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作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
標題 [外絮] 湖人在休賽季期間需對控球後衛作的補強
時間 Sat Jun 17 08:24:17 2023

原標題:Lakers’ offseason hinges on their decision at point guard. So, what
        can they do?


作者:Jovan Buha


For the fourth consecutive summer, the Lakers are looking for a solution at
point guard.


Since its 2020 championship, when then-35-year-old LeBron James and
then-33-year-old Rajon Rondo excelled as the Lakers’ lead ballhandlers, Los
Angeles has used a revolving door of point guards. James’ advanced age and
mounting injuries, as well as an internal acknowledgment that he should play
off the ball more, have created a need for more supplementary ballhandling,
playmaking and shot creation within Los Angeles’ offense. It’s why the
Lakers have been enamored with the possibility of adding elite scoring guards
like Damian Lillard and Kyrie Irving through the years.

在二零二零年奪得總冠軍的時候,作為主要控球球員、當時三十五歲的LBJ 和三十三歲的
朗多表現得很出色,湖人隊擁有能進行輪替的控球後衛群。然而隨著LBJ 的年齡逐漸增加

They have taken some big swings to fill this hole. The Lakers traded Danny
Green and a 2020 first-round pick for Dennis Schroder before the 2020-21
season. They flipped Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Kyle Kuzma, Montrezl Harrell
and a 2021 first-round pick to Washington in exchange for Russell Westbrook
in a five-team mega-deal in the ensuing summer. They, of course, moved
Westbrook for D’Angelo Russell (among others) in a three-team trade at the
2023 trade deadline, to mixed results. Russell, Schröder (twice) and even
Westbrook had productive moments, but none have provided exactly what the
Lakers have sought since the title run.

他們已經採取了一些大動作來填補這問題。湖人在2020-21 賽季開始前,用丹尼綠和一個
二零二零年的首輪選秀權換來了德軟。在隨後的夏天,他們在五隊大交易中,將 KCP、庫

The Lakers are at a crossroads once again this summer. Russell and Schroder
are unrestricted free agents, opening up the possibility that one or both aren
’t back and the Lakers must again cycle through new options at point guard.
After priority No. 1 (re-signing free agent Austin Reaves) and No. 2
(re-signing restricted free agent Rui Hachimura), the Lakers’ next priority
is addressing their point guard uncertainty.

優先事項(依序重新簽下自由球員Austin Reaves 和受限自由球員八村壘)之後,接下來

With the key spots in their rotation largely settled if they retain Reaves
and Hachimura, the Lakers’ offseason swings on their decision at point
guard. They have various options, from running it back (re-signing Russell
and Schroder) to chasing an expensive upgrade via free agency or trade
(Irving, Fred VanVleet, Trae Young), or splitting the difference (signing the
potentially available Chris Paul in addition to retaining Russell and/or Sch-

在以留住 Reaves 和八村的前提下,基本上解決板凳上的關鍵人員問題後,湖人隊的休賽
季將取決於他們對控球後衛的決定。他們有很多選項,包括重新簽下 D'Lo 和德軟,或在
留住 D'Lo 和德軟的同時,簽下可能進入自由市場的 CP3)。

The Lakers’ needs at point guard will be determined in part by how they fill
out the rest of their roster, but one of the constant requirements has been a
player who can competently run the offense when James is off the floor,
develop strong pick-and-roll chemistry with Anthony Davis, fare well off the
ball as a catch-and-shoot threat and cutter and at least hold his own in the
team’s defensive scheme. Russell, Schroder and Westbrook each checked
several of those boxes, but none checked all of them.

一個不變的要求是,當LBJ 不在場上時,一名球員需要能夠勝任進攻、與AD建立強大的

The most likely path forward is re-signing Russell and Schroder (possibly
with their taxpayer midlevel exception, worth a projected $6.5 million), as
The Athletic previously reported.

