作者 LukaDoncic77 (洞77)
標題 [外絮] Metta:Bronny James 會成為全明星
時間 Mon Mar  3 12:56:29 2025

Former NBA Champion Believes Lakers' Bronny James Will Become All-Star



One of the more interesting storylines from the NBA season has been the progress
ion of Los Angeles Lakers rookie guard Bronny James. James has spent most of his
 time in the G League but also has shuffled back and forth with the NBA.

本賽季NBA最有趣的故事之一是洛杉磯湖人隊新秀後衛Bronny James的進步。James大多數時

James has seen his game grow over time after a rough start to the season. Los An
geles views the rookie as a long-term project as he continues to develop fully.


But former Lakers champion Metta Sandiford-Artest offered a very questionable ta
ke on James. Sandiford-Artest posted on social media that he believes James will
 become an All-Star in his career.

然而,前湖人隊冠軍球員Metta Sandiford-Artest對James提出了一個相當有爭議的看法。S


This is quite the claim from the former NBA forward considering that James has r
eally struggled during his time in the league this season. His numbers in the G
League have been pretty good but it hasn't translated to the NBA, at least not y


In the G League, James has averaged 17.6 points, 4.4 rebounds, and 4.5 assists p
er game. The rookie has put up some strong games recently, including almost drop
ping a triple-double in a game.


In his short time getting NBA minutes, James has averaged 1.4 points, 0.4 reboun
ds, and 0.5 assists per game. James normally enters games during garbage time so
 he hardly sees the floor.


The Lakers believe that James can eventually become an impactful player at the N
BA level but not many expect him to become an All-Star level talent. If James we
re to become an All-Star at the NBA level, many critics would be silenced who ca
lled the Lakers out for drafting James in the first place.


All James can do moving forward is block out all the outside noise and continue
to build upon his game. Sandiford-Artest has been a big supporter of James since
 he was drafted but even this claim seems to be a little wild or at least prelim
inary for the rookie.



大家認同湖人學長metta 的說法嗎?


