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※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-09 23:02:13
看板 Android
作者 shiaobau (木人)
標題 Re: [情報] 百億次下載達成─百款App各只要台幣三塊
時間 Thu Dec  8 20:16:57 2011


1. ADWLaucher EX
ADWLauncher EX - Android Market ADWLauncher EX, beyond tweaking your android desktop Check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD5WD-HDagM

Highly Customizable Home replacement application

¿What's a home...

2. Blue Skies Donation Wallpaper
Blue Skies Donation Wallpaper - Android Market Blue Skies Live Wallpaper: Soar through the clouds on your home screen! Soar through the clouds with this beautiful 3D live wallpaper!  Colorful balloons drift through...

Talking Tom Cat 2 - Android Market Tom is back with an all new adventure! PLEASE NOTE: When running the app for the first time you will be required to download additional 5-40 MB to get the best graphic...

4.Kids Learn to Read
Kids Learn to Read (Preschool) - Android Market The long awaited sequel to our best-selling KIDS ABC PHONICS. (This app is now optimized for both phones and tablets.)

Special Announcement: As you've probably heard,...

1.Homerun Battle 3D
Homerun Battle 3D - Android Market Go ONLINE for head-to-head match up against the BASEBALL SLUGGERS in the world! *** Over 6 MILLION players in more than 2 BILLION match-up games!
*** The Best of the ...

2.Space Physics
Space Physics - Android Market Amazing physics game. In this magical world, your hand drawings come to life! Space Physics is a puzzle game with amazing physics. In this magical world, your hand dra...

3.Can Knockdown 2
Can Knockdown 2 - Android Market Knock this Can again! Can you? Millions of players can't be wrong! The most addicting title of 2010 strikes back with new astonishing levels and even more precise snip...

4.Reckless Getaway
Reckless Getaway - Android Market Escape with your hard-earned loot and the cops hot at your heels! Who’d a thought robbing the bank would be the easy part?
Now comes the real challenge - to escape wit...

5.Toki Tori
Toki Tori - Android Market Toki Tori is a brainteasing puzzle platformer starring the worlds cutest chicken Toki Tori is finally available on Android!

Toki Tori is a mind-bending, brain-teasing...

TETRIS ® - Android Market OPTIMIZED FOR ANDROID™  -- Enjoy hours of fun in Marathon or Magic mode! Discover why hundreds of millions of players around the world have made the TETRIS game one of ...


另外 提醒一下 昨天的特價現在還沒回復原價
晚點大概就會了 要買的人要趕快啊

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: shiaobau        來自:      (12/08 20:18)
kai3368:感謝分享1F 12/08 20:21
Ray1985:水喔 有ADW EX , 雖然我花US15買了SPB Shell 3D2F 12/08 20:30
wiabc:有一個是tetirs3F 12/08 20:32
DevilMayCry4:Blue Skies挺漂亮的4F 12/08 20:33
abcliou:ADW買過了QQ5F 12/08 20:45
Tenka:三個買過了...6F 12/08 20:50
new1025:阿 一個買過了 XD7F 12/08 21:02
wantzzz:有人知道adw怎麼改成官方繁中嗎8F 12/08 21:03
jamesporter:不要兒童軟體阿!!!!10F 12/08 21:14
aiko101:http://tinyurl.com/7pomus8 兒童的...11F 12/08 21:19
Kids Learn to Read (Preschool) - Android Market The long awaited sequel to our best-selling KIDS ABC PHONICS. (This app is now optimized for both phones and tablets.)

