※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-27 09:53:41
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 我們關心但不介入的英文怎麼講比較順?
時間 Tue May 26 23:09:22 2020
安安 各位肥宅晚安
小弟的英文很菜 所以來跟大家請益一下最近很流行的一句話該怎麼說
照字面上的意思翻We care but not intervene
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UpJ4aol (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1590505764.A.CAF.html
推 : fuck off1F 05/26 23:09
推 : Taiwan can help2F 05/26 23:09
→ : free sex3F 05/26 23:10
推 : We HongKong4F 05/26 23:10
→ : none of my business5F 05/26 23:10
推 : green cockroach6F 05/26 23:10
→ : we close heart but dont insert7F 05/26 23:10
推 : Just talk don't mind8F 05/26 23:10
噓 : masturbation9F 05/26 23:10
推 : NO VOTE NO CARE10F 05/26 23:10
推 : 哀東凱兒11F 05/26 23:11
推 : fuck off12F 05/26 23:11
推 : this is a pen13F 05/26 23:11
推 : I play my part and you play your game14F 05/26 23:11
→ : Fuck off15F 05/26 23:11
→ bluenan …
噓 : DPP17F 05/26 23:12
→ z2wen …
推 : 哎東法ㄎㄧㄥ克爾19F 05/26 23:12
推 : we care,but it's none of my business20F 05/26 23:12
推 : we are ko fans21F 05/26 23:12
噓 : Taiwan can help22F 05/26 23:13
→ : you can you up, no can no bb23F 05/26 23:13
老鐵裡面英文就你最牛逼→ : no penetration, just touch.24F 05/26 23:13
推 : good show25F 05/26 23:13
推 : over my dead body26F 05/26 23:13
→ : Costco ikea27F 05/26 23:13
推 : fuck off HK28F 05/26 23:14
推 : goodshow29F 05/26 23:14
噓 : 寶咖咖30F 05/26 23:15
→ : Taiwan can help, but not you.31F 05/26 23:16
推 : vote dpp32F 05/26 23:16
推 : who car33F 05/26 23:16
→ : we don't care34F 05/26 23:16
→ : Who car35F 05/26 23:16
→ : we care here36F 05/26 23:17
噓 : We DPP37F 05/26 23:17
推 : Fucking China and Fucking HKer38F 05/26 23:17
推 : I Don't Care39F 05/26 23:18
→ : we care but there is nothing we can do hehe40F 05/26 23:18
※ 編輯: biggg1818 ( 臺灣), 05/26/2020 23:19:04→ : 東踏取蜜41F 05/26 23:19
推 : Concern but no intervention42F 05/26 23:19
推 : NTD 90K smells gooooood43F 05/26 23:19
推 : care but don’t dare44F 05/26 23:19
推 : TAIWAN VALUE45F 05/26 23:20
→ : Who cares46F 05/26 23:20
推 : guan la47F 05/26 23:21
推 : Weenie Xi48F 05/26 23:21
推 : Cafeteria charges49F 05/26 23:21
推 : just see and do nothing.50F 05/26 23:22
推 : I do donot care!51F 05/26 23:22
→ : who bird u
→ : who bird u
推 : OK,+U53F 05/26 23:24
→ be00148 …
推 : best regards55F 05/26 23:25
→ : Top up Taiwan value!56F 05/26 23:25
推 : You are spy57F 05/26 23:26
推 : Hong kong is china58F 05/26 23:27
推 : TAIWAN CAN HELP?59F 05/26 23:27
推 : Stau in wen60F 05/26 23:27
推 : who can help? taiwan can help61F 05/26 23:28
推 : no vote then shut up62F 05/26 23:31
噓 : we believe dpp ㄎㄎ63F 05/26 23:32
→ : consumption64F 05/26 23:32
→ : No Hong Kong65F 05/26 23:32
→ lwamp …
推 : we just don't give a shit67F 05/26 23:34
→ : 英國外交部的聲明就是了阿68F 05/26 23:35
→ : china pig69F 05/26 23:37
噓 : op70F 05/26 23:38
→ : 問阿滴啊呵呵71F 05/26 23:39
噓 : Hi! , .... , bye~72F 05/26 23:39
推 : who bird you?73F 05/26 23:40
推 : Careless and uninvolved74F 05/26 23:40
噓 : costco75F 05/26 23:42
推 : 滅休幹某76F 05/26 23:43
推 : I don't give a shit.77F 05/26 23:44
推 : 817 like sow78F 05/26 23:44
推 : keep it in mind79F 05/26 23:44
推 : We basically do care but we're not gonna do anything80F 05/26 23:45
→ : about it.
