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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 太陽成為NBA第1支不在地方電視獨佔轉播的隊伍
時間 Sat Apr 29 00:04:22 2023
消息來源: Brian Windhorst(對 我知道他不太好 但他同事都有轉發應該OK)
Suns, Mercury broadcasts to be on over-the-air TV, streaming - ESPN
Starting with their next seasons, Suns and Mercury games will be broadcast for free over-the-air and streamed online on a new direct-to-consumer servi ...
In a move that is perhaps both game-changer and tipping point, the Phoenix
Suns and Phoenix Mercury have struck a deal that removes their long-held
television rights from cable.
Starting with their next seasons, the teams' games will be broadcast for free
over-the-air and streamed online on a new direct-to-consumer service.
The teams' contract with Bally Sports Arizona, where their games have been
shown on cable since 2003, has expired and will not be renewed. The games
instead will be available on local Arizona television stations in Phoenix,
Tucson and Yuma and streaming firm Kiswe on a new platform.
The shift could cost the Suns tens of millions in guaranteed money per year
in the short term, but it will boost the number of households the games are
available in from around 800,000 to more than 2.8 million, according to the
這兩支隊伍與Bally Sports Arizona於2003年簽下的合約已經過期且將不會再續約。這些
"We're not focusing on money. We're focusing on winning, success and taking
care of fans, taking care of the community," new team owner Mat Ishbia said.
"What happens is you always end up making money. It always works out.
"We're going to have more fans than ever before. We're going to have more
people who will have eyeballs on Devin Booker and Deandre [Ayton] and Kevin
Durant, Chris [Paul] and cheer the team on. And more people buying
merchandise because they're bigger fans."
The shift comes in the wake of Diamond Sports Group, Bally Sports Arizona's
parent company, filing for bankruptcy in March. The network missed a payment
to the Arizona Diamondbacks that was due April 1. The Minnesota Twins and
Cleveland Guardians have also missed payments from Diamond subsidiaries,
leading Major League Baseball to seek to void the rights deals so the teams
could take over their broadcasts.
太陽新老闆Mat Ishbia說:「我們並不專注於賺錢。我們專注在贏球、成功與照顧球迷、照
「我們將會有史上最多的球迷。我們將會有更多人將他們的注意力放在Devin Booker、
Deandre Ayton、Kevin Durant與Chris Paul身上並為了球隊歡呼。然後就會有更多人買我
這個轉變來自於Bally Sport Arizona母公司Diamon Sports Group三月的破產。這家電視
The Suns got all their scheduled payments from Bally Sports Arizona before
their contract expired at the end of the first round of the playoffs. But the
regional sports network's financial situation likely played a role in the
Suns' decision.
Diamond Sports Group released a statement Friday saying the move by the Suns
and Mercury constituted a breach of contract and violated bankruptcy law -- a
position Suns CEO Josh Bartelstein disputed.
"This is an improper effort by the Suns to change their broadcasting partner
without permitting Diamond to exercise our contractual rights," Diamond
Sports Group said.
Said Bartelstein in a statement: "Diamond's position is totally inaccurate.
We are moving forward with this deal and could not be more excited about what
it means for our fans and our future."
Diamond Sports Group星期五也是出了一則聲明控訴太陽與水星違約並委反了破產法--而
這聲明也遭太陽CEO Josh Bartelstein駁斥。
Diamond Sports Group說:「太陽與水星未經過Diamond同意更換轉播合作夥伴的行為是不
As more local media rights deals expire in the near term, other NBA, MLB and
NHL teams might find themselves in the same situation as the Suns and Mercury
and consider shifting their games away from the cable model. Suns games had
been on cable television in some form since 1981.
"We need to reimagine these relationships," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said
about regional sports networks on "The Marchand and Ourand Sports Media
Podcast" last week. "In terms of the fundamentals of the business, everyone
sees what's happening in the television market. You've had a dramatic decline
in the number of television homes."
Ishbia, who bought a controlling stake in the Suns and Mercury in February at
a $4 billion valuation, said he believes appealing to more fans will increase
value in other areas, including sponsorship deals. He consulted with the NBA
league office and some other owners before making a decision to go this path.
"The media world is changing," Ishbia said. "And we think in Phoenix we're
going to be the leaders starting off with a new way of thinking about it, a
new way of doing it."
Ishbia said a price point for the streaming option, designed for younger
viewers who might not own televisions, has not been determined. But the
Mercury, who are soon to make their season debut and welcome back Brittney
Griner, will have their games streamed for free this season.
