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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Bronny戰報:兵敗鹽湖城 生涯新高
時間 Fri Feb 14 12:48:24 2025
Bronny James shows promise late in Lakers' loss to Jazz
Bronny James shows promise late in Lakers' loss to Jazz | Yardbarker
James, who has spent most of his time developing with the South Bay Lakers in the G League, delivered his most productive NBA outing to date on Wednes ...
The Los Angeles Lakers saw their six-game winning streak come to an unexpected h
alt on Wednesday night, falling 131-119 to the struggling Utah Jazz.
洛杉磯湖人的六連勝在週三晚間意外結束,以 119-131 不敵近況低迷的 Utah Jazz。
While much of the focus was on Luka Doncic’s second game in the Purple and Gold
— where he posted 16 points, four rebounds and four assists — another storyli
ne quietly emerged in the form of rookie guard Bronny James.
雖然外界關注的焦點多半集中在 Luka Doncic 身上——這是他身披紫金戰袍的第二場比賽
,他拿下 16 分、4 籃板和 4 助攻——但一個較低調的故事線也悄然浮現,那就是新秀後
衛 Bronny James 的表現。
,他拿下 16 分、4 籃板和 4 助攻——但一個較低調的故事線也悄然浮現,那就是新秀後
衛 Bronny James 的表現。
James, who has spent most of his time developing with the South Bay Lakers in th
e G League, made a rare appearance late in the game and delivered his most produ
ctive NBA outing to date.
大部分時間都在 G 聯盟的 South Bay Lakers 磨練的 James,此役在比賽末段獲得難得的
上場機會,並打出了迄今為止他在 NBA 最具成效的一場比賽。
In just eight minutes of play, the 20-year-old scored nine points on 3-of-4 shoo
ting, including two three-pointers. He also added a free throw and an assist, sh
owing off his developing skill set and ability to contribute efficiently.
在短短 8 分鐘的上場時間內,這位 20 歲的球員 4 投 3 中,攻下 9 分,其中包括 2 記
三分球,外加 1 次罰球和 1 次助攻,展現出他正在發展中的技術和高效的貢獻能力。
Operating as the primary ball-handler in his brief stint, James impressed with a
smooth floater in the lane, a corner three and a well-executed stepback jumper
from beyond the arc as the clock ticked under 20 seconds. It was a promising dis
play of his offensive potential, especially in a game that slipped away from the
Lakers in the second half.
在這短暫的上場時間內,James 擔任主要控球手,並展現出色的進攻手感。他在禁區內完成
了一記流暢的拋投,接著在底角投進三分,最後更在比賽剩下不到 20 秒時,命中一次漂亮
是一大亮點。 While James’ performance won’t be the headline of the night, i
了一記流暢的拋投,接著在底角投進三分,最後更在比賽剩下不到 20 秒時,命中一次漂亮
是一大亮點。 While James’ performance won’t be the headline of the night, i
t marked a career-high scoring performance at the NBA level. It also extended hi
s streak to four consecutive games with points, a small but notable achievement
for a rookie who has faced his fair share of scrutiny. However, his most signifi
cant development has been taking place in the G League, where he has been consis
tently improving.
James 這場比賽的表現或許不會成為當晚的頭條新聞,但他創下了個人在 NBA 的單場得分
是個小成就,但仍值得肯定。不過,他最重要的成長仍是在 G 聯盟,並且持續進步中。
是個小成就,但仍值得肯定。不過,他最重要的成長仍是在 G 聯盟,並且持續進步中。
After a shaky start in the G League Tip-Off Tournament, the 6-foot-3 guard has f
ound his rhythm in the regular season with South Bay. He is averaging 22.6 point
s, 5.4 rebounds, 4.4 assists and 2.2 steals while shooting 39 percent from three
-point range. His scoring places him among the G League’s top 10, and his steal
s per game rank in the top five.
在 G 聯盟揭幕戰表現不穩後,這位 6 呎 3 吋的後衛在 South Bay Lakers 的例行賽找到
了節奏。他目前場均 22.6 分、5.4 籃板、4.4 助攻與 2.2 抄截,三分命中率達 39%。他
的得分排在 G 聯盟前 10,抄截則位居前 5。
了節奏。他目前場均 22.6 分、5.4 籃板、4.4 助攻與 2.2 抄截,三分命中率達 39%。他
的得分排在 G 聯盟前 10,抄截則位居前 5。
James’ impact has been particularly felt on the defensive end, and he had a sta
ndout performance on Jan. 24 when he scored a career-high 31 points in a win ove
r the Rip City Remix. He also recorded three steals that night and has accumulat
ed 11 steals over five regular-season games.
James 對比賽的影響力尤其體現在防守端,並在 1 月 24 日對上 Rip City Remix 的比賽
中大放異彩,單場轟下生涯新高的 31 分,外加 3 次抄截。過去 5 場例行賽,他總共完成
11 次抄截,展現強悍的防守能力。
中大放異彩,單場轟下生涯新高的 31 分,外加 3 次抄截。過去 5 場例行賽,他總共完成
11 次抄截,展現強悍的防守能力。
Skepticism surrounded James when he was selected in the second round of the 2024
NBA Draft, but his steady improvement suggests he is trending in the right dire
ction. As the season progresses, so does his development — both in the G League
and, occasionally, under the bright lights of the NBA.
