/03 07:15
chrisboy: 好厲害!推推推!19F 09/03 07:16
gilonglee: 好厲害喔20F 09/03 07:22
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/1m55Hn6 請問洛奇亞是這隻嗎?21F 09/03 07:32
Get the full sized version at&nbsp;Birdie Stitching&nbsp;and download our other patterns - a… | Pokemon cross stitch patterns, Pokemon cross stitch, Pokemon pattern Dec 24, 2016 - DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creat ...

KeMBaWallKer: 好漂亮!可以轉到寶可夢本版22F 09/03 07:45
EMKCUF: 原來有本板,開電腦時我再轉看看,手機不能轉23F 09/03 07:51
shadowofpure: 沒錯是這隻!24F 09/03 07:53
me1117: 喔喔喔喔喔喔好好看啊啊!!!原po真厲害!25F 09/03 08:01
※ EMKCUF:轉錄至看板 PokeMon 09/03 08:13
※ EMKCUF:轉錄至看板 HandMade 09/03 08:14
aquariuschi: 推26F 09/03 08:19
ekalashi: 希望有巴大蝶27F 09/03 08:30
fuqi: 好看!28F 09/03 08:33
jackhjj: 火爆獸的看起來怎麼這麼像遺照  哈哈29F 09/03 08:45
mimchu: 猛30F 09/03 08:48
EMKCUF: 原來他叫火爆獸,裱框回來四個角有保護套所以很像遺照XD31F 09/03 08:53
jewish123: 好看><32F 09/03 08:53
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/4QOYwi6  請問巴大蝶是這隻嗎33F 09/03 08:56
12 - Butterfree by Makibird-Stitching on deviantART | Pokemon cross stitch patterns, Pokemon pattern, Pokemon cross stitch Oct 30, 2013 - See journal. We have moved! To download the full sized pattern visit Birdie Stitching 12 - Butterfree ...

Eva44: 是34F 09/03 09:00
Ptt911: 推35F 09/03 09:01
AAaaron: 很厲害,不過你遇到的怎麼都喜歡火球鼠系列36F 09/03 09:04
wu0h9685921: 好厲害XD37F 09/03 09:05
ct13579: 高手38F 09/03 09:11
wwhd: 請問可以做卡比獸或快龍嗎?39F 09/03 09:23
kaihuang0306: 太厲害了吧!40F 09/03 09:24
a100820: 好厲害!41F 09/03 09:46
chocopoodle: 哇 RO主教也好可愛42F 09/03 09:48
NiyaSakura: 好猛喔43F 09/03 10:02
ayumi0128: 哇哇哇好厲害呀!44F 09/03 10:04
tonyhuangtw: 太強了!45F 09/03 10:07
Abbaschian: 厲害推! 真的跟以前8bit很像46F 09/03 10:18
ichool: 好可愛47F 09/03 10:23
horace0323: 猛猛猛猛猛48F 09/03 10:42
j022015: 太扯了 神手哇哇哇49F 09/03 10:42
sorrylove510: 推推50F 09/03 10:50
oh0154387: 怎麼拿~ㄇ猛51F 09/03 10:52
pp129: 太可愛了~從ro版的繡就開始追了52F 09/03 11:03
aqthk: 很厲害 很可愛 好懷舊啊53F 09/03 11:37
bluehermit: 推推54F 09/03 11:40
kamihio: 厲害55F 09/03 11:55
EMKCUF: 請問快龍是哪一隻?我沒抓過可能要看圖才能去找稿子56F 09/03 12:02
fcds: 很讚耶 好奇做一個要多久57F 09/03 12:07
wdg1e56: 快龍長這樣60F 09/03 12:30
wdg1e56: https://i.imgur.com/OghHtq3.jpg
fredbrown: 好讚喔!62F 09/03 12:33
adamas0422: 太強了!63F 09/03 12:40
ThunderLord: 推~可愛64F 09/03 12:59
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/7E5Akft  快龍65F 09/03 13:07
Makibird-Stitching's DeviantArt Gallery | Pokemon cross stitch patterns, Pokemon cross stitch, Cross stitching Feb 20, 2015 - DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creat ...

