※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-24 10:21:21
看板 Military
作者 標題 Re: [討論] 基輔西北面俄軍可能被包餃子?
時間 Thu Mar 24 05:47:06 2022
Carla Babb
@CarlaBabbVOA#BREAKING #Ukrainians have pushed the #Russians back to about 55 kilometers east & northeast of #Kyiv according to sr. def official. "yesterday we were telling you they were about 20 to 30 km away" #UkraineUnderAttaсk
@CarlaBabbVOA#BREAKING #Ukrainians have pushed the #Russians back to about 55 kilometers east & northeast of #Kyiv according to sr. def official. "yesterday we were telling you they were about 20 to 30 km away" #UkraineUnderAttaсk
Richard Engel
@RichardEngelUkraine making big gains around kyiv. I got a brief (with an unclassified map) from two top municipal officials
@RichardEngelUkraine making big gains around kyiv. I got a brief (with an unclassified map) from two top municipal officials
Trent Telenko
@TrentTelenkoTrain Logisticalnote the Russians are shelling Ukrainian train lines going to the Donbas.
This is a Russian battlefield "Admission Against Interest" regards their belief they will capture it anytime soon.
I've been looking for this since my "operational attrition" threadhttps://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1506332019499974660 …
Russian forces shelled Pavlohrad-2 station which lies on the key railway branch to Donbas. Traffic through the station has been suspended indefinitely #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar
@TrentTelenkoTrain Logisticalnote the Russians are shelling Ukrainian train lines going to the Donbas.
This is a Russian battlefield "Admission Against Interest" regards their belief they will capture it anytime soon.
I've been looking for this since my "operational attrition" threadhttps://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1506332019499974660 …
Russian forces shelled Pavlohrad-2 station which lies on the key railway branch to Donbas. Traffic through the station has been suspended indefinitely #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar
There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they
don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the communist world.
~John F. Kennedy, 1963
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● 03-24 05:47 ■ Re: [討論] 基輔西北面俄軍可能被包餃子?
03-24 10:45 ■ Re: [討論] 基輔西北面俄軍可能被包餃子?
推 : 有個消息說24小時內拜登會造訪波烏邊界1F 03/24 05:47
→ : 未證實
→ : 未證實
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推 : 烏克蘭本土力量+世界各類師資=世界前三5F 03/24 06:20
推 : 馬里烏我還是覺得很悲觀…6F 03/24 06:23
推 : 英國情報也加入西北包圍網的討論,他們覺得可能包7F 03/24 06:25
→ : 圍了
→ : 圍了
推 : 我感覺拜登老人會私底下跟司機見面 隔幾天才公布影9F 03/24 06:32
→ : 片 不事前公開免得司機被斬首
→ : 片 不事前公開免得司機被斬首
推 : 拜登不可能去吧 那麼危險 頂多視訊吧11F 03/24 07:04
推 : 拜登對弄死蘇聯(或說俄羅斯帝國)這件事相當執著12F 03/24 07:15
→ : 波波跟烏克蘭邊境出現一堆美軍在準備拜登過來波波13F 03/24 07:25
推 : 這場仗打完了頓內次克跟盧干次克的親俄派不會好過的17F 03/24 07:30
→ : 俄羅斯贏了的話就會是俄國直接接管,現在檯面上的
→ : 俄羅斯贏了的話就會是俄國直接接管,現在檯面上的
推 : 打到現在,再怎麼唬爛的事,都有可能成為現實19F 03/24 07:31
→ : 全部鳥盡弓藏,烏克蘭贏了的話更慘,他們已經沒有20F 03/24 07:31
→ : 武力可以保護自己免於全面清算了
→ : 武力可以保護自己免於全面清算了
推 : 烏東都快拉未成年參戰 平民百姓寧可上頭被清算吧22F 03/24 07:50
推 : 那個真的NBC編制內記者?不是像德國之音那樣只是掛23F 03/24 08:01
→ : 個名的投稿記者?
→ : 個名的投稿記者?
推 : 參考二戰期間、維琪法國那些人的下場,不意外啦25F 03/24 08:10
推 : 維琪法國是最壞的案例吧?中層官員被沒有法源的法庭26F 03/24 08:18
→ : 判刑,共產黨游擊隊未經審判大量處決他們認定的合作
→ : 者,最高階的合作者就拿個拉瓦爾祭旗,剩下諸如軍方
→ : 以及資本家等跟納粹德國合作最密切的人士都安全退場
→ : 合作的軍人至少還有著升不上去只能退休的晚景,有力
→ : 政黨人士跟商人可是搖身一變就變成新生共和國的紅人
→ : 判刑,共產黨游擊隊未經審判大量處決他們認定的合作
→ : 者,最高階的合作者就拿個拉瓦爾祭旗,剩下諸如軍方
→ : 以及資本家等跟納粹德國合作最密切的人士都安全退場
→ : 合作的軍人至少還有著升不上去只能退休的晚景,有力
→ : 政黨人士跟商人可是搖身一變就變成新生共和國的紅人
→ goetze …
推 : 拜登帶團參訪馬烏里波爾順便帶物資進去算了33F 03/24 08:44
推 : 上面那個勢力地圖跟普丁桌上那張差很大喔34F 03/24 08:44
→ : 那個美國官員是被美軍寵壞了,以為天空都是自己家35F 03/24 08:48
→ : 的嗎
→ : 還是根本就已經到了直接bypass忽略的程度
→ : 的嗎
→ : 還是根本就已經到了直接bypass忽略的程度
推 : 美國前官員的版本比烏克蘭還樂觀.......38F 03/24 08:52
推 : 國防部那是以美軍作戰水準 加一倍時間吧39F 03/24 09:39
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