※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-29 04:01:27
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Jaylen Brown:我不知道為何我們沒緊迫感
時間 Thu Apr 29 00:24:49 2021
@KeithSmithNBAJaylen Brown on why the Celtics aren't coming out ready to play: "You're guess is as good as mine. I don't know why we don't come out with a sense of urgency. We aren't good enough to just show up. We have to play well."
@SouichiTeradaJaylen Brown: "Keep developing chemistry. And find that inner flame, man, it needs to be ignited. The passion needs to show in the court, the urgency needs to show. We need that. We need that desperately." Said he believes they can find that over the next 10 games.
Jaylen Brown on why the Celtics aren't coming out ready to play: "You're
guess is as good as mine. I don't know why we don't come out with a sense of
urgency. We aren't good enough to just show up. We have to play well.
Jaylen Brown: "Keep developing chemistry. And find that inner flame, man, it
needs to be ignited. The passion needs to show in the court, the urgency
needs to show. We need that. We need that desperately." Said he believes they
can find that over the next 10 games.
場上展現熱情,緊迫感,我們需要這些,我們絕望的需要", 說他相信接下來十場比賽會找
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1619627092.A.9E3.html
推 : 想回到過去1F 04/29 00:29
推 : 這隻如果跟CJ換,拓荒者會不會起飛阿2F 04/29 00:29
→ : 這感覺 已經不對3F 04/29 00:29
推 : 真的已經沒有矮湯時期那種為了贏球的激情了4F 04/29 00:29
→ : 矮湯時期的青賽感覺每一場都用盡全力在贏球
→ : 矮湯時期的青賽感覺每一場都用盡全力在贏球
推 : 杰倫要退休了嗎6F 04/29 00:30
→ : 休息室每個都氣氛大師7F 04/29 00:31
推 : 賽隊艾連: 窩不知道8F 04/29 00:33
推 : 雨下整夜9F 04/29 00:33
噓 : 你賽軍心渙散的也太早惹吧==10F 04/29 00:34
推 : 反正東區也過不了11F 04/29 00:35
推 : 安吉表示:看來是因為球員交易太少的緣故12F 04/29 00:36
推 : 為啥咪鐵支路直直 火車叨位去13F 04/29 00:37
→ : 怎不問問休息室領袖Smart呢14F 04/29 00:38
推 : 塞戰績輸尼克老鷹有點不應該 七網鹿就算了15F 04/29 00:45
推 : 杰倫 你坐啊16F 04/29 00:51
推 : 問綠血的17F 04/29 00:57
推 : 窩不知道18F 04/29 00:57
噓 : 這隻整天講一些五四三,自以為是老大的發言19F 04/29 01:01
→ : 這第一名到底要多20F 04/29 01:05
→ : 因為沒差 怎麼樣都最多二輪21F 04/29 01:12
推 : 原來賽隊需要的是戶愚呂22F 04/29 01:12
推 : 想回到過去~~23F 04/29 01:15
推 : 安吉:肯定是你們沒感受到被交易的緊張24F 04/29 01:16
推 : 冠軍數被湖人超越前應該沒事啦25F 04/29 01:23
推 : 就沒向心力每個人都為了自己打球的感覺吧26F 04/29 01:28
推 : 可能以為保底分區決賽吧?27F 04/29 01:34
→ : 為什麼這樣子~28F 04/29 01:37
推 : 雨一直下29F 04/29 01:51
推 : 為什麼~~~這麼簡單你做不到~~~~~~~~~~~30F 04/29 02:03
推 : 怪31F 04/29 02:07
→ : 斷了的弦 再怎麼連32F 04/29 02:30
噓 : 再繼續這樣 季後賽直接0:433F 04/29 02:31
推 : 合體大屁股咖啡34F 04/29 02:36
→ : 靠邀錯篇
→ : 靠邀錯篇
噓 : 整隊被某地平曠職仔帶壞了36F 04/29 02:51
推 : 讓你下去替補 就會有緊迫感了37F 04/29 03:00
推 : 可憐的KI,都離開了還有人要追殺38F 04/29 03:19
推 : 這隊沒看來拆一拆好了 心態都寵壞了39F 04/29 03:50
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 43