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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-27 16:28:34
看板 movie
作者 yyhong68 (come every now and then)
標題 [新聞] 神力女超人即將創下新的票房紀錄
時間 Fri Jun 23 23:49:09 2017


'Wonder Woman' Set to Become Top-Grossing Live-Action Film Directed by a Woman


Patty Jenkins' movie will achieve the milestone shortly after topping
the $600 million mark on Wednesday.

派蒂· 珍金斯所執導的電影在(美國時間)週三時票房達六億美元後,將再達成一重大里程碑。

Director Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman continues to make history in its
box-office run.

派蒂· 珍金斯導演的「神力女超人」繼續在票房上創紀錄。

Sometime Thursday or Friday, the Warner Bros. and DC superhero tentpole
will eclipse the $609.8 million earned worldwide by Phyllida Lloyd's
Mamma Mia! (2008) to become the top-grossing live-action film of all
time from a female director, not accounting for inflation.

2008年由菲莉妲· 洛伊德所執導的「媽媽咪呀!」(6億980萬美元)紀錄,

Wonder Woman also has a strong shot of passing up Kung Fu Panda 2's
$665.7 million to become the top-grossing film of all time from a
female filmmaker with solo directing duties. Jennifer Yuh Nelson
helmed the 2011 animated sequel.

「神力女超人」也有機會超越由Jennifer Yuh Nelson執導之「功夫熊貓2」的

Starring Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman passed the $600 million mark at the
worldwide box office on Wednesday, finishing the day with a cume of
$601.6 million, including $289.2 million domestically and $312.4 million


In terms of a movie from female and male co-directors, Jennifer Lee
and Chris Buck's Frozen (2013) is at the top of the box-office list
with $1.28 billion in global ticket sales.


'Wonder Woman' Crosses $600 Million at Worldwide Box Office

‘Wonder Woman’ Crosses $600 Million at Worldwide Box Office | Variety
"Wonder Woman" has crossed $600 million worldwide box office. ...


"Wonder Woman" continues to be a box office force.


In less than three weeks of wide release, "Wonder Woman" has earned
$601.6 million. The breakdown, after Wednesday night's totals were
counted, now stand at $289.2 million domestic, and $312.4 million overseas.


This comes after "Wonder Woman" shattered expectations to earn
$103.3 million in North America during its opening weekend. The
movie has shown impressive holds since then, dropping only 43%
during its second weekend, and a staggering 29.5% in its third frame.


"Wonder Woman" is also the rare movie this summer that has been able to
post a relatively equal split between U.S. and international earnings.
Film such as "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales," and
the upcoming "Transformers: The Last Knight" are leaning heavily on
the international box office, especially China.


It's a big win for Warner Bros. and DC Comics which have pulled off
a movie that has been received well by both audiences and critics.
Director Patty Jenkins, too, has been a celebrated figure in Hollywood
since the movie proved to be a hit. Variety recently revealed exclusively
that Jenkins is already involved in drafting a script for the sequel.
Gal Gadot and Chris Pine topline the film as Diana Prince
(a.k.a. Wonder Woman) and Steve Trevor.

導演派蒂· 珍金斯因拍出一部佳作而被業界所推崇。本媒體(Variety)最近才

Domestically, "Wonder Woman" is the third-highest earning movie of 2017
so far behind Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" ($503.5 million) and
 "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" ($376.2 million).


