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作者 標題 [外絮] Bryce比Bronny更強嗎?真相是什麼
時間 Thu Jan 23 15:13:05 2025
Is Bryce James better than Bronny? The real truth
Is Bryce James better than Bronny? The real truth - Basketnews.com
Bronny James and Bryce James have always been in the spotlight, with the pressure of their father, LeBron James' legacy, following them. While both ha ...
Bronny James has struggled in the NBA, while Bryce James, still developing, has
yet to show top-tier potential. For now, Bronny remains the better prospect, tho
ugh neither is even close to being the same level of prospect as their father, L
eBron James.
Bronny James在NBA的表現掙扎,而Bryce James仍處於發展階段,尚未展現頂尖潛力。目前
來看,Bronny仍是更好的潛力股,但兩人都遠不及他們的父親LeBron James。
Bronny James and Bryce James have always been in the spotlight, with the pressur
e of their father, LeBron James' legacy, following them.
Bronny James和Bryce James一直處於聚光燈下,他們承受著來自父親LeBron James的傳奇
While both have shown potential, neither has yet reached the level of expectatio
n set by their famous father. Let's look closer at their high school careers and
compare the two James brothers.
How good is Bronny James?
Bronny 有多優秀?
Bronny James (6'2"), the older of the two, made a solid impact at Sierra Canyon,
earning MVP honors in a game against St. Vincent-St. Mary, his father's alma ma
Bronny James(6英尺2英寸),兄弟倆中的哥哥,在Sierra Canyon的表現穩健,曾在對陣
他父親母校St. Vincent-St. Mary的比賽中榮獲MVP。
Bronny James' stats in his senior year of high school at Sierra Canyon (2022-23)
以下是Bronny James在Sierra Canyon高四賽季(2022-23)的數據:
Although his numbers were respectable, they didn't scream NBA talent, and Bronny
was never regarded as a top-tier prospect, at least not by scouts.
His college stats did little to quiet doubts. He averaged just 4.8 points and 2.
1 assists per game, shooting 36.6% from the field, 26% from three, and 68% from
the free-throw line.
These figures are far from impressive, particularly for a player hoping to make
an impact at the NBA level. If Bronny were not LeBron's son, he would most likel
y not even be close to making it to the NBA.
Now, with the Los Angeles Lakers, he has had a challenging start to his professi
onal career.
Bronny's debut NBA season has been a disaster, with limited playing time and inc
onsistent performances.
At 20 years old, he has yet to show the type of potential that would suggest he
is ready to be an NBA player, and his struggles have only intensified the scruti
ny he faces.
Is Bryce James good?
Bryce 表現如何?
Standing at 6'6", Bryce James has the physical tools that suggest he has potenti
al, but his development is still in its early stages. After starting at Sierra C
anyon, Bryce transferred to Notre Dame/Sherman Oaks before returning to Sierra C
Bryce James身高6英尺6英寸,擁有令人矚目的身體條件,展現了一定潛力,但他的發展仍
在早期階段。他曾在Sierra Canyon開始高中生涯,後轉學至Notre Dame/Sherman Oaks,隨
後又回到Sierra Canyon。
在早期階段。他曾在Sierra Canyon開始高中生涯,後轉學至Notre Dame/Sherman Oaks,隨
後又回到Sierra Canyon。
Bryce James' stats in 14 games playing for Strive For Greatness on the Nike EYB
L circuit (summer of 2024):
以下是Bryce James在Nike EYBL聯賽(2024年夏季)代表Strive For Greatness出戰14場比
These numbers don't reflect the type of performance expected from a player looki
ng to become a college prospect, let alone an NBA one.
While Bryce did have a standout performance, scoring 21 points and grabbing 6 re
bounds, his overall play has been inconsistent.
He has not yet shown the consistency or improvement needed to take the next step
in his career.
Bryce's raw potential, especially his height and shooting ability, provides a fo
undation for future development. Still, there's a long way to go before he can b
e considered a serious prospect for the NBA Draft in 2026 when he'll be eligible
Next season, Bronny will be playing for the University of Arizona, having offici
ally committed to them as a three-star high school prospect.
Is Bryce James a better prospect than Bronny?
Bryce James比Bronny更有潛力嗎?
While both James brothers have shown flashes of potential, Bronny is the better
prospect at this point, despite being three inches shorter than Bryce.
Bronny has struggled in the NBA, but his high school performance, where he avera
ged 14.2 points, 5.5 rebounds, and 2.4 assists, still outpaces Bryce's current n
Bronny has the advantage in terms of experience, having already played at a high
er level. Although inconsistent, his overall performance has been stronger than
that of Bryce, who has yet to put up significant numbers at the high school leve
Neither brother has fully lived up to the immense expectations placed on them, B
ronny, with his high school and NBA experience, is the better prospect for now.
