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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-28 20:46:24
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作者 lorinafamily (每天下雨天)
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時間 Wed Jun 28 09:51:51 2017



北歐版《龍紋身的女孩》男主角Michael Nyqvist肺癌逝世,享年56歲







 The Swedish actor also starred in 'John Wick' and 'Mission: Impossible —
Ghost Protocol.'

Michael Nyqvist, who starred as Mikael Blomkvist in the original Swedish
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movie thrillers with Noomi Rapace, died
Tuesday after battling lung cancer, his family said. He was 56.

"Michael's joy and passion were infectious to those who knew and loved him.
His charm and charisma were undeniable, and his love for the arts was felt
by all who had the pleasure of working with him," a family statement read.

Nyqvist also appeared in John Wick, toplined by Keanu Reeves, and as the
villain nuclear scientist in Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol opposite
Tom Cruise.

The role of Mikael Blomqvist in the American big-screen adaptation of
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, based on Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy,
was played by Daniel Craig.

Nyqvist also starred in Colonia, opposite Michael Bruhl and Emma Watson,
and played Captain Sergi Andropoyov in the Donovan March-directed
submarine-set action-thriller Hunter Killer.

He also appeared in the 2016 Sundance selection Frank and Lola, which starred
Michael Shannon and Imogen Poots. On the TV front, Nyqvist starred opposite
Dominic Monaghan in 100 Code, the Sweden-U.S. series created by Bobby Moresco.
Nyqvist won the best male actor award at the Guldbagge, Sweden's equivalent
of the Oscars, in 2002 for his performance in The Guy in the Grave Next Door.
He also starred in As It Is in Heaven, which was nominated for best foreign
film at the Academy Awards in 2004.

Born Rolf Ake Mikael Nyqvist on Nov. 8, 1960 in Stockholm, he was educated
at the School of Drama in Malmo. He apparently caught the acting bug when,
at age 17, he traveled to Omaha, Neb., for one year as an exchange student.

After starring in mostly Swedish theater and movie productions during the
1980s and early 1990s, including in the role of police officer Banck in the
first series of Beck films made in 1997, Nyqvist's career breakthrough came
with the 2000 Swedish dramedy Together, directed by Lukas Moodysson.

He then played the lead role in the 2002 Swedish romantic comedy-drama
The Guy in the Grave Next Door, directed by Kjell Sundval. A year later,
Nyqvist starred in the Swedish film As It Is in Heaven, which was nominated
for an Academy Award in the best foreign-film competition.

He is survived by his wife, Catharina, and their children, Ellen and Arthur.

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※ 編輯: lorinafamily (, 06/28/2017 09:52:16
sosoing: T口T1F 06/28 09:53
※ 編輯: lorinafamily (, 06/28/2017 09:55:39
kimula01: RIP2F 06/28 09:56
bug914: RIP..3F 06/28 10:02
WeGoYuSheng: Vigo...4F 06/28 10:11
polo007: RIP, 造就巴巴耶嘎的人QQ5F 06/28 10:13
s8757042: 我覺的北歐版的龍紋身比美國的好看...6F 06/28 10:14
WeGoYuSheng: 喜歡北歐版+17F 06/28 10:15
mssmall: R.I.P8F 06/28 10:20
jacky336: R.I.P9F 06/28 10:24
idxxxx: R.I.P.10F 06/28 10:36
sergiorossi: 原來他只比阿湯哥大兩歲11F 06/28 10:38
remprogress: R.I.P12F 06/28 11:00
CaminoI: R.I.P 北歐版的男女主角是神選角13F 06/28 11:04
marimbagou: R.I.P 北歐版神選角+114F 06/28 11:06
meayulo: R.I.P 滿喜歡他的,到好萊塢好像都演反派居多15F 06/28 11:21
Fangmeyer: R.I.P.16F 06/28 11:25
gogoto: R.I.P.17F 06/28 11:31
awhat: OMG... R.I.P18F 06/28 11:33
glacierl: R.I.P.19F 06/28 11:51
Eric1989528: R.I.P. 真的是一個好演員20F 06/28 12:29
NiGHTsC: 戲裡戲外都RIP…T_T…巴巴耶嘎真的惹不得…21F 06/28 12:34
jensheng09: R.I.P.22F 06/28 12:52
yufangshih: 他在John Wick是演那個飯店總管嗎?23F 06/28 12:53
maydayholic: 昨天才又重播鬼影行動....24F 06/28 12:54
erikanofann: 靠RIP25F 06/28 12:55
Eric1989528: 在John Wick演老大啊26F 06/28 13:01
polo007: 我覺得他在鬼影行動飾演的反派也是不可能系列裡最強的27F 06/28 13:01
glayteru00: !!昨天才看鬼影行動啊…28F 06/28 13:27
MPSSC: 他演的是John Wick第一集,第二集眉眼29F 06/28 13:36
MPSSC: 沒有演
MPSSC: 但以龍紋身的女孩來說,Daniel Craig比較合原著的描述...
MPSSC: 他演的是殺了John Wick的狗的黑幫屁孩二代的老爸
uriel2231: R.I.P33F 06/28 14:17
wwa928: 前幾天才去找了John Wick回來看完!!!R.I.P.34F 06/28 14:23
legend41269: QAQ35F 06/28 14:40
icandobetter: R.I.P.36F 06/28 14:45
strayfrog: R.I.P. 他演的龍紋身真的經典37F 06/28 14:57
melanie31: 天啊 好難過 我愛北歐版 他氣質超好38F 06/28 15:37
domorita666: !!!!!!!!!!39F 06/28 15:51
mfo7: 只看過北歐版。推40F 06/28 15:52
phantom78626: 為啥要叫北歐版 不就是瑞典自己拍自己的小說 那台灣41F 06/28 15:55
phantom78626: 人拍台灣人的小說就不是原版要叫亞洲版了...
icefire: 竟然死了......43F 06/28 16:14
wwa928: 樓樓上,因為還有一個版本是美國拍的,就做區分啊!44F 06/28 16:57
stark5566: r.i.p45F 06/28 17:05
killeryuan: QQ46F 06/28 17:16
GothicMetal: 應該叫做原版跟美國版47F 06/28 17:19
unrechiran: 我難過48F 06/28 17:46
ksng1092: 正常來說應該是後面的那個版本多加上"美國版"來區別,不49F 06/28 17:53
ksng1092: 過因為對很多人來說原版是後來才知道的所以就...
freiheitkino: 他演的【龍紋身的女孩】中,半夜女主角跑到他房間裡51F 06/28 18:14
freiheitkino: 上床那一段是我看過最讓人感到不自在的床戲
freiheitkino: 實在可以用驚悚來形容...
seraph01: R.I.P.54F 06/28 18:50
kyoforever: R.I.P.55F 06/28 19:05
jackbender: RIP56F 06/28 19:12
zero95154: RIP57F 06/28 19:18
ishimaru: 驚 昨天才又看一次鬼影行動58F 06/28 19:47
dan5120: rip  mi4的boss59F 06/28 19:48
bj45566: R.I.P.60F 06/28 20:08
bj45566: 原版(瑞典版)比較好看 +1

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