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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-05 09:15:08
看板 HatePolitics
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [黑特] 川普譴責俄國攻擊烏克蘭是大屠殺
時間 Sat Mar  5 03:44:02 2022

Trump Calls Russia Invasion of Ukraine 'Holocaust', Big Shift The former lavished praise on Vladimir Putin, calling him a "genius", until the Russia military moved into Ukraine and started killing people. ...


Trump called Russia's invasion of Ukraine a 'holocaust', completing a massive
shift from praising Putin as a 'genius' one week before



"We're watching a holocaust. We're watching something that I've never seen
before, the way that they're going to go in — they're blowing up buildings
with children, with women, with professionals, with people — think of just
people," Trump said.

"They're blowing up indiscriminately, they're just shooting massive missiles
and rockets into these buildings and everybody is dying"


"But they don't respect the United States and the United States is like, I
don't know, they're not doing anything about it. This is a — this is a
holocaust. This is a horrible thing that's happening. You're witnessing and
you're seeing it on television every night."





The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.

                        ~John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y8cm5KC (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1646423045.A.50C.html
blessbless: 我川威武1F 03/05 03:52
ILYY: 怎麼會有川俄粉阿2F 03/05 03:59
kcbill: 川俄粉應該要跟著轉向了辣3F 03/05 04:11
jcwang: 你的英文廢到笑,大屠殺跟集中營不會分?4F 03/05 04:12
jcwang: 別刪文 修改,這個爛英文看一次笑一次

My Bad.

genheit: 川普也看清風向了,剩下一些川粉還在挺俄6F 03/05 04:14
Pissaro: holocaust拉出來就是挑動猶太人,川普有懂7F 03/05 04:23
Pissaro: 川普才不管俄羅斯怎的,他拿俄羅斯是來嘴拜登的
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 03/05/2022 04:33:33
bakedgrass: 板上幾個有名的川粉都是挺俄的阿9F 03/05 04:37
alkahest: 不就兩個還那幾個?10F 03/05 04:55
HenryLin123: 川俄粉就藍川粉啊,數量跟日本壓縮機差不多稀少但是11F 03/05 05:02
HenryLin123: 很大聲。
bakedgrass: 天使川、douge跟Anjou就三個了13F 03/05 05:03
mecheers: 那些挺俄的根本垃圾,說他們是川粉是在污辱川粉吧14F 03/05 05:10
SILee: 從來沒人在理那三隻啊XDDD15F 03/05 05:11
TAKANA: 我川粉..兩次都投川。我也很賭爛烏克蘭。但是俄羅斯真的16F 03/05 05:18
TAKANA: 太雞巴..違反人性的行為完全無法接受。好比路上看到馬英九
TAKANA: 被強暴,我還是會努力救他。大概是這樣。
kasugamaru: 幹 樓上害我想了一下那個畫面19F 03/05 05:19
bakedgrass: TAKANA的比喻XDDDDDD20F 03/05 05:22
TAKANA: 樓上幹什麼東西..我可是很認真的在討論這件事。好嗎!21F 03/05 05:39
quanhwe: youtube 一堆川俄粉不知道該怎麼轉彎了22F 03/05 05:54
CHENXOX: 當初窩川當選  現在布丁說不定還乖乖待著23F 03/05 05:55
quanhwe: 看來只好裝死當沒聽到24F 03/05 05:55
geordie: 三普是拿布丁來尻洗掰登的,爲啥還有人看不出來?25F 03/05 06:10
baiweilo: 16樓XD26F 03/05 06:16
donkilu: 就最愛扯陰謀論的那幾位27F 03/05 06:28
tsgd: 那幾位搞不好還只有兩個人咧 有夠可恥28F 03/05 06:32
Finarfin: 那什麼比喻XD 幹 飲料差點從嘴巴噴出來29F 03/05 06:59
lolucky531: 我在吃早餐配奶茶 你要講笑話你要先說30F 03/05 07:08
chungrew: 馬英九:e04 躺著也中槍....31F 03/05 07:16
dxoxb: 如果中國被俄羅斯侵略 台灣也會撐中國嗎32F 03/05 07:34
letmesee3085: 贏了,失智燈33F 03/05 07:34
longtimens: 川普從來沒挺俄羅斯侵犯烏克蘭啊= =34F 03/05 07:55
longtimens: 任內搞得天下太平的總統,怎麼會認為他挺戰爭,腦子?
tn1983: 我川威武36F 03/05 08:44
tallolz: 被你的比喻笑死…37F 03/05 08:49
liko7676: 覺青塔綠班崩潰 慘38F 03/05 08:55
frozenmoon: 川普都說話了,極端川粉該醒醒了39F 03/05 08:58
tarcowang: 馬英九那麼老了,沒人想幹他屁眼40F 03/05 09:03

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