While Bryce still has plenty of time to develop after his growth spurt, Bronny c
urrently has the advantage.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-01-23 15:13:05
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1daUm3gl (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1737616387.A.AAF.html
推 : 勇咪急了 趕快發文轉移焦點1F 01/23 15:13
推 : #轉移焦點2F 01/23 15:14
→ : 每日任務(1/1)3F 01/23 15:14
推 : 找多久4F 01/23 15:14
→ : 其他文我不知道 這篇我真的同意5F 01/23 15:14
→ : 布朗尼比他老弟認真多了
→ : 布朗尼比他老弟認真多了
→ : 死忠的7F 01/23 15:14
推 : 幫你煎文章怎麼比囧丸多那麼多 到底誰才是囧丸8F 01/23 15:14
推 : 每日朗尼任務(1/1)11F 01/23 15:16
推 : LukaDoncic77:勇士怎麼又輸了12F 01/23 15:17
推 : 怎麼轉型成朗尼粉了13F 01/23 15:17
推 : 因為快沒有老詹了14F 01/23 15:17
推 : LukaDoncic77:78就這樣 順風挺我逆風撇清關係15F 01/23 15:18
推 : 謝謝你每天發文讓人透透氣16F 01/23 15:18
→ : 好啊 姐夫都這樣造謠破壞感情:(17F 01/23 15:18
推 : 姆斯退休後,可以再生兩個來練練18F 01/23 15:19
推 : 我沒造謠 77在背後說你壞話 唉 我看不下去才說出來19F 01/23 15:20
推 : 78 姐夫沒有造謠20F 01/23 15:20
→ : 的21F 01/23 15:20
→ : 每日任務22F 01/23 15:20
推 : 幫你煎比不來煎強多了23F 01/23 15:20
推 : 老詹:好險我兩個兒子 至少一個...24F 01/23 15:20
推 : 大家都不准關心布朗尼 XDDDD要不要建議禁布朗尼文25F 01/23 15:21
→ : 姐夫只會對妹子說謊26F 01/23 15:21
→ : 等一下,推文是不是上演什麼戲碼27F 01/23 15:21
→ : 時間多28F 01/23 15:21
推 : 這2個當初應該選別的運動的29F 01/23 15:21
噓 : 好30F 01/23 15:21
推 : 想酸靠老詹名字就說嘛,用什麼血統31F 01/23 15:22
推 : 沒 幫你煎再怎樣還是能進NBA 不來煎想打職籃大概只32F 01/23 15:22
→ : ㄘㄟ心了 唉唉唉33F 01/23 15:22
→ : 能來臺灣34F 01/23 15:22
→ : Bryce就一個愛打籃球的小孩,不太懂這樣追殺的意義35F 01/23 15:24
→ : 是什麼(但看一下iD不意外了
→ : 是什麼(但看一下iD不意外了
推 : 家裏不夠窮很難有動力變強37F 01/23 15:24
推 : 皇子就像悟飯碰到強敵才會爆發出真正的實力38F 01/23 15:26
推 : 可是這篇也不是77寫的39F 01/23 15:29
推 : 兩個都不強有什麼比的必要-.-40F 01/23 15:30
→ : 咪咪在廁所打這篇的嗎41F 01/23 15:32
推 : 布朗尼打球比較認真是真的啦43F 01/23 15:34
推 : 都很爛,不知有啥好比,打個職業籃球只剩態度能吹44F 01/23 15:36
噓 : 不要侮辱悟飯跟悟空 謝謝45F 01/23 15:37
→ : 就知道多爛,這還是連超會口的母咪隊唯一能吹的東西46F 01/23 15:38
→ : Bryce看起來就對籃球沒那麼有興趣47F 01/23 15:46
推 : 血統?48F 01/23 15:49
推 : XD49F 01/23 15:49
→ : 78 他們都在小圈圈陰陽你 我快看不下去了
→ : 78 他們都在小圈圈陰陽你 我快看不下去了
→ : 血統早被稀釋光了吧51F 01/23 15:50
噓 : 笑死52F 01/23 15:53
→ : 隨便 反正湖人要了 不就是要炒新聞嗎 炒個過癮阿53F 01/23 15:53
→ : 唉唉唉 你們都在聯合騙我進去54F 01/23 15:53
推 : 真相是都很爛55F 01/23 15:55
推 : 今天實質西1恐怖勇士的風頭完全被姆斯兄弟搶走了56F 01/23 15:55
→ : jordan的兒子在學生籃球打的比他們兩個都好57F 01/23 15:57
推 : 什麼血統 老害退了之後 誰會選他58F 01/23 15:58
推 : 真粉59F 01/23 16:03
推 : 每日一煎60F 01/23 16:03
→ : 真愛粉每日報到 lol 每日打卡讓幫你煎知道有多愛他61F 01/23 16:10
噓 : 幫23噓62F 01/23 16:10
推 : \詹家日報/\詹家日報/\詹家日報/63F 01/23 16:16
→ : 77在面前傳著姆斯球衣跳艷舞 我沒了
→ : 77在面前傳著姆斯球衣跳艷舞 我沒了
推 : 看那些很入戲的推文真的好有趣XD65F 01/23 16:41
推 : 凱文甲有沒有去看IU演唱會電影啊66F 01/23 16:47
推 : Bryce很神秘 都沒數據 只有媒體一直吹67F 01/23 16:57
推 : 還沒研究 忙著看珠珠寶貝跟準備搶資格賽68F 01/23 17:01
推 : 就跟LBJ一起退休不好嗎69F 01/23 17:07
噓 : 恐怖情人真的好恐怖70F 01/23 17:15
推 : 老二有6呎6?!要確誒71F 01/23 17:21
噓 : 不能桶一桶嗎? 這種明顯來鬧板的文章每天都能有一72F 01/23 17:23
→ : 篇...