按照《運動家》早前的報導,最有可能的作法莫過於重新簽下 D'Lo 和德軟(可能用到納

Russell’s stock has never been lower after a disappointing Western
Conference finals showing against the eventual NBA champion Denver Nuggets.
He was significantly better in the first two rounds but still did not quite
perform well enough to be the third option on a title-contending team — the
level at which the Lakers will be paying him to play if he’s retained.
Russell is certainly a useful player who is good on more nights than not. But
a player making at least $20 million per season shouldn’t be played off the
floor in high-stakes playoff games.

雖然在對陣最終得到NBA 總冠軍丹佛金塊隊的西部決賽中,表現令人失望,D'Lo的價值從

Given Russell’s inconsistent playoff performance and the lack of league-wide
interest in him, the Lakers should have the upper-hand in contract
negotiations. One framework the Lakers have discussed internally, according
to multiple team sources not authorized to speak publicly, is signing Russell
to a front-loaded two-year deal – either with an option in the second year
or a straight two-year contract – that both gives him the salary he wants
and keeps him on the same timeline as James (player option in 2024) and Davis
(has an early termination option in 2024 and is eligible for a contract
extension in August).

鑑於 D'Lo 在季後賽中的不穩定表現,以及全聯盟對他缺乏興趣,湖人隊在合約談判中應
與 D'Lo 簽訂一份為期兩年的先期合同——要不在第二年有一個選擇權,要不直接簽訂兩
年合約——這樣既能給他想要的薪水,又能讓他與 LBJ(二零二四年有球員選擇權)和A

Even though the three-team deadline deal was more about getting rid of
Westbrook than the players acquired, the Lakers don’t want to lose Russell
in free agency for nothing. Their preference is to find a superior player by
either sign-and-trading Russell elsewhere in July or, more likely at this
point, re-signing him and then potentially trading him later in the season
for a better player or fit.

市場上白白失去D'Lo。他們更傾向於通過在七月從簽換交易中,把 D'Lo 交易出去,或者

There may not be many realistic and attractive alternatives to re-signing
Russell. It’s unclear what, if anything, he would net them on the
sign-and-trade front. The theoretical alternatives range from unrealistic
(Irving, VanVleet) to even more unrealistic (Young, Lillard).

除了重新簽下 D'Lo 之外,可能沒有很多現實的、有吸引力的替代方案。目前還不清楚簽

Acquiring Irving or VanVleet would almost certainly require a sign-and-trade,
which would hard cap the Lakers at $169.0 million. The Lakers can create
roughly $30million  to $35 million in cap space, but it would cost them
multiple rotation players, likely including Hachimura. Even then, Irving and
VanVleet may want more than the $35 million the Lakers can offer – Irving’s
maximum contract would start at about $47 million and VanVleet’s max begins
at $40.2 million. Young and Lillard have been discussed internally but appear
nothing more than a pipe dream given the current asking prices for stars on
the trade market.


That leaves Paul as the most realistic potential upgrade at point guard. If
Paul is waived or stretched by the Suns, the Lakers would have a strong
interest in signing him, according to multiple team sources not authorized to
speak publicly.

這使得CP3 成為控球後衛群中,最現實的潛在升級。據多個未獲授權公開發言的球隊消息
人士透露,如果CP3 被太陽隊裁走,湖人隊對於簽下他將有強烈的興趣。

The Athletic reported the Suns were working with Paul through a number of
options for next season, including a trade or a release. He is slated to make
$30.8 million next season, but only $15.8 million of that is guaranteed if he
is waived before June 28.

《運動家》曾報導稱,太陽隊正與CP3 就下賽季探索各種可能性,包括交易或放人。他下

Given that Paul’s next contract would offset the amount he’s guaranteed for
this season, him signing for anything more than the veteran’s minimum doesn’
t really make sense, as it would only hinder his new team. The Lakers could
then sign Paul to a veteran’s minimum contract, retaining access to other
salary-cap exceptions to use on other players to bolster their depth.

