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作者 標題 [外絮] Poole今年續約可能高達4年9千萬
時間 Fri Apr 15 21:21:34 2022
Some salary-cap experts expect Herro’s next contract, which will start with the
2023-24 season, will be a maximum deal in the four-year, $143 million range. Th
ough Poole isn’t quite yet at that level, he could get closer with a big postse
據工資帽專家預計,Herro很可能會獲得一份四年1.43億美元的頂薪合約。 雖然Poole達不
Keith Smith, a salary-cap expert for Spotrac, estimates that Poole is in line fo
r a four-year, $90 million extension offer from the Warriors this summer. If he
averages 20-plus points per game on solid efficiency for a team that makes a tit
le push, that offer might need to be north of four years and $100 million.
Such a spike would be far from ideal for the Warriors, who are poised to stare d
own a 2023-24 payroll — luxury tax included — in the $500 million range. To pu
t that into context, Golden State has the largest total payroll in NBA history t
his season at roughly $346 million.
But unlike Andrew Wiggins, James Wiseman and some of his other notable teammates
, Poole is an indispensable player for the Warriors. Barely old enough to buy a
beer, he averaged 23.4 points on 46.5% shooting (40.8% from 3-point range), 4.1
rebounds and 5.2 assists in 23 games after the All-Star break.
與Wiggins、Wiseman和其他一些隊友不同,Poole已經成為勇士不可或缺的球員。 在全明星
His 92.5% clip on free throws this season paced the NBA, and his defensive ratin
g ranked in the league’s top quarter. Perhaps most importantly, though, Poole u
nderstands how to complement Stephen Curry. The 15.2 net rating that Poole and C
urry posted together was second-best among the Warriors’ high-usage duos.
一。 最重要的是,Poole知道如何與Curry在進攻端互補。 兩人同時在場時,勇士淨勝15.2
一。 最重要的是,Poole知道如何與Curry在進攻端互補。 兩人同時在場時,勇士淨勝15.2
Long lauded for his work ethic, Poole is improving at a rate seldom seen at the
sport’s highest level. Little more than a year ago, when he headed to the G Lea
gue for an extended stint, there were questions about whether he even deserved a
n NBA deal. Now, Poole is a franchise cornerstone with plenty of leverage in con
tract negotiations.
發展聯盟打過很長一段時間,外界甚至懷疑他是否配得上一份NBA合約。 然而,如今的Pool
發展聯盟打過很長一段時間,外界甚至懷疑他是否配得上一份NBA合約。 然而,如今的Pool
The Warriors want to sign Poole to an extension this summer to keep him from bec
oming a restricted free agent in summer 2023. Given how quickly he is making str
ides, he could have a chance at a max offer with an extra year of seasoning.
勇士當然希望今年夏天就提前續約Poole,以防止他在2023年夏天成為受限制自由球員。 考
If it came to that, the Warriors would try to make the numbers work to match oth
er teams’ bids. But the sacrifices would be immense: unloading Wiggins, perhaps
even parting ways with Wiseman.
How a big postseason from Jordan Poole could hurt Warriors’ bottom line
The better Jordan Poole plays, the more the Golden State Warriors may have to pay.... ...
