※ 本文為 memy 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-14 14:35:58
看板 LoL
作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] 今天是圖片分享
時間 Wed Mar 14 14:09:25 2012
路徑是 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Air\assets\images\champions
在 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Game\DATA\Characters
http://ppt.cc/0un~ 現在就是使用這張取代原本圖片
League of Legends: Orianna by *Erina on deviantART
Durhur OTL I am addicted to this game, and more importantly, addicted to Orianna. Probably the funnest champion to play. Anyways, this started off as a ... ...
Durhur OTL I am addicted to this game, and more importantly, addicted to Orianna. Probably the funnest champion to play. Anyways, this started off as a ... ...
http://ppt.cc/qER0 剛出的刺客,很有質感
Bladecraft Orianna by ~yy6242 on deviantART
lol fanart ...
lol fanart ...
http://ppt.cc/,BaH 印象中這個作者是台灣人,當然要幫推
Ahri by ~LasterKing on deviantART
League of legends fanart, Ahri. ...
League of legends fanart, Ahri. ...
Ahri by ~naturaljuice on deviantART
A character of the game ----" League of Legends " I love her. ...
A character of the game ----" League of Legends " I love her. ...
http://ppt.cc/A96~ 超可愛的,我一定要換這張
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
http://ppt.cc/2oX~ 使用中,與奧莉安娜同一作者,期待他的新作品
Succubus Morgana by *Erina on deviantART
Hi, lol I actually had this 90% finished for the looonnngest time. I just finally got around drawing the hand while taking a break from commissions. Her... ...
Hi, lol I actually had this 90% finished for the looonnngest time. I just finally got around drawing the hand while taking a break from commissions. Her... ...
http://ppt.cc/g5yi 捲捲毛~~
League of Legends---Leona by ~TEnmoom on deviantART
software : Photoshop about 25hours Leona is the first female tank, HA! ...
software : Photoshop about 25hours Leona is the first female tank, HA! ...
http://ppt.cc/gNw2 畫工非常精緻,職業水準
Miss Fortune by ~achibner on deviantART
Hey look! I finished something that I can post! This is supposed to be an interpretation of Miss Fortune, a champion from the game League of Legends. I ... ...
Hey look! I finished something that I can post! This is supposed to be an interpretation of Miss Fortune, a champion from the game League of Legends. I ... ...
Janna - The Storm's Fury by ~Shiraw on deviantART
here we go x3 just a little, yeah "warm up" before i'll start my art folder^^ nahhh the outlines aren't drawn by me, a good friend sent it to me and sai... ...
here we go x3 just a little, yeah "warm up" before i'll start my art folder^^ nahhh the outlines aren't drawn by me, a good friend sent it to me and sai... ...
http://ppt.cc/i5q_ 秘書!
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
http://ppt.cc/0TaO 克勞德
+Riven Cloud+ by *Orenji-kun on deviantART
Riven from league of legends in Cloud's SOLDIER 1st class outfit just thought they shared some interesting traits... finished this in Livestream : ) Riv... ...
Riven from league of legends in Cloud's SOLDIER 1st class outfit just thought they shared some interesting traits... finished this in Livestream : ) Riv... ...
http://ppt.cc/WS_N 這張的刀子好像有點莫名的怪異
riven the exile from LoL by ~bonnifairy on deviantART
riven the exile from league of legends (you can download the game from [link] it is free) happy face runes ! 11th jan - i'm not personally happy with th... ...
riven the exile from league of legends (you can download the game from [link] it is free) happy face runes ! 11th jan - i'm not personally happy with th... ...
http://ppt.cc/3YDd 這張很棒,我要改這個人像圖
Shyvana by ~kancent on deviantART
I always turn my random anatomy sketches into a league character for some reason.. Dem freakishly long bayonetta esque legs Shyvana ult bar at half or s... ...
I always turn my random anatomy sketches into a league character for some reason.. Dem freakishly long bayonetta esque legs Shyvana ult bar at half or s... ...
http://ppt.cc/rH~Y 很精緻的人像畫
battle mistress doodle by ~yumedust on deviantART
Fanart I did of Leage of Legend's Sivir last year (before I was working with Riot) Photoshop CS3, cintiq ...
Fanart I did of Leage of Legend's Sivir last year (before I was working with Riot) Photoshop CS3, cintiq ...
http://ppt.cc/6QQ2 目前看到最棒的凱特琳
Browsing deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
http://ppt.cc/HJNK 其實我只想要知道這張是不是**了
Caitlyn The Sheriff of Piltove by ~YunsamaTH on deviantART
Caitlyn The Sheriff of Piltover,champion for game League of Legends. If possible I would like to draw all of female charater ...
Caitlyn The Sheriff of Piltover,champion for game League of Legends. If possible I would like to draw all of female charater ...
http://ppt.cc/RX,q Q版,但是眼神有點見鬼
LoL - Caitlyn by ~tenzeru-chan on deviantART
Another LoL chibi ^^ I hope you guys like it, this is Caitlyn 'The Sheriff of Piltover' and one of my fav characters~ Next one will be Sona, MF and Akal... ...