鑑於CP3 的下一份合同將抵消他本賽季的受保障薪資,他以超過老將底薪的合約簽約其實
約與CP3 簽約,保留其他薪資上限的特例,以用於其他球員,加強他們的深度。

Paul is coming off a season in which he averaged 13.9 points per game (on a
55.5 true shooting percentage), 4.3 rebounds, 8.9 assists and 1.5 steals. He’
s far from the player he was even a few years ago, but he remains a quality
starter as a plus shooter and passer. His biggest issue, as has been the case
for several years, is durability. He has suffered an injury in three straight
postseasons and six of his nine trips to the playoffs, indicating the Lakers
would likely have to manage his workload throughout the 2023-24 season.

CP3 在賽季結束時,場均累計十三點九分(真實命中率達五成五)、四點三個籃板、八點
不得不在整個2023-24 賽季管理他的工作量。

If the Lakers replace Russell with Paul on a minimum contract, they’d be
able to easily retain Reaves and Hachimura and have the option to use their
non-taxpayer midlevel exception (worth approximately $12.5 million annually)
on Schröder, another player, or both. Another option the Lakers have
discussed is signing Paul and retaining Russell to further solidify their
point guard position, according to those team sources. Paul would be the
favorite to start in that scenario.

如果湖人隊能藉著底薪條款,讓CP3 取代D'Lo,他們將能夠輕鬆地保留 Reaves 和八村,
CP3 並保留D'Lo,以進一步鞏固他們的控球後衛位置。在這種情況下,CP3 將是首發的熱

Head-to-head, Paul vs. Russell was never a conversation until last season,
and Paul still rates out better in virtually every advanced metric. He’s the
better midrange shooter, passer, rebounder and more of a defensive playmaker.
That said, Russell is younger, nearly matched Paul as a midrange shooter this
past season and is the better 3-point shooter both by percentage and volume.
Russell’s 6-foot-10 wingspan also allows him to defend bigger players and
add length to the Lakers’ scheme in a way that the 38-year-old Paul never

在上個賽季之前,CP3 與D'Lo的正面對決從未成為話題,而且CP3 在幾乎所有的高級指標
,D'Lo更年輕,在過去的一個賽季裡,他的中距離投籃能力幾乎和CP3 不相上下,而且在
並為湖人隊的計劃增加長度,而三十歲的CP3 卻永遠不可能做到。

Paul’s ability to command an offense would be appealing to a Lakers team
that has lacked that type of traditional floor general. James, of course, has
always played that role, to an extent, but Paul is one of the few players in
the league he would fully trust to help co-pilot the offense. Signing Paul in
this scenario would also be a minimal one-year investment from the Lakers.

CP3 指揮進攻的能力對於缺乏這種傳統地板將軍的湖人隊來說是很有吸引力的。當然,
LBJ 在某種程度上一直扮演著這樣的角色,但CP3 是聯盟中為數不多、他會完全信任的球
員之一,可以幫助他共同領導進攻。在這種情況下,簽下CP3 也將是湖人隊最基本的一年

There are other reasons for a Paul-Lakers reunion. Paul’s family remains in
Los Angeles. Paul and James have a long, storied friendship. They have
envisioned what it would be like to play together over the years. Paul
famously was traded to the Lakers in 2011 before the deal was nixed by former
commissioner David Stern for “basketball reasons.”

CP3 在湖人隊的重逢還有其他原因。CP3 的家人仍然在洛杉磯。CP3 和LBJ 還有一段長期
年被交易到湖人隊時,在完成已被前專員David Stern 以「籃球考量」為由否決之前,這

If the Lakers sign Paul, let Russell walk and retain Schroder, a Paul-Schroder
backcourt tandem would still allow Paul to play only 24 to 26 minutes per
night in the regular season before ramping up to a larger role in the
playoffs. Paul and Schroder played together in Oklahoma City during the
2019-20 season; Thunder lineups outscored opponents by 15.6 points per 100
possessions in the regular season and 5.3 points per 100 possessions in the
playoffs with the duo on the floor, per NBA.com.