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推 : 沒防守 進攻A 這個價碼差不多1F 04/15 21:22
→ : 溢價2F 04/15 21:22
推 : 這樣GP2留得住嗎3F 04/15 21:22
推 : 圍巾掰4F 04/15 21:23
推 : 圍巾vs普洱 都幾?5F 04/15 21:24
推 : AW 明星賽後狀況太差惹 可能影響6F 04/15 21:25
→ : AW 要靠季後賽展現 防守價值
→ : AW 要靠季後賽展現 防守價值
推 : 勇士是開錢無限嗎 感覺大約一筆接一筆8F 04/15 21:26
→ : GP2要看他本人怎麼想,他不算是每隊都能用好的球員9F 04/15 21:26
推 : 不貴啊,現在B咖就都要2000萬up,拜託別在那邊說貴10F 04/15 21:27
推 : 留圍巾幹嘛 你要Kuminga繼續坐板凳?11F 04/15 21:27
推 : 4年90M 差不多阿 這價格挺合理的 如果4年1億以上就12F 04/15 21:28
推 : hero一年要3600萬哦.算貴還是便宜阿13F 04/15 21:28
推 : 搶分能力不錯了 關鍵時候心臟算大顆14F 04/15 21:28
→ : 有點太多了15F 04/15 21:28
推 : 當然是送走圍巾,反正三號位有Kuminga跟Moody可以16F 04/15 21:29
推 : 圍巾的交易價值現在太差了17F 04/15 21:31
推 : 數據夠格,但勇士的大約也太多,真簽老闆太猛18F 04/15 21:31
推 : 年輕潛力球員本來就是溢價搶 你不要會有人跟著要的19F 04/15 21:31
推 : 太貴了吧 感覺一年1800差不多 再上去就...20F 04/15 21:31
推 : 其實便宜 herro都要拿頂薪21F 04/15 21:32
推 : 合理吧22F 04/15 21:32
推 : 場均20分 2000萬還好吧23F 04/15 21:32
→ : 還是季後賽欸
→ : 還是季後賽欸
推 : 看季後賽吧,幫拿冠軍價錢都好說25F 04/15 21:33
→ : Poole很準 又自走砲 這季進步很多26F 04/15 21:33
→ : 最大團無極限欸,要扶正了讓咖哩打第六人27F 04/15 21:33
→ : 年輕又進步巨大 不簽別隊就搶走了28F 04/15 21:33
→ : 當然一定還是會看季後賽表現啦 打到西區冠軍每個都29F 04/15 21:33
→ : 賣KT吧,圍巾現在防守更好30F 04/15 21:34
→ : 會留31F 04/15 21:34
推 : 難道老闆蓋新場館挖到石油也要昭告天下嗎32F 04/15 21:34
推 : 拜託現在薪資是有公式在算的,除非球員很爛沒人要33F 04/15 21:34
→ : 簽,不然球隊一定都是用最大的錢去簽球員的….,不
→ : 用最大的錢去簽人,之後球員直接跑掉變空氣XDD
→ : 簽球員不是菜市場讓你殺價討價還價的喔XDD
→ : 簽,不然球隊一定都是用最大的錢去簽球員的….,不
→ : 用最大的錢去簽人,之後球員直接跑掉變空氣XDD
→ : 簽球員不是菜市場讓你殺價討價還價的喔XDD
推 : 場均20 20M剛好好嗎 但是勇士的薪資真的可怕就是了37F 04/15 21:35
推 : 是不是太貴38F 04/15 21:36
推 : 真的不貴,金塊續MPJ都5年2.07億了,POOLE這叫貴?39F 04/15 21:36
推 : 有夠便宜40F 04/15 21:37
推 : 嚇死人 勇士要在1.2號擺多少錢41F 04/15 21:37
推 : 真的進FA會有球隊用25M以上的價格搶吧42F 04/15 21:37
推 : 說真的 20M都很便宜 開到30M都合理43F 04/15 21:37
噓 : 季後賽20?44F 04/15 21:37
→ : 三個人差不多快1E了45F 04/15 21:37
推 : 還好小錢啦,湖人三個人,1.2 E連附加賽都沒有,勇46F 04/15 21:39
→ : 士已經賺了
→ : 士已經賺了
推 : Poole看起來是能接班的 這價碼真的便宜 被拒絕都不48F 04/15 21:39
→ : 意外
→ : 意外
推 : 我擔心熱火老闆又想省錢50F 04/15 21:40
推 : 3000真的太貴 不如先簽後換賣掉51F 04/15 21:40
推 : 雖然我勇迷,但真的不看好我勇,嘴綠KT三分爛掉,小A52F 04/15 21:40
推 : Poole應該是會拒絕啦,這錢太少,年輕人要拼3000萬53F 04/15 21:40
→ : I只剩抄球,除非curry連續爆發,勇士今年真的很難54F 04/15 21:40
→ : 頂薪55F 04/15 21:40
推 : 勇士一定留的喇,自己養好送給人?想也不可能56F 04/15 21:40
推 : 未來的主力不可能放啦57F 04/15 21:41
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