Another LoL chibi ^^ I hope you guys like it, this is Caitlyn 'The Sheriff of Piltover' and one of my fav characters~ Next one will be Sona, MF and Akal... ...
http://ppt.cc/u46G 你可能覺得伊瑞的圖比較多一點點..League of Legends : Irelia by ~Philiera on deviantART
This artwork for Anna Nemenshaya. League of Legends character Irelia by Phila 2012 ...
This artwork for Anna Nemenshaya. League of Legends character Irelia by Phila 2012 ...
http://ppt.cc/~RHF 日式風格
Irelia by *urusai-baka on deviantART
Hi guys! This is Irelia from the game League of Legends. She is my favorite character to play. I spent soo long on this picture. Hope you guys like it! ... ...
Hi guys! This is Irelia from the game League of Legends. She is my favorite character to play. I spent soo long on this picture. Hope you guys like it! ... ...
http://ppt.cc/HiRB 這一張跟上一張我看不懂誰才是原作,所以都放
Just my Irelia Wallpaper by ~AliceInChaos on deviantART
I asked some friends to make me a Irelia wallpaper and they resized some of Irelia Splash arts, so I decided to make one myself. Oh, should I put a typo... ...
I asked some friends to make me a Irelia wallpaper and they resized some of Irelia Splash arts, so I decided to make one myself. Oh, should I put a typo... ...
http://ppt.cc/_1Bd 這個一直讓我想到吉良吉影
Nightblade Irelia by ~Penett on deviantART
Irelia ...
Irelia ...
http://ppt.cc/tq1E 非常希望有人能作這組skin
Blade Goddess Irelia by *Erina on deviantART
Yeahh, something I did because people wanted me to try making an Irelia skin, but after I got 50% finished did Riot release Winged Hussar Xin Zhao D8. W... ...
Yeahh, something I did because people wanted me to try making an Irelia skin, but after I got 50% finished did Riot release Winged Hussar Xin Zhao D8. W... ...
http://ppt.cc/rQkO 女僕伊瑞,可以搭配之前介紹的女僕skin服用
Irelia, the First Rozen Maiden by ~k3lp0 on deviantART
Wikipedia misled me into watching the series (It's kind of crap.... except for the OVA, it's so touching) But I slowly got to realize that Suigintou is ... ...
Wikipedia misled me into watching the series (It's kind of crap.... except for the OVA, it's so touching) But I slowly got to realize that Suigintou is ... ...
http://ppt.cc/iCb3 沒大圖太可惜了,只能用來當簽名檔使用
http://ppt.cc/O9NM 推薦這張,準備改來當預設圖
Irelia The Will of The Blades by ~andrislolita on deviantART
kinda hook up with this game big time.... she is my favourite character so far League of Legeds, Riot Games ...
kinda hook up with this game big time.... she is my favourite character so far League of Legeds, Riot Games ...
http://ppt.cc/C6TcFemale Xerath by ~Penett on deviantART
hmm....should I check mature content? ...
hmm....should I check mature content? ...
http://ppt.cc/dFwGFemale amumu by ~Penett on deviantART
Female amumu ...
Female amumu ...
http://ppt.cc/Q;MqFemale shaco by ~Penett on deviantART
Shaco.... actually, shaco is not a girl ...
Shaco.... actually, shaco is not a girl ...
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave
this world knowing the same, then everything that happens
in between can be dealt with.
- Michael Jackson
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: Anzar 來自: (03/14 14:10)
推 :(右鍵中...1F 03/14 14:11
推 :還真的都是女角...2F 03/14 14:14
→ :Ire那張的大圖我記得小鳥臉有分享3F 03/14 14:14
Re: [閒聊] 今天是圖片分享 - LoL板 - Disp BBS
這兩週不能打電動,所以沒事都在找圖想把所有的圖片都換掉 這些圖可以放在champion目錄下面取代png小圖跟jpg大圖 路徑是 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Air\assets\images\champions 記得要先備份原檔案以防萬一 高興的話也 ... ...
這兩週不能打電動,所以沒事都在找圖想把所有的圖片都換掉 這些圖可以放在champion目錄下面取代png小圖跟jpg大圖 路徑是 \GarenaLoLTW\GameData\Apps\LoLTW\Air\assets\images\champions 記得要先備份原檔案以防萬一 高興的話也 ... ...
噓 :關燈沒東西 這不是安薩6F 03/14 14:15
→ :阿姆姆畫個綾波零就好了(誤)7F 03/14 14:17
→ :大圖的原網址在哪邊可否給我?我想寫信給作者9F 03/14 14:20
→ :這不是安薩 被盜帳號了10F 03/14 14:20
→ :為什麼我這樣就要被噓啊!!!!!11F 03/14 14:22
推 :不是女僕伊瑞 是薔薇少女水銀燈12F 03/14 14:27
推 :水銀燈SKIN是哪一篇 看到突然想買伊瑞了XD13F 03/14 14:28
推 :應該是主席沒錯14F 03/14 14:29
推 :你可以把我的推改成囧!15F 03/14 14:30