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※ 編輯: yyhong68 (, 06/23/2017 23:54:39
chivalry70: 過.....1F 06/24 00:22
pattda: 這部是吹捧 過譽是另一部戲2F 06/24 00:27
pattda: 這次超越好多記錄 最後那個紀錄很難破XD
moonstream: 推翻譯4F 06/24 00:40
k9k2k7k0: 唉...政治正確搞成這樣5F 06/24 00:47
EVA96: 吹吹6F 06/24 00:48
bbbsmallt: 聲勢那麼好,萬一全球沒破7億那會有點糗啊7F 06/24 00:50
ttc768160: 有女神就必須推8F 06/24 00:52
scottayu: 下禮拜就正式成為DCEU北美第一了 目標應該是北美破4億+9F 06/24 00:53
scottayu: 年度第三吧 全球7億沒啥問題 只是可能贏不了SS
tsaiwaichen: 要破四億需要更好的運氣 六月北美一堆flop11F 06/24 00:55
bbbsmallt: 破4億也太濠洨了吧,3億5就很猛了12F 06/24 00:55
tsaiwaichen: 下周開始DM3 蜘蛛人 猩球應該不會像六月一樣大爆炸13F 06/24 00:56
tsaiwaichen: 收在死侍跟星際異攻隊2之間可能性最大
bbbsmallt: SS真的可怕,讓中國票房海外還是贏WW15F 06/24 00:59
pattda: 搶不到三底線還有個五阿XD16F 06/24 00:59
emptie: 好萊塢在性別平等上還有好長一條路要走…17F 06/24 01:02
abain521: 續航力超乎預期,不過要贏ss可能要加油QQ18F 06/24 01:04
scottayu: 不是SS賣得好 是WW海外賣不好 幾乎1比119F 06/24 01:04
scottayu: 預估票房周末結束就3億2了 這後勁 最慢再兩周就3億5了
shyfox: 全球票房比較差多半是差在Muslim國家21F 06/24 01:09


scottayu: WW在東亞除了中國外的國家賣的都不差 但其他海外國家幾22F 06/24 01:23
scottayu: 乎都是大輸SS
rewqasdf: 別連ss都輸24F 06/24 01:42
sads333: 垃圾電影25F 06/24 01:43
iam0718: 看來營不了SS 太扯拉26F 06/24 02:03
no321: 為啥WW在中國賣得沒這麼好啊27F 06/24 02:04
scottayu: 知名度 外加中國人很重演員號召力 雙神鬼有強尼阿湯哥28F 06/24 02:08
icarus0508: 沒大卡演員  角色知名度沒bs高  廣告沒ss打得兇etc29F 06/24 02:08


scottayu: 變形金剛有何博文跟麥克戴蒙30F 06/24 02:09
icarus0508: 想想ss找will smith是聰明的31F 06/24 02:14
bluemei: 現在紅了第二集中國就會買單了 他們和我們一樣愛跟風32F 06/24 02:16
d3osef: 北美4億和全球贏過SS都不是沒機會 WW已經讓一堆人碎眼鏡了33F 06/24 02:26
glacierl: 華納高層自己的眼鏡碎更厲害吧。34F 06/24 02:30
pattda: 台灣神力可是一開始就狂賣 這次沒跟風喔XD35F 06/24 02:31
pattda: 華納不是笑的樂開懷嗎XD
scottayu: 這次是跟風評價+端午節XD37F 06/24 02:32
pattda: 跟台灣一樣端午上的香港也是賣的嚇嚇叫 不過香港滿愛神力38F 06/24 02:35
glacierl: 台灣這次是順利帶風向 XD39F 06/24 02:36
pattda: 所以本來就有基本盤(老人盤?)XD40F 06/24 02:37
glacierl: 希望最後上的日本可以再衝一波!41F 06/24 02:38
s2657507: SS角色魅力吸引力太強 即便評價很差還是熱賣42F 06/24 02:38
s2657507: 更誇張的是它還沒在中國上....
s2657507: 光打小丑小丑女組合就狂吸票房了
icarus0508: ss廣告太強45F 06/24 02:40
icarus0508: 而且ss 有出現小丑  蝙  以前will smith
pattda: 就那支預告超轟動阿 年度最吸引人預告XD47F 06/24 02:41
glacierl: SS嚴格說起來娛樂性還是很夠的,人物特色也很鮮明,然48F 06/24 02:44
glacierl: 後有大明星跟超模出演。周邊吸引人的點其實蓋過劇本的
glacierl: 缺陷了。(我是指在票房貢獻上)
yalamina: 之前兩部評價太差影響到WW吧51F 06/24 02:46
yalamina: WW出來救援有這成績已經很好了
pattda: 超好的阿 原本有3-4億小賠華納就安心了 哪知道大賣53F 06/24 02:54
GalGadot: 感覺北美會落在3.5億54F 06/24 03:48
Timba: 女性紀錄... 期待有同性紀錄,三性紀錄55F 06/24 04:05
lamolala: 有Wonder Woman就推!56F 06/24 05:16
mssmall: WW票房輸SS沒天理。SS爛到有剩57F 06/24 05:32
nznz: SS就夜店風,大家很愛58F 06/24 06:41
nznz: 不過要說帶來希望的是WW
Rayol: 外國評論說全球票房贏SS不是不可能,WW加油60F 06/24 07:18
yua123: 女主應該片酬會漲很多61F 06/24 08:30
superbatman: 跟導演無關 純粹Gal正到逆天62F 06/24 09:03
s2657507: 最好跟導演無關啦63F 06/24 09:05
mssmall: 導演是wonder woman你不知道嗎?64F 06/24 09:15
mssmall: 還好有這位導演Patty我們才有這麼美好的WW
NEWinx: 日本應該不會有多好,日本只愛動畫66F 06/24 09:17
darkbrigher: 哪裡無關...劇本沒完成 導演自己下海去寫 華納腦殘高67F 06/24 09:17
darkbrigher: 層想砍壕溝戲 也是導演擋下來

