※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-02 22:13:40
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 美國CNET報導立法院學生在Reddit上的AMA
時間 Wed Apr 2 20:58:30 2014
Students occupying Taiwan government take to Reddit AMA - CNET
The Sunflower Movement of students occupying Taiwan's national assembly have explained their goals in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session. ...
Students occupying Taiwan government take to Reddit AMA - CNET
The Sunflower Movement of students occupying Taiwan's national assembly have explained their goals in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session. ...
Students occupying Taiwan government take to Reddit AMA/
The Sunflower Movement of students occupying Taiwan's national assembly have
explained their goals in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session.
Taiwanese students peacefully occupying Taiwan's legislature building have
taken to Reddit with an Ask Me Anything to explain their goals.
和平佔領台灣立法院的學生們把議題帶到Reddit上, 在"無所不答"討論串中解釋他們的目
Students and protestors took over the national legislature's assembly hall more
than two weeks ago, in opposition to a trade pact that could leave Taiwan more
economically reliant on China.
兩個星期前, 學生和抗議者佔據國會大廳, 反對服貿協議將會導致台灣在經濟上太過依附
Led by 25-year-old Lin Fei-Fan and 24-year-old Chen Wei-ting, protestors known
as the Sunflower Movement survived early eviction attempts and have organised a
peaceful occupation in the legislature building, complete with recycling bins
and cameras broadcasting a live feed on Ustream.
由二十五歲的林飛帆和二十四歲的陳為廷帶頭, 以太陽花學運聞名的抗爭者們成功抵抗初
期的驅離行動, 在立法院中組織了和平的佔領行動, 架設資源回收桶和USTREAM實況轉播
Taking to Reddit, protest leaders laid out their objections to the trade deal,
balancing cost-benefit figures of local GDP against economic and social
independence from China, and registering general dissatisfaction with the
在Reddit上, 抗爭領導者們闡述他們的反對服貿協議的原因, 分析經濟與社會獨立與否對
在地GDP的影響, 和表達對政府整體上的不滿
Questions, comments and messages of support filled the AMA from all corners of
the globe. Asked about similarities between the current political situations
in Taiwan and Ukraine, protestor Lin Yu-hsuan notes that "Both of us seem to
have a younger generation wanting to move forward and connect more with the
rest of the world. Unfortunately a decreasing but vocal group in the older
generation continues to want to hold us back in favor of Russia/China."
在"問我任何事"討論串中, 充滿了來自世界每個角落提問, 評論, 和支持的聲音. 當被問
到當下政治情勢與烏克蘭有何相似處, 抗爭者林郁璇說"兩國似乎都存在著想要進步,
想與世界接軌的年輕世代. 但不幸的, 慢慢減少但仍具影響力的老一輩仍然故步自封,
"You guys are so brave," says one Redditt user. "I'm a student and I couldn't
even imagine overtaking a Taco Bell." Protestor Oliver Chen replies, "Ask most
of us here a couple of months ago, and we would have probably said the same.
一位Redditor說"你們真勇敢". "我也是學生但我根本無法想像我佔領一個Taco Bell." 陳
瑞光回應, "要事在幾個月前, 我們也是一樣阿."
"But one day you realize that if you aren't willing to stand up for your
country now, there might never be another chance. That's a pretty sobering
"但是有一天你會了解, 如果現在你不為了你的國家站出來發聲, 未來可能永遠沒有機會了. 這是點醒大家的一個想法."
這篇目前有兩千多個"讚", 相對於到達熱門話題的程度
We are students that have taken over Taiwan's Legislature. Almost half a million people have joined us in support. AMA! : IAmA We are the student organizers that have taken over Taiwan’s Legislature for the past two weeks. The occupation is ongoing. On Sunday, [almost half a m... ...
CNET是很普及的科技產品網站, 看到他報導這篇有點嚇一跳
自行翻譯的, 歡迎轉載
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396443515.A.5B5.html
推 :1F 04/02 20:59
推 :早上有看到,還滿多人回應的2F 04/02 21:00
推 :佔領taco bell XD3F 04/02 21:00
推 :4F 04/02 21:01
推 :推5F 04/02 21:02
推 :推6F 04/02 21:08
推 :7F 04/02 21:22
推 :8F 04/02 21:25
推 :加油!!9F 04/02 21:27
推 :有說明訴求跟民主層面的聲音嗎?10F 04/02 21:34
推 :推!!希望國際上能更多人注意到11F 04/02 21:37
→ :stick of truth!12F 04/02 21:49
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 57
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