Special Announcement: As you've probably heard,...
Ray1985:12/08總共上網刷了20筆  結果被信用卡公司暫時關閉了...12F 12/08 21:19
LIONDODO:讚喔,有3D跟ADW EX13F 12/08 21:20
new1025:推blue skies和認真的原PO XD14F 12/08 21:22
jamesporter:推認真原PO15F 12/08 21:25
LIONDODO:Tetris如果跟iOS一樣的話,不要買比較好…雖然才3元16F 12/08 21:31
littletu:ADW EX 喔耶~~~18F 12/08 21:33
pinsaun:嗚嗚好想買 既沒信用卡 板上提供的翻牆方法也都無效qq19F 12/08 21:37
Kamiyu:樓上有參考我那一篇嗎?y20F 12/08 21:38
※ 編輯: shiaobau        來自:      (12/08 21:41)
wantzzz:請問一下有人知道ADW怎麼改成官方的繁中嗎??21F 12/08 21:42
pinsaun:目前手邊沒電腦 網頁板購買要明天有電腦才能試了~_~22F 12/08 21:46
shiaobau:明天就只剩這篇打的這些能買嘍 昨天的就來不及買了...23F 12/08 21:48
Toge:全都用不到囧24F 12/08 21:52
wantzzz:除了第一天.好像每天都有一個最值得買的應用程式和一個25F 12/08 21:59
immortalqq:ADW EX超棒的27F 12/08 22:01
ban5064:ADW試用一下 很贊!!28F 12/08 22:15
jamesporter:ADW怎麼改中文啊!!!!29F 12/08 22:21
wantzzz:同問啊! 從adw官網抓下來的兩個中文化檔案不知道要放哪30F 12/08 22:23
Kamiyu:信用卡公司打電話來確認XD 我跟她說現在google正在特價31F 12/08 22:27
Tenka:沒有中文 買半年了 從來就沒有過33F 12/08 22:27
wantzzz:設定裡面的adw in your language不是嗎?34F 12/08 22:29
Tenka:那是徵求翻譯...35F 12/08 22:31
naiyaco:沒信用卡的可以申請儲戶visa阿 一樣可以刷喔!36F 12/08 22:38
lovelove55:我當初也曾經跟w大一樣被騙..連去網頁才恍然大悟..XDD37F 12/08 22:39
Ray1985:ADW是不是最多只有5頁啊???38F 12/08 22:40
immortalqq:adw最多應該是7頁39F 12/08 22:47
baoo:ADW EX 讚,直接衝了  另外兒童的好啊,買來給小孩玩XD40F 12/08 23:11
littletu:用剛下好的ADW EX試了一下 最多可以到9頁42F 12/08 23:14
jumbotest:google的到中文版 正式管道我也不知道怎麼弄成中文43F 12/08 23:16
aiko101:買著放著 等有中文再裝=__=44F 12/08 23:19
trbwcj:請問Tetris付費跟free版有什麼差嗎  只差廣告嗎45F 12/08 23:45
sdyy:成功購買後 手機下一半斷掉 就一直無法安裝...46F 12/08 23:53
killer2k:都先買了 以後再用.....XD47F 12/08 23:57
Tenka:付費版有兩種模式48F 12/09 00:02
pol61x438:ADW EX必買 推一個!!!49F 12/09 00:04
dichotomyptt:ADW 我買很久了說 囧50F 12/09 00:05
pol61x438:雖然很多都是用迷版的  這次還是要付費支持一下 XD51F 12/09 00:07
wantzzz:明天該不會推出Launcher Pro  哈哈!52F 12/09 00:59
ckw:Launcher Pro要是有特價一定買 XD53F 12/09 01:02
freetempo:Blue Skies很漂亮 但是似乎有點吃RAM IS跑有時稍lag XD54F 12/09 01:14
cmliu:衝了!!55F 12/09 01:29
Toge:兒童軟體臭了嗎  打進親子市場啊XDDDD56F 12/09 01:33
ChangHash:我覺得兒童軟體不錯啊 不過小螢幕少給小朋友玩比較好57F 12/09 01:35
ChangHash:這次的特價活動 我想不少人都想說先買著放著 以後再用XD
dennisiver:Reckless Getaway意外的覺得好玩XD  大家可以試試看60F 12/09 01:59
benboy:adw有中文語系啊~~去網頁下載就有了61F 12/09 09:51
jumbotest:那個網頁我有看過 還是不會 徵求教學~62F 12/09 09:52
tc11:adw如何中文化詳細希望 <(_ _)> 感謝感謝63F 12/09 11:27
yanni999:每天都有跟到!! 讚啦!!64F 12/09 13:51
ban5064:中文只有免費版有 EX沒有65F 12/09 14:30
wantzzz:我買Blue Skies 覺得太lag 成功退款後 竟然還留在手機中@@66F 12/09 14:45
Kamiyu:然後就繼續lag @@67F 12/09 16:16

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