NBA主席Adam Silver也在Podcast上表示:「我們必須重新思考這些關係。從商業的角度來
星Brittney Griner的水星隊這季將會免費轉播。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2023-04-29 00:04:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aI-w80g (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1682697864.A.02A.html
推 : 考驗信仰1F 04/29 00:06
推 : 合理阿,越來越少人在看電視2F 04/29 00:10
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 04/29/2023 00:11:37推 : 我的文可能跟太陽一樣刺眼3F 04/29 00:12
推 : 確實 年輕人根本不會開電視4F 04/29 00:14
推 : 美國地方獨佔節目的話,是不是LP會鎖住看不到?5F 04/29 00:14
推 : 這是跟台籃學的嗎 免費轉播XD6F 04/29 00:14
推 : 太陽新老闆就有錢 可以嘗試各種方案 試錯了也沒啥差7F 04/29 00:14
推 : 有線電視也無法再付更多了吧,開闢新的道路也不錯8F 04/29 00:14
→ : 這樣以後太陽球迷會不會優先考慮買LP?9F 04/29 00:14
→ : 對 地方的轉播都會鎖 像我就看不了紅襪或賽爾提克10F 04/29 00:15
→ : 不論主客場
→ : 不論主客場
→ : 不太清楚OTA播放後會不會順帶解禁LP12F 04/29 00:15
推 : 抓個錯 第二大段的第二小段 Kevin Durant t打成d了13F 04/29 00:16
→ : 阿謝謝@@14F 04/29 00:19
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 04/29/2023 00:20:02→ : 老闆有錢真好(?)15F 04/29 00:20
→ : 有錢跟願意承擔這些損是算是兩回事啦@@16F 04/29 00:21
→ : 損失*
→ : 損失*
推 : 沙佛:說得真好18F 04/29 00:21
推 : 遜 中職早就一隊多賣了19F 04/29 00:27
推 : 不知道這樣league pass是不是就不會擋鳳凰城IP?20F 04/29 00:35
→ : 求對(X 球隊(o21F 04/29 00:52
阿謝謝 最近我的自動選字都怪怪的@@※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 04/29/2023 00:55:10
推 : 有喔 p+在教的太陽有在學喔22F 04/29 00:55
→ : 找阿拉BRO兄弟來看地板嗎?23F 04/29 00:57
推 : 球迷可以當免費仔的意思嗎24F 04/29 00:58
→ : 只有水星球迷XDDDD25F 04/29 00:59
→ : 太陽球迷請付錢
→ : 比較像我們的Clipper Vision那樣 只是我們還在跟
→ : Bally合作
→ : 我猜啦
→ : 太陽球迷請付錢
→ : 比較像我們的Clipper Vision那樣 只是我們還在跟
→ : Bally合作
→ : 我猜啦
推 : 只會有更多球迷跟KD筆戰30F 04/29 01:14
→ : 反正簽了瞎妹也是損失上千萬 這數字還好了啦31F 04/29 01:23
→ : 免費嗎 哇...32F 04/29 01:25
推 : 太佛心了吧 免費收看!!33F 04/29 01:46
推 : 少賺點轉播錢 但可以累積更多粉絲 賺更多周邊商品
→ : 的錢 這怎麼感覺很像遊戲包月改免費制XD
推 : 少賺點轉播錢 但可以累積更多粉絲 賺更多周邊商品
→ : 的錢 這怎麼感覺很像遊戲包月改免費制XD
→ : 太好了,跟有線電視簽約對當地不裝電視服務的球迷影36F 04/29 02:02
→ : 響很大,想看當晚比賽幾乎都會被block out看不到
→ : 對於越來越多不看電視的年輕球迷沒辦法用網路看比賽
→ : 對於收益絕對有很大的負面影響
→ : 響很大,想看當晚比賽幾乎都會被block out看不到
→ : 對於越來越多不看電視的年輕球迷沒辦法用網路看比賽
→ : 對於收益絕對有很大的負面影響
推 : 沒關係我有買40F 04/29 02:13
→ : 還有正文倒數第二段的「鳳凰"程"」41F 04/29 03:05
推 : GGer 可以看了42F 04/29 04:09
推 : 美國悍將?43F 04/29 07:27
推 : 新老闆讚!44F 04/29 07:40
→ : 要直接全部放YT免費看嗎 台灣領先全球45F 04/29 07:41
→ : 有一天會不會
→ : 有一天會不會
→ : 太陽老闆又沒差這點錢47F 04/29 08:11
推 : 靠廣告費分紅吧?48F 04/29 08:13
推 : 現在真的越來越少人看電視了。網路這麼發達 確實該49F 04/29 08:36
→ : 變換跑道
→ : 變換跑道
推 : 當地有線可以較便宜賣給他們,如果有利還是會買拉51F 04/29 08:40
→ : 有點像台灣第四台業者,不允許頻道商又同時賣給網
→ : 路電視業者如mid之類的
→ : 有點像台灣第四台業者,不允許頻道商又同時賣給網
→ : 路電視業者如mid之類的
推 : 主要也是很多主流媒體集團越來越看衰Cable—福斯撤54F 04/29 08:42
→ : 出地方體育台、華納也確定不再繼續 據說連環球NBC
→ : 也考慮減少RSN的持有量
→ : 出地方體育台、華納也確定不再繼續 據說連環球NBC
→ : 也考慮減少RSN的持有量
推 : 應該沒人在看電視吧?好幾年沒開過了57F 04/29 09:14
推 : 說不定短空長多欸 畢竟是養長期客群58F 04/29 09:36
推 : 樓上要講的是短空長多59F 04/29 09:53
推 : 認真60F 04/29 10:56
→ : 地方的體育電視台破產沒錢 太陽隊才要自己搞串流服61F 04/29 11:00
→ : 務
→ : 務
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 22
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