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-03-03 12:56:29
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dnJQ4iz (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740977796.A.B3D.html
blackheart33: 好了啦1F 03/03 12:56
kevin7429: 手腳很快2F 03/03 12:56
Notif520: 手腳很快3F 03/03 12:56
VichanGer: 可憐那4F 03/03 12:56
ken96155339: 等很久齁5F 03/03 12:57
ahsoo: CBA全明星嗎?6F 03/03 12:57
Miyanishi25: 喔是喔真的假的555555555557F 03/03 12:57
ken720331: Zzzzzz8F 03/03 12:57
windfly520: 等很久喔9F 03/03 12:57
timothy911: 時間算真好10F 03/03 12:57
k2215777: 主人咧 管一下811F 03/03 12:57
Jen0525: 可憐哪12F 03/03 12:57
a7385904: 野太快13F 03/03 12:57
a28200266: 阿泰又改名了喔?不是叫世界和平嗎14F 03/03 12:57
ken720331: 盯很久15F 03/03 12:57
GANZ: 暑假跟姆斯包一包換個中鋒16F 03/03 12:57
f77928: 沒梗17F 03/03 12:57
jason911152: 急18F 03/03 12:57
akko76815: 超快   爛泥日報主編19F 03/03 12:57
Dong02: 今天好快20F 03/03 12:57
chan184966: 朗一下21F 03/03 12:57
j900802f: 可悲ID22F 03/03 12:57
kaodio: 慈世平喝了什麼23F 03/03 12:57
jimXiao126: 你很可憐XD24F 03/03 12:57
swps40309: 語畢,哄堂大孝25F 03/03 12:57
Rush0406: 喔26F 03/03 12:57
jamescle23: Meta27F 03/03 12:58
hsuanYue: 雀食28F 03/03 12:58
YellowTiger: zzz29F 03/03 12:58
kem0606: 你也來了30F 03/03 12:58
oceanman0704: O4O31F 03/03 12:58
james1237741: 這速度 看來是很早就確定湖人會贏球32F 03/03 12:58
feathery: 好惹啦33F 03/03 12:58
gemm: 這純蛋只敢在贏球趕快洗34F 03/03 12:58
pf775101: 不要亂捧不朗尼35F 03/03 12:58
sasa789: 可憐36F 03/03 12:58
sean74101: 你不膩嗎37F 03/03 12:58
flicker36: G聯盟的全明星38F 03/03 12:58
benson60913: 可憐39F 03/03 12:58
OneManParade: 幫推40F 03/03 12:58
no321: 你好可憐 湖人都C2了你還在這邊跳= =41F 03/03 12:58
feijai: 77在湖人舒不舒適阿42F 03/03 12:58
lin1209: 真的可憐43F 03/03 12:58
LBJ9527: 馬上來救援了44F 03/03 12:58
ahsoo: 剛沒注意到ID 幫推45F 03/03 12:59
XUPJPVUP: 可悲的人46F 03/03 12:59
lanchenchen: 人生可悲大概就你這樣了47F 03/03 12:59
Larry8212: 朗文大師今天終於準時啦48F 03/03 12:59
lai162: 討噓成全你49F 03/03 12:59
samuelass: 人生就這樣而已 好可憐50F 03/03 13:00
manilo: 最近湖人一直贏,很悶齁51F 03/03 13:00
gangrel: 發展聯盟全明星52F 03/03 13:00
fourfourlook: 準時給推!53F 03/03 13:00
vance1024: 主子今天輸球 朗文出來洗地54F 03/03 13:01
ship1228: 流量比全明星還多55F 03/03 13:01
SKTDoinb: 偏要推一下57F 03/03 13:01
newnoob: 可憐啊58F 03/03 13:02
topyaeh: 可憐 感覺已經要氣到中風了 請保重59F 03/03 13:02
dtrock: 每日任務 1/160F 03/03 13:02
josephpu: 看來阿泰是真的很想當湖人教練61F 03/03 13:02
EXUAN: 閱62F 03/03 13:02
airphone: 辛苦了每次都要等湖人贏球才發63F 03/03 13:02
Sessyoin: 這次很準時,還記得等到湖人贏球才發文,不錯
至於為什麼id被那麼多人記住,你再想想64F 03/03 13:02
dou0228: 不可能啦66F 03/03 13:04
blues386: 期待但不要舒服他67F 03/03 13:04
huikin2002: 尊重啊 7768F 03/03 13:04
MDAISUKE18: 效率必須推69F 03/03 13:05
a22122212: 他的性啥時又改成那樣的70F 03/03 13:05
chink5566: 朗文1/171F 03/03 13:05
sc79129: 造謠7每日轉移焦點(1/1)72F 03/03 13:05
madeathmao: 吹小喇叭73F 03/03 13:05
zero7810: 啥鬼 還在抱腿?74F 03/03 13:06
featherable: 別想不開嘿75F 03/03 13:06
MyKal1001: 噓76F 03/03 13:06
GBF8U572: 笑死 是不是設鬧鐘等湖人贏球啊77F 03/03 13:06
KevinJohnson: 爽78F 03/03 13:07
Cuchulainn: 77挺太子79F 03/03 13:08
fishfish0530: 推朗尼文80F 03/03 13:08
kobegary34: 人設崩塌81F 03/03 13:09
hyc0725zz: 每天刷關鍵字找新聞你也是辛苦了82F 03/03 13:12
samuelass: 好可憐再幫推個83F 03/03 13:12
mayzn: 靠爸靠母的MVP~84F 03/03 13:12
canvas0403: 補血85F 03/03 13:13
spi0303: 這種小丑廢文是要補什麼血 酸血嗎86F 03/03 13:15
Tommy92C: 你真的好勤勞...87F 03/03 13:15
Qorqios: WWWW88F 03/03 13:21
mickpol426: 到底是怎麼每天都辦到的89F 03/03 13:24
kkk900100: 8790F 03/03 13:34
vaughn: 他沒有說是籃球91F 03/03 13:34
Chang0212: 紅的喜氣92F 03/03 13:38
joystation: 不愧是朗文大師93F 03/03 13:39
likeyouuu: 每日
一邊當隊友 一邊黑隊友 真辛苦 lol94F 03/03 13:40
wewaJamesla: 同意
For Caesar96F 03/03 13:45
likeyouuu: 死忠的很挺耶  笑死98F 03/03 13:49
hencewu86: 說這種瞎話難怪被噓爛99F 03/03 13:50
sc79129: 造謠7只能洗文洩憤100F 03/03 13:51
negotiates: 紅的喜氣101F 03/03 13:53
fonder: 贏球一定要來一篇朗文的,舒服102F 03/03 13:54
sustto: 朗報103F 03/03 13:55
siwojune: 這幾天就沒有布朗尼的事 根本就是一直在洗104F 03/03 13:57
spi0303: 一個整天哭 一個整天洗仇恨 沒人要管 ,可悲105F 03/03 14:00
zcxvbb736: 代表知道湖人會贏球很早就在準備了可以106F 03/03 14:12
nkjbond: 全明星的兒子107F 03/03 14:21
Weasley40: 圖片好糊108F 03/03 14:25
jordan0634: 你現在的工作是每天發廢文一篇,又是你這個廢文王109F 03/03 14:25
mjkblbjboth: 雀食110F 03/03 14:27
StaGe6: 全明星的兒子 合理111F 03/03 14:31
R2der: 喜氣ID112F 03/03 14:52
GleybeTorres: 每日一朗文113F 03/03 14:59
by19: 舔起來114F 03/03 15:01
wang760123: 他是用他的手肘看的嗎= =115F 03/03 15:06
bryan7114: 好可悲116F 03/03 15:19
akko76815: 被他老爸的粉絲噓爆了   慘117F 03/03 15:45
fc12170828: 語畢 哄堂大笑118F 03/03 16:00
wainkid: 2119F 03/03 17:08
SKTDoinb: 未來的全明星 加油!120F 03/03 17:11
ReDive: 得嘗所望121F 03/03 17:48
evilraistlin: 笑話明星嗎122F 03/03 17:52
NakedSnake: 可以來台灣參加全明星運動會 沒毛病啊123F 03/03 17:53
njunju: 慈世平又改名了124F 03/03 18:01
fascinated: 笑死人125F 03/03 18:08
mangotree: 窩屁拍馬屁126F 03/03 18:09
ibma46547: 來台灣成為全明星吧127F 03/03 18:16
k12151215: 哈哈128F 03/03 20:03

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