當 James 在 2024 年 NBA 選秀次輪被選中時,外界對他的未來存有質疑,但他的穩定進步
顯示,他正朝著正確的方向發展。隨著賽季推進,他不僅在 G 聯盟持續精進,偶爾在 NBA
顯示,他正朝著正確的方向發展。隨著賽季推進,他不僅在 G 聯盟持續精進,偶爾在 NBA
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-02-14 12:48:24
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dhiiQJB (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739508506.A.4CB.html
推 : 朗文1F 02/14 12:49
推 : 復活了2F 02/14 12:49
推 : 煎粉3F 02/14 12:49
→ : 想你了774F 02/14 12:50
推 : 朗尼孤臣無力可回天5F 02/14 12:50
推 : 積了七天的量你各位有福了6F 02/14 12:50
推 : 驚!主編回來上班了7F 02/14 12:50
推 : 終於來了8F 02/14 12:50
→ : 有料9F 02/14 12:50
噓 : ID正確10F 02/14 12:50
推 : 滿血復活?11F 02/14 12:50
→ : 77強勢回歸啦!!12F 02/14 12:50
推 : 主編!13F 02/14 12:50
推 : 湖人趕快頂薪續約14F 02/14 12:50
推 : 77傷癒復出15F 02/14 12:50
噓 : 笑死,出來了要好好做人喔16F 02/14 12:51
推 : 賀出桶17F 02/14 12:51
噓 : 欠錢不還18F 02/14 12:51
推 : 每天就等你關注幫你煎19F 02/14 12:51
→ : 77也變成湖人的形狀ㄌ20F 02/14 12:52
→ : 出來了!21F 02/14 12:52
推 : 之前跑哪去了兄弟22F 02/14 12:52
→ : 想你了 牢723F 02/14 12:53
推 : 跟老爹一樣 破紀錄輸球夜24F 02/14 12:53
推 : 都同隊了25F 02/14 12:54
→ : 77 想你了26F 02/14 12:54
噓 : 幫姐夫噓27F 02/14 12:54
推 : 朗尼戰報復活!28F 02/14 12:55
→ : 朗文大師!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!29F 02/14 12:56
推 : 想你惹77:( 拜托讓我每天看到你30F 02/14 12:56
噓 : 幫幫你煎噓31F 02/14 12:57
噓 : ID正確噓32F 02/14 12:57
噓 : 粉絲你好33F 02/14 12:58
噓 : 再幫布朗尼噓34F 02/14 12:58
推 : 朗文大師回歸35F 02/14 12:58
推 : 朗文回來了36F 02/14 12:58
→ : 真愛粉變隊友 真棒lol37F 02/14 12:58
推 : 優文38F 02/14 12:58
推 : 笑死,還要裝沒事的出桶,很怕大家忘記你39F 02/14 12:59
噓 : 慢一天還發個鳥41F 02/14 13:00
推 : 朗文大師回來了42F 02/14 13:00
推 : 77認真帶皇子 未來是你們的43F 02/14 13:01
推 : 77回來了,普天同慶!44F 02/14 13:01
推 : 堪比PG45F 02/14 13:03
→ : 朗文大師 有你真好46F 02/14 13:04
推 : 統治47F 02/14 13:04
→ : 王者回歸48F 02/14 13:04
推 : 定位:敗處49F 02/14 13:05
→ : 朗文大師強勢回歸50F 02/14 13:05
推 : 熟悉的朗文回來了51F 02/14 13:05
噓 : who?52F 02/14 13:05
→ : 復活了 朗文大師53F 02/14 13:07
噓 : 噓慢了一天 還當什麼粉絲54F 02/14 13:08
推 : 7兄終於回來了55F 02/14 13:10
推 : 正牌的朗文記者回來 代班的可以休息了56F 02/14 13:11
推 : 77真的照顧太子57F 02/14 13:11
推 : 8分鐘拿9分 打滿48分鐘不得拿54分58F 02/14 13:14
推 : 推啊 恭喜回歸59F 02/14 13:15
推 : 77回來了!60F 02/14 13:15
推 : 761F 02/14 13:17
→ : 傷wwww愈wwww歸wwww來wwwww62F 02/14 13:17
噓 : 湖迷朗文大師好久不見63F 02/14 13:21
推 : 朗文大師回歸64F 02/14 13:21
噓 : 比賽過多久了現在才發 去看醫生喔65F 02/14 13:23
推 : 布朗尼末節狂砍獨拿9分,無奈獨木難支,無法扳回軟66F 02/14 13:24
→ : 爛老爸的攤手敗分
→ : 爛老爸的攤手敗分
噓 : 朗文大師回歸68F 02/14 13:31
推 : id正確69F 02/14 13:31
→ : 復活囉70F 02/14 13:32
噓 : 朗文大師71F 02/14 13:32
推 : 幫你煎!72F 02/14 13:34
噓 : 想你了 湖卡73F 02/14 13:35
噓 : 下去好嗎74F 02/14 13:36
→ : 你真的很愛詹家父子耶...75F 02/14 13:37
推 : 笑死 恭喜回歸76F 02/14 13:41
噓 : 假7777F 02/14 13:43
噓 : 紅的喜氣 歡迎回歸78F 02/14 13:44
推 : 邦妮煎79F 02/14 13:54
推 : 滿血回歸80F 02/14 13:57
推 : ID正確81F 02/14 14:04
→ : mvp82F 02/14 14:07
→ : 真愛粉 還買幫你煎球卡83F 02/14 14:18
→ : 77!84F 02/14 14:22
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 12
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