這個事(壕溝戲)發生在前製作業時,如果Patty沒說服他們, 不知道他們想用什麼來取代那場阿~

聽說在Wonder Woman: The Art and Making of the Film 這本書中

funnily: 導演是Wonder Woman無誤 尤其聽完前製亂成一團的八卦後69F 06/24 09:38
funnily: 更佩服她  希望續集給她的空間和預算能更多
Makaay: 日本可以用美少女戰士宣傳71F 06/24 09:48
mssmall: 所以有人看完Joss Whedon的劇本了嗎?可以討論一下嗎?72F 06/24 10:05
mssmall: 到現在還是覺得不可思議
sunny1991225: 我看完一段時間了74F 06/24 10:58
sunny1991225: 我覺得那個劇本真的沒有之前報導傳出的那麼糟糕
sunny1991225: 那個twitter其實是惡意挑劇本中沒有前後文時看起來
sunny1991225: 不好的地方出來罵
sunny1991225: 而且在傳達性別衝突以及女權上還比新版露骨很多
ttc768160: WW比SS好看多了、SS看完覺得不知道看了啥79F 06/24 11:11
bengowa: 主要是因為女主角選角120分80F 06/24 11:14
psypoorer: 十刷衝啊81F 06/24 11:42
mssmall: Sunny大好啦我相信劇本跟最後呈現出來的方式還是有很大82F 06/24 12:03
mssmall: 空間的不同。而且也是十年前的了
bluemei: 看了一半 覺得還好 舊劇本兩人衝突的對話比較多 可是我不84F 06/24 12:42
bluemei: 認為有貶低女性的意味
peter193991: 目前女導演記錄是功夫熊貓2的6.65億美元86F 06/24 12:47
modhairs: 好看87F 06/24 12:53
mssmall: 今天西班牙上映 進補一下88F 06/24 12:55
bluemei: WW的電視廣告好像也沒有SS打那麼兇 更 當年綠燈廣告超大89F 06/24 13:00
bluemei: 我拉朋友去看還保證絕對不用擔心........
Eallychang: 強91F 06/24 13:02
※ 編輯: yyhong68 (, 06/24/2017 13:18:53
peruman: 讚讚讚92F 06/24 13:42
peruman: 這導演其實很棒 把感情戲拍得很好
zooocy: 我有y大提到的WW電影美術設定集,報導的確是直接引用書中94F 06/24 13:51

Thank you...

cindylin812: 日本8月上映95F 06/24 14:13
mssmall: 希望日本的天然系有效啊(笑~)96F 06/24 14:21
chinhan1216: SS那種垃圾為什麼能賣成這樣...97F 06/24 14:24
great0815: 請問SS是什麼98F 06/24 20:08
mssmall: Suicide squad 自殺突擊隊99F 06/24 20:47
pattda: 保證不用擔心XDD 之後心理壓力很大吧XD100F 06/24 22:17
※ 編輯: yyhong68 (, 06/25/2017 22:20:41

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