crows: 太勾錐了66F 09/03 13:10
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/5JD9TnV  卡比獸67F 09/03 13:21
EMKCUF: 刺繡時間要看圖的大小,火爆獸那隻我繡了三天
143 - Snorlax | Pokemon cross stitch patterns, Pokemon cross stitch, Cross stitch patterns May 4, 2016 - DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creati ...

bendu: 好棒!69F 09/03 13:41
wtkao780302: 推70F 09/03 14:28
gerkk: 可以跟你買幾幅燭光靈嗎?小孩超愛71F 09/03 14:35
gerkk: http://i.imgur.com/pCJBOQs.jpg
Rplus: 快龍: https://i.imgur.com/WIa09xy.png73F 09/03 14:40
trtc: 我對最後面那個精靈球的作品比較有興趣耶74F 09/03 14:59
TOSgamer: 真的是“繡”出來欸 猛75F 09/03 15:27
mon123: 好可愛!76F 09/03 15:43
ejirmpcj118: 推阿,好厲害77F 09/03 16:00
pichu921: 可愛精緻推78F 09/03 16:27
whitywhitytw: 好厲害唷79F 09/03 16:34
BarBow: 很棒的作品,大推!80F 09/03 17:07
arno6248: 推 好強81F 09/03 17:09
donation12: 強,ro跟寶可夢都會繡82F 09/03 17:13
yapdasccryay: 喜翻!83F 09/03 18:02
borrychen: 好厲害84F 09/03 18:26
borrychen: 可以做 利歐路 或是 路卡利歐嗎!
DammyYo: 厲害86F 09/03 18:40
ysr: 好厲害!87F 09/03 19:57
raiyu: 想到前幾年愚人節的8bit88F 09/03 19:57
h7853837: 超厲害的89F 09/03 20:02
icefires5day: 厲害 iv100% 讚90F 09/03 20:11
Kin3Flash: 真的超厲害!91F 09/03 20:11
f204137: 太強大了92F 09/03 20:24
LoserLee: 火爆獸帥93F 09/03 20:29
yyek110575: 手很漂亮 誒不是 我是說作品94F 09/03 20:53
shoutasuki: 火爆獸那幅超帥!95F 09/03 21:12
wasula: 強96F 09/03 21:14
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/31mvB6W  燭光靈97F 09/03 21:43
607 - Litwick by Makibird-Stitching on DeviantArt | Pokemon cross stitch patterns, Pokemon cross stitch, Pokemon pattern Apr 29, 2014 - See journal for terms of use. I couldn't get a colour match for this so for the first time ever I tried doing some manual matches. Plea ...

ikea21: 火球鼠→火球球鼠→火球球球鼠98F 09/03 22:54
is: 強欸 會折氣球的也很厲害99F 09/03 23:02
puputa: 可愛又精美100F 09/03 23:05
EnJay0108: 8bit懷舊101F 09/04 00:26
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/54x63lH  利歐路只找到這種版本的102F 09/04 00:44
EMKCUF: https://pin.it/4dWHxkq  路卡利歐
447 Riolu by cdbvulpix on deviantART | Pokemon cross stitch, Pixel art pokemon, Pokemon pattern Feb 17, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by 綺紗 綾. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest ...

Pokémon – Lucario 40-50 x 60-70, Birdie's Patterns, Gaming, I - L, Lucario… | Pokemon cross stitch patterns, Pokemon cross stitch, Cross stitching Feb 11, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by 綺紗 綾. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest ...

promise2003: 好可愛!!104F 09/04 01:05
ss44773991: 可i105F 09/04 01:59
reenwit: 好猛106F 09/04 04:13
coffeeman: 你好強啊,請收下我的膝蓋!而且這個繡風,和前幾年N107F 09/04 05:00
coffeeman: 社的8bit活動所呈現的效果簡直一樣啊,實在太酷了!
huangmouse: 好可愛!109F 09/04 05:09
AtDe: 也太有才110F 09/04 06:59
Lioli: 厲害111F 09/04 07:18

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