如果湖人簽下 CP3,放走 D'Lo 並留住德軟,CP3 -德軟的後場組合仍然可以讓CP3 在例
行賽中每晚只打二十四到二十六分鐘,然後在季後賽中提升到更大的作用。2019-20 賽季

However, Schroder is quietly one of the top point guard options realistically
available this summer and will command deals that could be upwards of the
non-taxpayer mid-level exception (about $12.5 million starting salary). The
Lakers only have non-Bird rights on him, meaning they’d likely need to use
the midlevel exception to meet his market.


The Lakers have other options. They could re-sign Schröder anyway and
promote him to starting point guard, maintaining wing and big-man depth by
keeping Malik Beasley ($16.5 million team option) and Mo Bamba ($10.3 million
non-guaranteed contract) over Russell. They could technically sign all three
of Russell, Paul and Schröder, with Russell and Schröder sliding up to
shooting guard in smaller bench backcourts. They could also hand ballhandling
keys over to Reaves and add a player in the Caldwell-Pope/Danny Green mold
next to him to form a bigger backcourt, but it’s unclear if they’re willing
to do that yet.

Malik Beasley(一千六百五十萬美元的球團選擇權)和 Mo Bamba(一千零三十萬美元的
非保障合約),維持側翼和大個子的深度。從理論上來講,他們可以把D'Lo、CP3 和德軟
給Reaves,並在他身邊增加一個類似KCP 或丹尼綠的球員,組成一個更大的後場,但現在

Looking at the free-agent market, if the Lakers wanted to use one of their
exceptions, there aren’t many – if any – options that would be a
legitimate upgrade over Schroder, let alone Russell. The Athletic’s John
Hollinger’s free-agency point guard rankings have Russell and Schroder at
No. 3 and No. 6, respectively. Aside from Irving and VanVleet, Miami’s Gabe
Vincent – more of a combo guard than a traditional floor general – is the
only appealing alternative, at least to Schröder.

升級之選擇(如有),更不用說 D'Lo 了。在《運動家》記者 John Hollinger 的自由市
Vincent ——更像是一個雙能衛,而不是一個傳統的場上指揮官——是唯一有吸引力的替

Most realistically, the Lakers will re-sign Russell and Schröder,
maintaining flexibility for next season with the ability to enhance the
roster with a trade during the season. There’s also the growing possibility
that they can make a move at the 2023 draft, flipping their pick (No. 17),
along with Bamba and/or Beasley for a starting-level upgrade.

最現實的是,湖人將重新簽下 D'Lo 和德軟,為下個賽季保持靈活性,並有能力在賽季中
他們的選秀權(第十七號)與 Bamba 和/或 Beasley 一起交易出去,以獲得一個先發級

The Lakers have craved continuity for years and have a chance to finally
establish some semblance of that by running it back with most of their
current group. That begins with the point guard position, which will
determine who fills in the fifth spot around Davis, James, Hachimura and
Reaves in closing lineups.

立起某種程度上的永續性。這要從控球後衛的位置開始,這將決定誰在AD、LBJ 、八村
和 Reaves 之外的第五個位置上擔當先發球員。

Los Angeles has a one-to-two-year championship window with James (38) and
Davis (30). This is perhaps its best shot at addressing arguably the team’s
biggest need and help solve some of the late-game offensive lulls from the
playoffs, most notably in the conference finals.

湖人的 LBJ(三十八歲)和AD(三十歲)有一至兩年的冠軍窗口。這也許是解決球隊最

There are numerous ways the Lakers’ offseason can unfold. But, assuming they
stay true to their intent by retaining Reaves and Hachimura, nothing is more
important for the Lakers than their future at point guard.