→ : 篇...
噓 : 每日一洗74F 01/23 17:26
→ : 符合規則怎麼可能會被捅,在意的話無視就好,留言75F 01/23 17:37
→ : 都不用因為每天估計都會有一篇,你當浪費他時間不
→ : 就好了xd
→ : 都不用因為每天估計都會有一篇,你當浪費他時間不
→ : 就好了xd
推 : 滿厲害的 每天都能有一篇78F 01/23 17:49
推 : 二十年朗尼粉你敢嘴?79F 01/23 17:58
推 : 兩個名字遮住上不了NBA的人還能有這麼多篇文章80F 01/23 18:11
推 : bryce最近好像有認真一點?81F 01/23 18:12
推 : 勇士一輸球幫你煎文就會出現82F 01/23 18:16
推 : 勇士輸球來洗地囉83F 01/23 18:24
推 : 勇士輸球後的經典項目84F 01/23 18:42
推 : 想看bryce進湖人85F 01/23 18:44
推 : 讚86F 01/23 18:47
推 : 一個拿血輪眼一個拿白眼87F 01/23 19:05
→ : 看樣子弟弟是拿到白眼了 活動都演過 白眼後來沒有
→ : 跟上大改版更新
→ : 看樣子弟弟是拿到白眼了 活動都演過 白眼後來沒有
→ : 跟上大改版更新
推 : 這咖就乖乖體驗人生就好90F 01/23 19:05
推 : 洗一下流量啊 不然浪費一個位置給幫你煎怎麼回本91F 01/23 19:30
推 : 幫你煎就是個垃圾啊 如果不是天父哪會有人選92F 01/23 19:37
推 : 還蠻可愛的 沒有迷迷在期待他 只怕他燒到山羌 XDD93F 01/23 19:38
→ : 當初還會吹 現在連吹都懶 比較想要次元刀 XDDDD
→ : 當初還會吹 現在連吹都懶 比較想要次元刀 XDDDD
推 : 他尚未展現出穩定性或持續進步,無法邁向職業生涯..95F 01/23 20:24
推 : bryce最近好像有認真一點? okok!
推 : bryce最近好像有認真一點? okok!
推 : 有個好爸爸真的很重要97F 01/23 20:40
推 : 從目前的成績看是完全沒辦法 看接下來兩三年如何吧98F 01/23 20:51
噓 : 高中場均6分不可能有人選啦==有Power 5學校給offer99F 01/23 20:57
→ : 已經吃老爸面子到極限了
→ : 已經吃老爸面子到極限了
→ : 幫你煎簽4年 不來煎簽8年差不多101F 01/23 21:29
→ : 兩個都不是NBA咖 但都可能或已經進NBA102F 01/23 22:22
推 : 布朗尼身高完全沒遺傳103F 01/23 22:23
→ : 明明ID叫077結果每天都在布朗尼@@104F 01/23 22:50
推 : 對Bryce有興趣的可以去看一下車神解說 只能說很神105F 01/23 23:20
→ : 秘
→ : 秘
→ : 弟弟打球比較帥107F 01/23 23:50
推 : 沒辦法 詹家太迷人了 每天關注很正常108F 01/24 00:20
噓 : 都很爛 ㄧ點也不重要109F 01/24 00:54
→ : 成功的京子110F 01/24 03:17
→ : 布朗尼至少還有繼承老爸練球的勤奮111F 01/24 06:20
→ : 雖然兩兄弟都沒繼承老爸的鐵人體質
→ : 雖然兩兄弟都沒繼承老爸的鐵人體質
→ : 生長環境差了,詹皇至少是在逆境求生,兩兄弟根本爽過113F 01/24 06:52
推 : 就基因沒遺傳到 沒什麼辦法 最好轉行 踢足球不錯114F 01/24 07:33
推 : 優文給推115F 01/24 10:43
※ 編輯: LukaDoncic77 ( 臺灣), 01/24/2025 10:45:13--
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