※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-15 10:47:17
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Nash:我沒看KI IG直播;我現在專注在球隊上
時間 Fri Oct 15 10:04:08 2021
來源: NY POST記者Brian Lewis推特
網址: https://twitter.com/NYPost_Lewis/status/1448768136992407557
Brian Lewis
@NYPost_LewisSteve Nash said he didn't listen to Kyrie Irving's IG Live and is done talking about him. #Nets #NBA
@NYPost_LewisSteve Nash said he didn't listen to Kyrie Irving's IG Live and is done talking about him. #Nets #NBA
Steve Nash said he didn't listen to Kyrie Irving's IG Live and is done
talking about him.
Steve Nash說他沒聽KI的IG直播,然後他已經不想再討論KI了。
Nash受訪影片: https://streamable.com/4bvzlm
“I didn’t really listen to it. And I think I’ve pretty much said
everything I have to say about it. If something changes, we can talk about
it; but I really want to focus on moving forward and our group and solutions
to the challenge ahead of us.”
"I’ll fully admit I expected him to be KD and Kyrie’s puppet since it was
his first coaching job, but he isn’t about that life so respect"
"He discarded Kyrie in 7 seconds"
"Everyone should stop talking about Kyrie Irving. Let him fade into extinction
like the dinosaurs, if he actually believes in dinosaurs"
"No they were just an artificial simulation created by Satan’s supercomputer"
"Kyrie wont' subscribe unless those are racist supercomputers in that theory.
Dinosaurs are not real, instead it was a racist asteroid that hit the earth
and planted fake dinosaur fossils in the earth because the asteroid hated
black people."
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XQE6R2E (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1634263451.A.08E.html
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● 10-15 10:04 ■ [花邊] Nash:我沒看KI IG直播;我現在專注在球隊上
10-15 14:56 ■ Re: [花邊] Nash:我沒看KI IG直播;我現在專注在
推 : 可憐的老衲 遇到這咖1F 10/15 10:05
推 : How car2F 10/15 10:05
→ rex9999 …
推 : 樓上 ,前面不可置否,後面那段其實還好吧?4F 10/15 10:08
推 : ki一開始就沒在尊重Nash的 當初Nash剛接任時 還講5F 10/15 10:08
→ : 出“我們沒有教練 我和KD也可以是教練”這種屁話@@
→ : 出“我們沒有教練 我和KD也可以是教練”這種屁話@@
推 : 超好笑 我們需要更多這種美式幽默7F 10/15 10:10
推 : 老衲可憐啊,第一次帶隊就預告問題兒童8F 10/15 10:10
→ : 別管某帳號啦 最近他很忙9F 10/15 10:11
推 : 教練第一年就證明他是西瓜,今年就靠不甩KI來推翻10F 10/15 10:12
→ : 他的西瓜論吧
→ : 他的西瓜論吧
→ : 無冠真的難被尊重 唉12F 10/15 10:13
推 : 某帳號很常文不對題 不知道在講什麼13F 10/15 10:14
推 : 有些噓文也不用理它,讓它像恐龍一樣滅絕就好14F 10/15 10:14
→ : 萬綠叢中一點紅,是希望自己股票一直噴嗎15F 10/15 10:16
推 : 按鍵只有2的人就讓它慢慢滅絕就好16F 10/15 10:17
推 : 禪師就是能搞定大牌才能滿手戒指啊17F 10/15 10:21
推 : 牙起來了18F 10/15 10:22
→ : 老納如過可以搞定ki,籃網就保底final19F 10/15 10:23
推 : 心死20F 10/15 10:23
推 : 籃網做好選擇了,也尊重KI的選擇21F 10/15 10:23
推 : 切割22F 10/15 10:23
推 : 物競天擇 也是該淘汰一些了23F 10/15 10:25
推 : 四樓都不看一下ID的嗎XDDD24F 10/15 10:26
推 : 感覺這齣戲好像快結束了25F 10/15 10:28
推 : 當然要硬~現在退了KI只會更得寸進尺26F 10/15 10:32
推 : KI不愧是勞工楷模27F 10/15 10:35
推 : 結束了 要嘛KI軟了打疫苗 要嘛冰凍2021 要嘛交易28F 10/15 10:35
推 : 這群大排球員一開始就沒在尊重他還拿人種做文章說na29F 10/15 10:37
→ : sh白人特權現在nash幹嘛給他們好臉色
→ : sh白人特權現在nash幹嘛給他們好臉色
→ : 老闆都說重話,Nash傻了才挺KI31F 10/15 10:39
→ : 亞洲人是盤子只能私下講
→ : 亞洲人是盤子只能私下講
→ : 你不要提到他33F 10/15 10:40
推 : 最後一個留言是什麼超展開啦34F 10/15 10:41
→ : nash也有戒指就是了,雖是顧問但也為球隊出了一份力35F 10/15 10:43
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