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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-09-12 23:45:55
看板 movie
作者 machine139 (Nick)
標題 [好無雷] 牠/IT 以及一些有趣小知識分享
時間 Mon Sep 11 18:39:48 2017


當初看到 IT 的預告時











以下分享一些昨晚看完就興致高昂跑去 IMDb 看到的三個有趣小知識

It 有趣知識分享#1

Whenever Pennywise's eyes look in two different directions, there are no
special effects used for that. Director Andrés Muschietti had planned on
using CGI to achieve this, and informed Bill Skarsgård of this, but Skarsgå
rd then demonstrated that he could do it on his own, and that is what is used
in the final film.
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當潘尼懷思 (小丑) 的眼睛看向兩個不同方向時,是沒有使用特效的。導演原本想用
 CGI 拿達到這個效果,並告知 Bill Skarsgård,但 Skarsgård 就示範他自己就辦得

It 有趣知識分享#2

27 is a number that often becomes associated with this story. This movie is
set to be released 27 years after the original television release. In the
book, it is mentioned that "It" returns to Derry approximately every 27
years. Jonathan Brandis, who played young Bill in the original film, died at
27 years old. This movie released one month after Bill Skarsgård (Pennywise)
27th birthday.
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書中,「牠」大約每27年會回到德瑞小鎮。Jonathan Brandis,飾演原版電視劇中小時候
的 Bill 的演員,過世時是27歲。這部電影是在 Bill Skarsgård (飾演小丑潘尼懷思)




It 有趣知識分享#3

The cast of the Losers Club were asked whom they wanted to play their adult
parts: Finn Wolfhard (Richie Tozier) says Bill Hader, Sophia Lillis (Beverly
Marsh) says Jessica Chastain, Chosen Jacobs (Mike Hanlon) says Chadwick
Boseman, Jack Dylan Grazer (Eddie Kaspbrak) says Jake Gyllenhaal, Wyatt Oleff
(Stanley Uris) says Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jeremy Ray Taylor (Ben Hanscom)
says Chris Pratt and Jaeden Lieberher (Bill Denbrough) says Christian Bale.
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魯蛇俱樂部的小演員們有被問到希望找誰演他們的成人版。Richie 說 Bill Hader (SNL
固定班底之一)、Beverly 說 雀姊、Mike 說 Chadwick Boseman (黑豹)、Eddie 說 傑克
葛倫霍、Stanley 說 約瑟夫高登李維、Ben 說 星爵、Bill 說 克里斯汀貝爾。


製片 Barbara Muschietti (同時也是導演 Andy Muschietti 的姊妹)

有確認雀姊有被考慮出演長大後的 Beverly



ˋˋ  /</<       立              ˋ     ˋ先先    ┌┐╭══╮  土      ─┼─
ㄋ三 ├─┐  ˋ  日 目卜 / ├┐┌─┐   三 目     ││║╭╭║  ├ 巳   人│人
人口 ├─┘ ── 十 /\口 日 .│  毋     口ˊˋ口育└┘║║║║ /┴──┘  小
     │冊    ㄨ              ┘  貝  在            口 ╰╯╯╯

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EVA96: 雀姊有像 其他就XDDDDDDD1F 09/11 18:42
tieamonk: 眼睛從外面轉進來那段也沒有用特效哦?!?!2F 09/11 18:45
minakyle: 推有趣小知識,黑豹應該徒手就能幹掉小丑XDD3F 09/11 18:53
fjksa: Ben找星爵蠻有梗的 也是小胖變肌肉男4F 09/11 18:55
lolic: 星爵 黑豹 蝙蝠俠 這個陣容是要打小丑打到死逆5F 09/11 18:55
s82015969: 蝙蝠俠:聽說你很懂恐懼?6F 09/11 18:59
gan171819: 弱弱的問一下 雀姐是?7F 09/11 19:14
shengchiu303: xDD9F 09/11 19:17
nymphkc: 27年後的陣容是要霸凌小丑嗎 幫小丑QQ10F 09/11 19:18
qeworz: 雀姐是指長大莫菲的潔西卡歲項楨Z11F 09/11 19:29
cov: eddie連這個都很嘴XDD12F 09/11 19:45
elflily: 原來是說潔西卡'雀'斯坦喔13F 09/11 19:47
elflily: 克里斯汀貝爾虐小丑蠻有梗的
gan171819: 原來是星際效應的墨菲 感謝解惑15F 09/11 19:50
tenniset: 眼睛往不同方向轉也太神奇了,有誰平常也做得到嗎? 好奇.16F 09/11 19:53
benoire: 感謝分享17F 09/11 20:03
hhwang: 演小丑的是大帥哥18F 09/11 20:05
How to move the eyes - YouTube
This guy is spectacular. He is able to move his eyes as he wants

HELLDIVER: 看起來好像可以透過訓練...20F 09/11 20:05
HELLDIVER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTQvYu2cF48
XRobots - Explanation of How To move your eyes eyeballs independently party trick - YouTube This is a brief explanation and demonstration of how to move your eyeballs independently. More at:  Join my facebook page: http:/...

devin0329: 雀姐=雀斑一姐22F 09/11 20:10
chiu8512252: 影片好酷恐怖23F 09/11 20:18
chiu8512252: *好恐怖
r700000: 話說幾個小孩中手包石膏的那個(抱歉忘記名字)的確長得25F 09/11 20:22
r700000: 很像克里斯汀貝爾就是了
Raulmanu: 這是我想像的陣容XDDD27F 09/11 20:58
Raulmanu: http://i.imgur.com/bt0aa32.jpg
dragon50119: 星爵XDDD不錯喔     很符合身形變化29F 09/11 21:24
hongzero: 星爵也是從胖子練回去的 應該可行xd30F 09/11 21:47
GUDU: 石膏那個比較像艾瑪華森31F 09/11 22:52
GalGadot: 我以為史丹會選星爵too XD33F 09/11 23:53
yysmato: 推雀姐~~如果真的是雀姐接演我一定要看34F 09/12 01:48
th11yh23: 用一些沒人聽過的暱稱35F 09/12 03:10
mrchildren3: 明星名是啥36F 09/12 08:47
hhwang: https://i.imgur.com/PlUUE9K.jpg 小丑本人37F 09/12 09:53
TokiyaWu: 蝙蝠俠:對付小丑我已經駕輕就熟了39F 09/12 16:27
whyen23: 女主角根本史嘉蕾歲嚌睃佹Y小版 https://i.imgur.com/e8X40F 09/12 17:03

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