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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 得分王之爭
時間 Tue Mar 22 18:05:14 2022
Analysis: NBA scoring race could end up as one for the ages
Analysis: NBA scoring race could end up as one for the ages
Let's go back to the greatest scoring race in NBA history, one that was decided 44 years ago, the epic to-the-last-day battle between David Thompson a ...
In 2022, the end of the season might feel like 1978.
If we're lucky.
Let's go back to the greatest scoring race in NBA history, one that was
decided 44 years ago, the epic to-the-last-day battle between David Thompson
and George Gervin.
Each had a game on April 9, 1978, that season's final day. Thompson's game was
first; he scored 73 points for the Denver Nuggets to take the scoring lead.
Gervin, playing a few hours later, would need 58 points to reclaim the top
He scored 63 for the San Antonio Spurs. The crown was his, 27.22 points to 27.
15 for Thompson.
44年前David Thomson與George Gervin,在賽季最後一場比賽才分出勝負
Imagine such a scene playing out this season on April 10 - the scoring title
once again going down to the season's final day. Only this time, with three
players in the race
It could happen.
Entering Tuesday, the NBA finds itself on pace for the closest three-man
scoring race in league history. LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers is atop
the list averaging 29.96 points (which would round up to 30.0), Joel Embiid
of the Philadelphia 76ers is second at 29.83, and Giannis Antetokounmpo of the
Milwaukee Bucks is third at 29.80.
LeBron James場均29.96分、Joel Embiid29.83分、Giannis Antetokoumpo29.8分
The last time a race ended up that close between the top three spots was, well
, never. The closest three-way race was in 1985-86, when Dominique Wilkins
averaged 30.3 points - a half-point better than both Adrian Dantley and Alex
English. And a decade ago, Kevin Durant, then with Oklahoma City, held off the
Lakers' Kobe Bryant by one-tenth of a point, 28.0 to 27.9 for the second-
closest head-to-head race ever.
前一次得分王有三個競爭者的情形,要回到1985-1986賽季Dominique Wilkins
場均30.3分比Adrian Dantley跟Alex English高0.5分。
十年前,Kevin Durant以場均28分0.1之差距勝過Kobe Bryant,取得得分王
Obviously, the numbers will change. Embiid might get a game or two more off
down the stretch to rest his body. If the 76ers have nothing to play for on
the season's final day, one wouldn't expect him out there with only a scoring
title at stake. Same goes for Antetokounmpo; if the Bucks are locked into a
seed, it would seem foolish for Milwaukee to play the reigning NBA Finals MVP
much, if at all. And the Lakers' only path to the playoffs is through the play
-in, which means James might be called upon to play big minutes - and
potentially put up big numbers - all the way to the end.
''At the end of the day,'' James said, ''all I care about is wins and losses.'
A scoring race, though, would add just an extra dimension to the end of the
season, just another reason to tune in and pay attention to what's happening.
The Western Conference race will long be over by then; realistically, it is
now, since there's no way barring unthinkable, cataclysmic collapse that
Phoenix won't be the No. 1 seed. The Eastern Conference race is considerably
tighter, and the potential is quite high that regardless of who ends up seeded
where the first-round series on that half of the bracket will be slugfests.
But anything involving James is certain to be intriguing. Same goes with
Antetokounmpo. Same goes with Embiid. Put them together, and the intrigue
levels skyrocket.
The only downside to all of this is that it could have been a four-man race.
Brooklyn's Durant is fourth in the league in scoring, four-tenths behind James
and two-tenths behind Antetokounmpo and Embiid at 29.6 per game. But Durant
basically can't win the scoring title since he won't meet the NBA's minimum -
58 games in an 82-game season - to qualify.
So, unless somebody gets really, really hot down the stretch, the scoring race
is down to three.
Trae Young, Luka Doncic, DeMar DeRozan, Ja Morant and Jayson Tatum are all
within 3.0 points of James' average right now (as is Kyrie Irving, who
obviously won't meet the minimum games-played threshold). If any of those guys
go on an absolute spree - not unheard of in this day and age - they could
make a run at the title as well.