湖人隊的休賽季有無數方式可以開展。但是,假設他們忠於自己的計劃、留下 Reaves 和



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※ 作者: laptic 2023-06-17 08:24:17
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aZFqqfC (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1686961460.A.A4C.html
wahaha303   : 好 AD換KI 謝謝指教1F 06/17 08:26
aoka        : 那個MVP控衛2F 06/17 08:27
MK47        : 感覺最後是原班主力再戰一年 XD3F 06/17 08:29
qaz80691    : 有個75大mvp可以考慮一下4F 06/17 08:29
kickvsbrad  : 那個底薪MVP控衛5F 06/17 08:30
aaagang     : 加油6F 06/17 08:31
dog29635841 : 每次都想補pg但球都在老刷子手上 來了只能負責領繩7F 06/17 08:31
roger2623900: 怕的是原班底留不下來 尤其是德軟8F 06/17 08:31
candbilly153: 永遠都缺PG9F 06/17 08:32
ginopun10477: 朕的PG10F 06/17 08:33
ab342160816 : 15.8M=一百五十八萬美元???11F 06/17 08:33
kaneggyy    : 翻錯了 cp3薪水少一個012F 06/17 08:34
JonnyJostar : 找cp3 那你季後賽誰要打13F 06/17 08:36
bluestaral  : 控衛到湖人不就都變成等球射手嗎?14F 06/17 08:37
angelgreen  : pg來都只是背姆殼15F 06/17 08:37
abcde010710 : 好了啦 補強裁判比較重要 上次重播中心9打5還是輸16F 06/17 08:39
akakbest    : PG找CP3啊17F 06/17 08:39
GordonJordan: CP3來當等球射手?18F 06/17 08:43
alex8725    : 有沒有發現每個PG來都被嫌19F 06/17 08:43
alex8725    : 不就代表喇叭體系需要的根本不是PG?是雙能衛
SuikaJasper : 找雙能衛就會被姆斯說球隊沒playmaker要補強,找了p21F 06/17 08:46
SuikaJasper : laymaker又只能撿剩下的球權弱化然後被嫌,姆斯迴圈
h75311418   : Pg 墳場23F 06/17 08:46
bluestaral  : 太陽如果知道湖人要搶,搞不好不放人;畢竟AD這麼說24F 06/17 08:47
h75311418   : 簽西門吧25F 06/17 08:47
bluestaral  : :太陽贏湖人不過是運氣好26F 06/17 08:47
VL1003      : 要的不多,能 3 能 D、平常打無球偶爾代班控球即可27F 06/17 08:47
angelgreen  : 球都在球霸手上,搞控衛來有什麼用28F 06/17 08:48
alex8725    : VL大你要的根本沒有不多啊www29F 06/17 08:48
meson       : 問就是西批三30F 06/17 08:48
bluestaral  : 結果去年例行賽末段,太陽篤定第一種子時還全員出來31F 06/17 08:48
bluestaral  : 淘汰湖人,讓湖人附加賽都不能進,可見討厭的程度多
bluestaral  : 高
alex8725    : 不然AD拿去換小李好了 直接補到那個最需要的後衛34F 06/17 08:49
asn789451   : 缺個打無球的控衛35F 06/17 08:50
Y225        : AD換KI可以啊36F 06/17 08:53
gangrel     : 待退老漢趕快滾吧37F 06/17 08:54
st50816     : 當湖人的隨隊是不是隨便寫隨便有流量= =38F 06/17 08:55
korgh413    : 關鍵時間有人霸球,所以要會打無球的控衛39F 06/17 08:55
cama        : 問就是找不到比德軟更適合的40F 06/17 08:55
CmDawn      : 標題只要寫湖爪就流量保障41F 06/17 08:57
truejoker   : 被吹成香到爆的羅素,一定頂薪續的啊42F 06/17 08:59
