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作者 標題 [廢怯] 外國人唱 Magia 這日文歌聲是配音的吧 XD
時間 Tue Mar 6 16:17:36 2012
【Nicki&Ria】 Kalafina's Magia/Sis Puella Magica cover~ - YouTube Check out Nicki's channel (as well as mine, when I can help assist her with piano) - www.youtube.com/paperliliesny Ria's channel - www.youtube.com/akariachuu...

一開口就嚇到了 XD
這是聲優配音的吧 XD
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推 :超專業的聲音....1F 03/06 16:25
♥ Moekaiser + Rammoe♥ - YouTube
thread - http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=763895 by the wonderful artist pika7. Used with permission. Moekaiser (tsun) lines: I shall br...
thread - http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=763895 by the wonderful artist pika7. Used with permission. Moekaiser (tsun) lines: I shall br...

推 :想必也是個聲優志願的外國人4F 03/06 16:34
推 :QB營業曲太神了啊!! 歌詞填得不錯5F 03/06 16:35
paperliliesny's Channel - YouTube
Singing the songs I feel like singing because they make me happy, true, I don't get a lot of attention for it, but I try to stick to my principles!! :D Various fandubs and fancovers - sometimes a piano and live recording is involved provided by LilyPichu~ ...
Singing the songs I feel like singing because they make me happy, true, I don't get a lot of attention for it, but I try to stick to my principles!! :D Various fandubs and fancovers - sometimes a piano and live recording is involved provided by LilyPichu~ ...
→ :我上面那篇才是彈琴的LilyPichu的聲音7F 03/06 16:36
Dango Daikazoku Voice Over - Featuring : Dyrus and Lily - YouTube Happy Valentines Day From Dyrus with the help of Lily P.S. NEVER DOING THIS EVER AGAIN TO EMBARRASSING if you like really cute voices that you want to stalk ...

→ :講到LILY就想到和睡神合唱XD9F 03/06 16:38
→ :我以為他最有名的是那首我要離開LOL10F 03/06 16:41
推 :還有一個Lily雷丘 我已經搞不懂他們之間的關係了11F 03/06 16:56
→ :好像是lily皮丘的分身 看個人資訊寫的12F 03/06 17:08
※ 同主題文章:
● 03-06 16:17 ■ [廢怯] 外國人唱 Magia 這日文歌聲是配音的吧 XD
03-06 16:56 ■ Re: [廢怯] 外國人唱 Magia 這日文歌聲是配音的吧 XD
※ 看板: Madoka 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 385