→ : about it.
噓 : 第幾篇了?82F 05/26 23:45
→ eeccms …
推 : Taiwan Fuck HK Off84F 05/26 23:46
推 : I know but I dont care85F 05/26 23:46
推 : 我跟...站在一起的英文怎麼說86F 05/26 23:47
推 : not my business87F 05/26 23:48
推 : XDDD88F 05/26 23:51
推 : IKEA89F 05/26 23:51
→ : Taiwan’s ATM90F 05/26 23:52
推 : DPP’s Dog91F 05/26 23:59
推 : Dpp yes92F 05/26 23:59
推 : we care literally93F 05/26 23:59
推 : who cares HK94F 05/27 00:01
→ : get out here!95F 05/27 00:01
推 : who bird you96F 05/27 00:09
→ : We know but not our business99F 05/27 00:17
噓 : 有人問過了,不會爬文?100F 05/27 00:18
噓 : op 了101F 05/27 00:19
推 : Taiwanese Value102F 05/27 00:22
推 : 我們跟中共宣傳的一樣 關心有介入香港問題 那些抗議的人都103F 05/27 00:22
推 : just talk no sex104F 05/27 00:22
→ : 是外國勢力跟民進黨煽動無誤105F 05/27 00:22
→ : 樓上蟑螂很生氣106F 05/27 00:22
推 : who cares?107F 05/27 00:30
推 : Go back to your China daddy. The election is over108F 05/27 00:34
→ : ~
→ : ~
噓 : go fuck yourself110F 05/27 00:38
噓 : 好多五毛跟柯糞狗啊!111F 05/27 00:40
推 : We care, but none of my business.112F 05/27 00:40
→ : Don’t touch me113F 05/27 00:45
噓 : XD變日經文惹114F 05/27 00:47
噓 : 前面鄭立才在發文你在這邊亂115F 05/27 00:53
→ : non of my business116F 05/27 01:02
推 : We don't give the fuck117F 05/27 01:06
→ : 你們的總統ispooh桑です118F 05/27 01:25
推 : we hear youuuuuuuuu~~~119F 05/27 01:26
推 : Bye120F 05/27 01:28
推 : Everyone feels good on toilet,but no one fall in121F 05/27 01:52
→ : love with the toilet
→ : love with the toilet
推 : who cares Hong Kong123F 05/27 01:56
推 : we stand away to care you^_^124F 05/27 02:16
推 : H(韓Han)K(柯Ker) eat shit.125F 05/27 04:49
推 : not my business126F 05/27 05:56
推 : Don't touch me.127F 05/27 06:14
推 : 靠北…笑死128F 05/27 06:40
推 : none of my business129F 05/27 07:09
推 : we care,in heart only.130F 05/27 07:14
推 : I know but I dont care131F 05/27 07:28
→ : Taiwan cannot help132F 05/27 07:49
推 : wish you have a good dream133F 05/27 07:56
推 : i won, and HK fuck off134F 05/27 08:15
推 : we care,but fuck off135F 05/27 08:24
推 : taiwan value136F 05/27 08:28
噓 : Not my business137F 05/27 08:29
推 : Care vote but no care Hong Kong138F 05/27 08:42
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 337
4樓 時間: 2020-05-27 11:26:33 (台灣)
05-27 11:26 TW
We care about you, but that's not my business, OK?