proter      : 是不是永遠在找PG43F 06/17 09:01
yueyi313    : 笑死,湖人每一年都在買後衛,「每一年」,結果是44F 06/17 09:04
yueyi313    : 例行賽一開打:老詹控球超過30分鐘一直刷助攻,後
yueyi313    : 衛只能等球!笑死,每一年都在缺後衛!
Y225        : 這次可以找真的PG來控了吧?已經一萬助攻了47F 06/17 09:07
shangyen    : 問就是勇士Poole48F 06/17 09:07
yueyi313    : 湖人真正缺的是是「厄文」、「柯瑞」這種無球跑動49F 06/17 09:08
yueyi313    : 可以讓老詹刷助攻又很準可以幫老詹拉開空間,然後
yueyi313    : 老詹想刷得分時還會幫忙助攻的後衛。笑死,「每一
yueyi313    : 年」,「每一年」都在找後衛!
ARTORIA     : 每年都在找控衛真的有病53F 06/17 09:08
ARTORIA     : 你要嘛找中鋒 要嘛找個3D 找個控衛又不給控球要幹嘛
st890284    : 每個PG到某刷仔身邊都會廢掉被鬥臭 不要不信55F 06/17 09:09
yueyi313    : 老詹根本不需要3D後衛,哈哈哈哈哈,3D拉不開空間56F 06/17 09:09
su1995      : 這串幾乎都在雲欸==看看ar拿球拿的多爽57F 06/17 09:13
ARTORIA     : AR拿很爽 那你還找控衛幹嘛58F 06/17 09:14
yueyi313    : 笑死,AR是控衛嗎?59F 06/17 09:15
AngelNo13   : 把球投進誰會嫌?啊各種打鐵還要求人家有大愛包容60F 06/17 09:16
AngelNo13   : 你嗎
snakebite   : 還是覺得CP3如果被裁可以去湖人,而且這現實多了62F 06/17 09:16
yueyi313    : AR是控球嗎?哈哈哈哈哈哈63F 06/17 09:16
baliuzeger  : 這篇是菇狗翻譯吧翻太爛了64F 06/17 09:18
kip88363    : AR是二號位,但他可以客串PG也能playmaking65F 06/17 09:21
Brucetk     : 又回到每天都是湖人想怎麼交易的日子66F 06/17 09:21
sbdr        : 就等待411  有需要這麼計較控球補誰嗎67F 06/17 09:22
kip88363    : 火腿的戰術體系要求多個持球點,已經有不少湖迷覺得68F 06/17 09:22
kip88363    : 湖人會在選秀用#17再補一個持球雙能衛了
LBJKO       : 不關心的 不會計較控球補誰很正常~70F 06/17 09:24
LBJKO       : 季後賽就凸顯湖人面對的問題點,還需要組織的
LBJKO       : playmaker,現有的就各自缺乏彼此的東西 加起來等於
LBJKO       : 1個完整個XD  AR很出色,組織也有 但火候還不夠
LBJKO       : 進攻端減少突然當機(要是有人失常)~
yueyi313    : 厄文外,小李是第一解75F 06/17 09:28
LBJKO       : 湖人再找另一個類似AR的後衛~76F 06/17 09:29
kip88363    : 剛好這屆選秀有一個預測樂透的新秀模板是 AR pro77F 06/17 09:34
vvvv0o0vvvv : 有LBJ在 根本不用控球後衛78F 06/17 09:34
currit      : LBJ要的是咖哩 不是控球後衛79F 06/17 09:41
akko76815   : 再說一次 朕要的PG是 快艇那個 !80F 06/17 09:50
kingianlin  : 老詹要的就是那種無球射手,他不想控還能幫他控81F 06/17 10:00
kingianlin  : 真要說德軟算是低配版本吧,但其實也夠用的便宜
kingianlin  : 然後自家還有一個有機會的AR實際上根本不需要補
kingianlin  : 湖人裡面最不符合老詹的反而就是DLO
sexycute    : 還在講球在姆斯手上的是不是沒看今年季後賽85F 06/17 10:05
kip88363    : Dlo無球反而比德軟適合老詹吧...86F 06/17 10:06
secret822   : DLO季後賽軟手 走不遠 老詹不愛87F 06/17 10:08
MyDarkLife  : 又是PG 但是LBJ在進攻端還是持球居多吧88F 06/17 10:08
LBJKO       : Dlo問題其實不是不搭,而是他本身就比較欠缺切入破壞89F 06/17 10:08
