※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-12-06 15:57:07
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作者 標題 [新聞] 凱文費吉 確認查理考克斯夜魔俠回歸MCU
時間 Mon Dec 6 12:13:42 2021
Marvel Boss Kevin Feige Confirms Charlie Cox Returning as Daredevil
After months and months of speculation, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has found its Daredevil. As part of the press tour for Spider-Man: No Way Home, ...
After months and months of speculation, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has
found its Daredevil. As part of the press tour for Spider-Man: No Way Home,
Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has confirmed Charlie Cox is the franchise's
Matt Murdock should he return at some point in the future of the MCU. This is
Feige's first official comment on the casting after a massive fan movement
aiming for the actor—who played the lawyer in three seasons of a series on
Netflix—to return.
"If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be
the actor playing Daredevil," Feige told CinemaBlend Sunday. "Where we see
that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen."
There have been persistent rumors Cox is returning in No Way Home as Matt
Murdock, though neither Feige nor Sony has yet to officially comment on the
matter. Cox himself has played coy, suggesting he doesn't want to ruin any
potential reveals Marvel would have in store.
"Also if there was a chance of that happening in the future, I don't want to
say something that could potentially jeopardize those chances because the
people high up at Marvel, maybe they see this stuff or hear what I say and
maybe that influences," Cox added. "I don't know. I have no idea. I love how
passionate the fans are and I feel very, very, very touched that so many of
them have gone online and made their voices heard about the desire for me to
come back."
Spider-Man: No Way Home is set for release on December 17th while all three
seasons of Daredevil are now streaming on Netflix. What other Spidey-family
characters do you think will end up appearing in the upcoming feature? Let us
know your thoughts either in the comments section or by hitting our writer
@AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter to chat all things MCU!
現在又確認了 那應該該有都有 等待下下周見真章
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※ 編輯: neo5277 ( 臺灣), 12/06/2021 12:15:26
※ neo5277:轉錄至看板 SuperHeroes 12/06 12:16
※ 編輯: neo5277 ( 臺灣), 12/06/2021 12:34:59
※ neo5277:轉錄至看板 SuperHeroes 12/06 12:16
推 : 目前Kingpin也有機會出現在鷹眼1F 12/06 12:30
對阿叔叔推 : 制裁者、潔西卡瓊斯也順便一起啊啊啊2F 12/06 12:33
對啊 鐵拳就給我女版就好※ 編輯: neo5277 ( 臺灣), 12/06/2021 12:34:59
推 : *inset fat nerd excited meme3F 12/06 12:37
推 : 期待!!!4F 12/06 12:40
→ : 制裁者跟夜魔俠超帥啊!5F 12/06 12:42
推 : 讚啦6F 12/06 12:43
※ 編輯: neo5277 ( 臺灣), 12/06/2021 12:44:41推 : 考森哭哭7F 12/06 13:24
推 : 水啦,鷹眼影集應該會出現金霸王8F 12/06 13:25
→ : 夜魔俠跟制裁者影集都好看,希望制裁者也能回來
→ : 夜魔俠跟制裁者影集都好看,希望制裁者也能回來
推 : 夜魔俠跟罰叔都超帥10F 12/06 13:32
→ : 金平已經要回來了
→ : 金平已經要回來了
推 : 神盾真的慘.....因為夜魔俠當初也是電視部門的作品12F 12/06 13:33
→ : 可是我覺得考森不會哭,黛西比較想哭= =
→ : 異人族在MCU爹不疼娘不愛
→ : 可是我覺得考森不會哭,黛西比較想哭= =
→ : 異人族在MCU爹不疼娘不愛
推 : 比起三代同堂,我更在意這個,不過影集中我最喜歡15F 12/06 13:36
→ : 的還是潔西卡瓊斯的故事
→ : 的還是潔西卡瓊斯的故事
推 : 太神啦,夜魔俠影集真的好看17F 12/06 13:40
推 : 讚,期待紫人大鬧MCU18F 12/06 13:48
推 : 希望罰叔跟JJ也可以19F 12/06 13:56
推 : 會突然說DD主角回歸可能鷹眼金霸王下集要出現了吧20F 12/06 14:00
推 : 希望夜魔跟罰叔都能同樣的演員回歸21F 12/06 14:00
推 : 肯定不敢提異人族阿 那影集拍得啥鬼22F 12/06 14:10
→ : 考森客串還蠻有機會的阿 沒死平行宇宙或過去的故事
→ : 考森客串還蠻有機會的阿 沒死平行宇宙或過去的故事
→ : 異人族獨立影集是爆炸,但拍這部之前神盾先出現異人24F 12/06 14:14
→ : 所以.....黛西真的慘
→ : 所以.....黛西真的慘
→ : 還我黛西26F 12/06 14:31
推 : 神盾局那邊的異人族其實處理得不錯,用來進一步探討27F 12/06 14:39
→ : 蘇科維亞協議
推 : 黛西嘛...看秘密入侵那邊有沒有機會,然後值得一提
→ : 的是,神盾局的科學組、梅都有從影集回流到漫畫
→ : 蘇科維亞協議
推 : 黛西嘛...看秘密入侵那邊有沒有機會,然後值得一提
→ : 的是,神盾局的科學組、梅都有從影集回流到漫畫
→ : 梅跑去演曼達洛人啦31F 12/06 14:58
→ : 我就說 電影上映那週 剛好鷹眼影集金霸王也現身32F 12/06 15:04
→ : 這樣玩真的很會
→ : 這樣玩真的很會
推 : 還我黛西T_T34F 12/06 15:06
→ : 就看未來十年 有沒有可能讓夜魔俠出個人電影了35F 12/06 15:06
推 : Matthew!!! 但我也愛Daisy36F 12/06 15:08
推 : 太興奮了!拳拳到肉的夜魔俠37F 12/06 15:33
推 : 異人族大爆炸,應該是完整重啟了38F 12/06 15:39
→ : 考森大概只能等以後的平行宇宙大亂鬥,看是否能回歸
→ : 考森大概只能等以後的平行宇宙大亂鬥,看是否能回歸
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 85
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