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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-24 12:13:21
看板 Gossiping
作者 novel5566 (小說五六)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 4/23 川普白宮談話 各狀態下病毒存活數據
時間 Fri Apr 24 09:01:15 2020

※ 引述《koster (斯特隆)》之銘言:
: 今天也沒有什麼特別的消息,但是川普一直在問一些很蠢的問題,
: 不過醫療不是他的專業,美國人從小也就被教導任何蠢問題都是好問題,
: 只要你敢問都是好事,就怕你不問悶在心裡,這樣想想川普的行為就正常多了!
: 1. 夏天情況會比較好嗎?
: 國家研究所長回答:就數據來說是這樣,但是不代表夏天就不會有武漢肺炎!
: (川普一直問所長很蠢的問題,像是暗示去曬曬太陽就可以殺菌了,但當場被打槍)



A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into
that world, which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body
with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or very powerful light. And I
think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going test it.
Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either
through the skin or in some other way.


And I think you said you’re going test that too. Sounds interesting. And
then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute.
And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or
almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a
tremendous number in the lungs. It would be interesting to check you’re
going have to use medical doctors with that, but it sounds interesting to me.
And so we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in
one minute, that’s pretty powerful.



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kingtama: 這個很鄉民阿1F 04/24 09:02
kinmengon: 女孩兒會問的問題 感覺他老婆比較聰明2F 04/24 09:02
satosi011: 注射清潔劑到體內XD3F 04/24 09:03
zeumax: Genius4F 04/24 09:06
Light1126: 川普正在示範如果鄉民當總統會發生什麼事5F 04/24 09:06
jessicali: 注射清潔劑....比較起來我國記者的程度有好一點6F 04/24 09:07
jessicali: 如果他問噴酒精到嘴裏實在很危險
piece1: 之前某報不也刊登喝巴拉松治登革熱的智障投書8F 04/24 09:08
piece1: 差別在於投書的不是總統...
yoshilin: 這樣可以有效消滅川粉10F 04/24 09:10
arsonlolita: ......11F 04/24 09:10
yoshilin: 其實應該大肆宣傳12F 04/24 09:10
yoshilin: 不然沒人知道美國總統是白癡
polanco: 真的是色違版韓國瑜14F 04/24 09:12
yiersan: 左膠媒體 可憐哪15F 04/24 09:23

川普現場台上講的原文是左膠媒體? 想護航川普可以不要說謊造謠嗎?


kimula01: 來人上哪張妹子回頭問注射疫苗圖16F 04/24 09:23
yiersan: 敗登健忘症嚴重到無法時常說出完整句子 完全不播17F 04/24 09:23
※ 編輯: novel5566 ( 美國), 04/24/2020 09:29:35
PttCraft: 川迷可以照著做18F 04/24 09:27
mecheers: 川粉不要再秀下限了,先解釋一下你主子在共三毀19F 04/24 09:31
yiersan: 隨便問一下左膠們還在高潮 笑死 根本踏入他圈套罷了20F 04/24 09:32
mecheers: 不然川粉要不要捨身幫主子驗證一下21F 04/24 09:32
mecheers: 所以連川粉都不相信他的話,可憐哪
yiersan: 他就是要把媒體弄成大反派激出他老白搖擺州票啊23F 04/24 09:33
customptt: 美國人的總統好可怕24F 04/24 10:28

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