LBJKO       : 以至於當對手針對他投射區塊掐死,他沒有第二方式
MyDarkLife  : 缺的是PG位置 還要能無球+持球的 最好還要有防守91F 06/17 10:09
LBJKO       : 去突圍 金塊那系列就是如此 那是他本身的弱項92F 06/17 10:09
LBJKO       : 而得軟剛好相反,他組織普普,投射不到優 但切入
LBJKO       : 有破壞力(這季後段阿基里斯有傷,切不了)
LBJKO       : 兩人互補加起來剛好等於一個完整的XD
sexycute    : 能控能無球能保持穩定輸出,唯一解就KI了吧96F 06/17 10:11
sexycute    : 但除非底薪簽不然不可能,還是努力點找3D吧
LBJKO       : 金塊就是抓死那兩個問題,導致湖人進攻當機~98F 06/17 10:11
LBJKO       : 所以湖人才在想辦法補足這區塊~
nothing188  : 林書豪很便宜,也待過湖人,最適合了100F 06/17 10:13
xm3k0828    : 場均大三元mvp:101F 06/17 10:13
Fezico      : 湖人這個位置根本屎缺中的屎缺102F 06/17 10:14
keny372     : 有LBJ的隊每年都說要補PG103F 06/17 10:16
ENCOREH33456: LBJ每一輪都對控衛不滿意==104F 06/17 10:20
ENCOREH33456: 現在NBA沒幾個像軟豆那樣的球員了
SlamKai     : 每年都在找控衛106F 06/17 10:22
yueyi313    : AR很好用!但是AR主要是吃2-3號位置的優勢。主防守107F 06/17 10:35
yueyi313    : ,可投射,可單打較矮小後衛。但不是湖人核心進攻
yueyi313    : 群,湖人要的是核心進攻群壓制,替補或二陣用AR德
yueyi313    : 軟去搞對方,別搞錯方向了!
WangJerry   : 未來幾年都是小丑的 早點重建吧111F 06/17 10:51
mumoon      : 霸球到最後幾秒傳出去,偉哉112F 06/17 10:53
cor1os      : 老刷子要的是鋒衛不是控衛113F 06/17 10:56
pieceofcake : 下改領繩的會是?114F 06/17 11:06
alex8725    : 我剛好認識一個切入破壞力很夠的 還能常常刷大三元115F 06/17 11:07
alex8725    : ,氣氛好,打替補也不會怪聲 要考慮看看嗎
LBJKO       : 你剛好認識搭配不起來 已經交易出去的嗎?117F 06/17 11:11
LBJKO       : 已經不適合要再在搞一次嗎?
cor1os      : 氣氛好跟打替補不氣氛是假的 -.-119F 06/17 11:15
cor1os      : 年紀大了切入也不犀利了
a8856554    : 腿詹也快滾了,不用再白耗工找不是基石的控衛來121F 06/17 11:22
DreamStyle  : 翻譯好多錯122F 06/17 11:43
SHetler     : 有lbj的球隊每年都要pg 不過來了又沒球控黑掉123F 06/17 11:53
n924127     : 太長124F 06/17 11:55
AIDS0822    : 當隊版?125F 06/17 12:06
calvin1378  : 其實德軟就繼續用了吧畢竟要完全契合老詹的控衛很難126F 06/17 12:07
swingingbear: 他們是不是沒搞懂問題在哪127F 06/17 12:11
jasonkau    : 介紹 CP3 是好的灌籃手那段翻錯了128F 06/17 13:50
Lycoris1290 : 問就是控129F 06/17 14:12
leito       : 從感謝德軟不續約喜迎龜龜,到嫌龜殼重狂讚DLO,現130F 06/17 14:39
leito       : 在換唾棄DLO改意淫誰了?
ko373328    : 姆斯的球隊哪來不缺控衛 找了以後又霸佔球權132F 06/17 17:06
secretmen   : 除了KI,LBJ用過的沒一個留好名聲133F 06/17 17:28
evan700607  : 內文翻錯一堆字134F 06/17 18:00
clotha52181 : 面試第一句先問懂不懂吃咖哩飯135F 06/17 18:37
ken720331   : 馬來一堆錯字恩136F 06/17 18:48
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