The potential is there for a thrilling finish, just like the league had in
It would be the perfect appetizer to the playoffs
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→ : 有支球隊勝率特別低1F 03/22 18:06
※ 編輯: hanson90244 ( 臺灣), 03/22/2022 18:08:52推 : 恭喜LBJ了 最老得分王2F 03/22 18:09
→ : 3人差距在0.1分左右,少見的激烈3F 03/22 18:10
→ : 最老得分王4F 03/22 18:10
推 : 戰績最爛得分王 恭喜5F 03/22 18:10
推 : 沒辦法,要4萬分只能一直刷6F 03/22 18:11
推 : 最老得分王 GOAT7F 03/22 18:12
噓 : 最老刷分王8F 03/22 18:12
推 : 穩了(?9F 03/22 18:12
推 : 看誰打最後一場 ,一定會刷的很醜陋,字母是比較沒10F 03/22 18:12
→ : 在刷分,其他兩個,腿詹是一開始放推,勝負已分全力
→ : 衝刺,鉛筆是一直賴罰球
→ : 在刷分,其他兩個,腿詹是一開始放推,勝負已分全力
→ : 衝刺,鉛筆是一直賴罰球
推 : 最近10年球隊勝率最差的得分王是誰13F 03/22 18:13
推 : 一路刷到季末14F 03/22 18:13
推 : Embiid買飯也是為了贏,跟大幅落後全力衝的不一樣15F 03/22 18:14
→ : 先刷先贏16F 03/22 18:15
推 : 今年沒KD嗎?17F 03/22 18:15
※ 編輯: hanson90244 ( 臺灣), 03/22/2022 18:17:36推 : 內文有說KD場次不夠18F 03/22 18:17
推 : 先恭喜老詹 其他兩人都在爭冠球隊 應該不會刻意去19F 03/22 18:18
→ : 刷得分王
→ : 刷得分王
→ : 不知道戰機最爛得分王是誰21F 03/22 18:19
推 : KD贏老大那次印象中只要老大得38分就能反超,但是22F 03/22 18:21
→ : 最後老大不刷選擇輪休
→ : 最後老大不刷選擇輪休
推 : 最老得分王 又一個紀錄啦24F 03/22 18:22
推 : 他只會在意有沒有得分紀錄,勝率什麼的誰還記得25F 03/22 18:22
推 : 我皇超猛26F 03/22 18:23
推 : 姆斯要定了 411+37歲得分王 又可以吹一波了27F 03/22 18:23
推 : 寄生王28F 03/22 18:23
噓 : 個人主義很重的人,誰管你球隊戰績29F 03/22 18:24
推 : 刷子令人厭惡30F 03/22 18:24
推 : LeBrush31F 03/22 18:24
推 : 接下來幾場又可以看到球隊落後二三十分,然後姆斯上32F 03/22 18:27
→ : 場防守端擺爛進攻端切籃下洗分洗命中率。
→ : 場防守端擺爛進攻端切籃下洗分洗命中率。
推 : 山羌刷起來!34F 03/22 18:28
推 : 真要拿 羌皇拼老命再刷四場讓場次達標就關機35F 03/22 18:31
推 : 最老得分王欸 這麼猛的紀錄當然開心36F 03/22 18:31
推 : 山羌組:讓他刷~讓他刷37F 03/22 18:32
推 : 最老得分王還不吹一個賽季,勝負是啥不重要38F 03/22 18:36
推 : 論刷分我一律推薦- 山羌。 其它人都是羌下亡魂39F 03/22 18:36
推 : 不可能關機啦,要是另外兩人也拚命刷不就糗了40F 03/22 18:39
→ : 所以一定是刷到最後一場比較保險
→ : 所以一定是刷到最後一場比較保險
推 : 另外兩位看起來完全不在乎得分王啊...XD42F 03/22 18:40
推 : 拿了=早就知道刷分仔 不拿=球隊季末不忍不給刷了 呵43F 03/22 18:40
→ : 別忘了海軍上將當年最後一場拿70分的歷史44F 03/22 18:41
推 : 在歷史級的刷子面前,勝負已定45F 03/22 18:41
推 : 我也記得老大那場下場休息,說大家都知道我能拿3846F 03/22 18:41
推 : 去年也最後2場才分出勝負47F 03/22 18:42
推 : 這紀錄姆斯寫定了吧48F 03/22 18:42
推 : 論刷數據我只服山羌49F 03/22 18:43
推 : 姆迷去年怎麼酸Curry的 今年別雙標啊50F 03/22 18:45
推 : 戰績很爛的刷子王51F 03/22 18:46
推 : 我皇都快刷到最老得分王了 酸酸們廁所怎麼刷了這麼52F 03/22 18:46
→ : 久還在刷
→ : 久還在刷
推 : Kobe命中率這麼低,沒辦法比吧54F 03/22 18:47
推 : 硬要酸 得分第一多久了 要酸也是第二三最後刷第一55F 03/22 18:47
推 : 拿了刷 不拿說弱 那當然拿阿56F 03/22 18:47
推 : 得分王 我只認KD57F 03/22 18:47
推 : 喇叭一定刷的吧58F 03/22 18:49
推 : 今年冠軍無望。改刷得分。 #不只是得分手59F 03/22 18:50
→ : 恭喜 可以一直刷到季末60F 03/22 18:51
噓 : 沒差吧61F 03/22 18:51
推 : 進不了季後賽的得分王62F 03/22 18:52
推 : 鉛筆跟字母會輪休備戰季後賽,沒季後的當然繼續繼續63F 03/22 18:52
→ : 刷
→ : 刷
推 : 最老得分王該尊重吧,而且誰說會沒季後,只要有附加65F 03/22 18:54
→ : 賽,那種打一場決勝負的,全力詹穩贏的
→ : 賽,那種打一場決勝負的,全力詹穩贏的
推 : 我不是得分手XD67F 03/22 18:55
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