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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-20 23:34:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 Alan104 (Abcedf)
標題 Re: [政治] 新加坡總理夫人-何晶FB
時間 Mon Apr 20 23:14:26 2020

※ 引述《Oldwood (老木)》之銘言:
: https://reurl.cc/nzDqV6
: Heehee heehee heeheehee!
: Heehee heehee heeheehee!
: Hic hic hic hic hic!
: Heehee heehee heehee heeheehee!
: Lolz
: Seriously, folks, the world can sometimes be very funny!
: Heehee heehee heeheehee!
: More later as I’m rotfl
: https://imgur.com/3CRFABc.jpg
: 備註:補足30字。
: 新加坡總理何晶心情不錯,分享歡笑給大家,請大家一同參與新加坡總理的歡樂世界
何晶又補充了 部分大致翻譯一下 我不諳新加坡英語 有錯請見諒、更正
Hello again, everyone!
Just finished a quick dinner, and enjoyed time with the family too ....
剛吃完晚餐 還跟家人度過美好的時光
But friends caused me to chuckle, chuckle again, asking me if my FB account
has been hacked.
Just having my laughs for the day!

Last evening, as we finished a 2nd last minute Sunday mtg, one of the team
said: “See you all tomorrow!”
Pause ...

“Ya, see you all tomorrow at 9:30am!”, another piped up.
And we all laughed.
我們大家都開懷大笑 (幹 新加坡人是這麼無趣啊  這種東西都笑得出來)
Yes, they needed time to work through their numbers - no doubt they had
worked through the night to get some sense of what we can or cannot deliver,
by the time we regrouped this morning to look at the week by week
So off we go since the morning - different teams with different work streams
The last team from Temasek Foundation raised the issue of the prisons.

Can we provide hand sanitizers?

Obviously, it would not be practical to provide high alcohol hand sanitizers.

So the zero alcohol hand sanitizers it is - and we would need to organise for
the prisons to fill the bottles for themselves, like how Harry’s bar is
filling up sanitizers for our dorm residents.

And the wardens too?

Of course, we must cover the wardens too.

And what about masks?

Yup! We should.

Let’s see - how many chaps are we talking about?
公司基金會要提供防疫物資給監獄 大概就這樣 不想翻了
Oh, let’s take a look at the reusable masks coming in ... this month this,
next month that, ....

Oh dear! We’ll need to order more - and every one so intent on the schedule,
until one of the cooler heads piped up:

Errrr ... may i know if we are talking about millions or thousands?

Puzzled looks all around, and silence over the air waves from the dial in

Oh! Oops! Oh dear! Yah!

Silly me! My numeracy went out the window! Yah! Long day, lah!
何晶發出奇怪聲音中 請稍後
We had lost track of the number of zeroes, and of course we can cover them -
well within the number of reusable masks coming in next week, all the way
through August.
Yay! We can easily cover them!
We all laughed - a good end to a good day.

Then, as i was catching up on some reading, ping!

Hey, hc, these folks who don’t allow people to post contrarian views on
their sites? They think yours truly shouldn’t post so much on FB bcos:
a) yours truky is married to abc;
b) yours is ceo of xyz
Oh wow!

I couldn’t help but be so tickled.
哇 哈哈
Folks who blocked others from posting contrarians views on their sites, while
they try to mouth the slogan of free speech - they now want to deprive yours
truly from posting on my own FB page?
Awwww .... that’s pretty rich, don’t you think?
哇 他們好棒棒啊
Heehee heehee heeheehee!

Sorry, folks, am just having fun!

Was born a maverick - coming feet first instead of head first - so i guess
irreverence is in my blood ...


Never mind - that’s life - and tomorrow is another day!

Have a good night, and have a good rest, everyone!
And thank you all, for watching out for me, and especially for looking out
for each other and for everyone else who may need help in Singapore and

And hugs!


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ckbdfrst: 她把罵她的人關起來了 還有新加坡大爆發 她笑得好開心1F 04/20 23:15
※ 編輯: Alan104 ( 臺灣), 04/20/2020 23:15:54
Tchachavsky: 新加坡李氏王朝2F 04/20 23:16
SRNOB: hehehehehe3F 04/20 23:16
Tchachavsky: 不能批評 下面一堆吹捧的衛兵超好笑4F 04/20 23:16
AOA2: 到底在笑三小啊...奇怪為啥機掰人都不會染病啊?5F 04/20 23:16
※ 編輯: Alan104 ( 臺灣), 04/20/2020 23:16:56
Tchachavsky: 罵她貼圖的都外國人 很明顯可以看國籍XDDDDDDDDDDDDD6F 04/20 23:16
bluenan: 罵她的人要坐牢,哪門子言論自由?7F 04/20 23:16
mithuang: 疫情這樣總算是讓人瘋了8F 04/20 23:16
salvador1988: 哇…這瘋到不忍卒睹9F 04/20 23:18
mimeory: 這種人就無視就好了...日常生活就很多類似的了...10F 04/20 23:18
etiennechiu: 她那公司第一季賠了7千億,崩潰了不意外11F 04/20 23:19
DJSHD2: 都會講蟑螂跟老鼠了還期待她不歧視外人?12F 04/20 23:19
kurtc: 快瘋的老女人不用理她了吧13F 04/20 23:19
randolph80: ErrrHeeErrrHee Good Show14F 04/20 23:21
meaning12: 瘋瘋癲癲15F 04/20 23:22
dream1124: 不要一轉瘋婆子的東西過來好不好,她一點都不重要16F 04/20 23:23
kouta: 舔中的人不就都這德性17F 04/20 23:24
nrxadsl: 吃飽太鹹18F 04/20 23:24
henrysu1625: 真的瘋了19F 04/20 23:24
fifybl: 7千億又不是她賠 她領不知多少的固定薪水的啦XD20F 04/20 23:25
lovegensokyo: 這個真的有病.....21F 04/20 23:25
dickhurt: 沒人限制他發文啊???去留言罵是能限制啥22F 04/20 23:27
likejerrycat: 不是很在乎小粉紅怎麼想23F 04/20 23:27
yannjiunlin: 腥就毀在這垃圾手上24F 04/20 23:27
azytjr: 就是左膠呀!政治正確鼓吹言論自由又打壓他人言論,嘻嘻25F 04/20 23:28
fifybl: 獨裁久了就會變這樣怪怪的XD26F 04/20 23:28
Kapenza: SAN値=027F 04/20 23:28
virginia779: 新加坡人應該不敢講她賠錢吧28F 04/20 23:29
Whitening: 真爽,每天划發費文照樣領1億薪水29F 04/20 23:29
mudee: 她公司賠了幾千億  崩潰了  新加坡被她搞到國家危機  都有30F 04/20 23:29
mudee: 可能  到時候她真的要當中國的狗了  中國就是趁你病  要你
mudee: 命
kouta: 搞不清楚自己身份該說不能說什麼話 上綱到言論自由 蠢33F 04/20 23:29
DRAWER: 在新加坡罵政府會被當神經病抓去治療 然後真的神經病說新34F 04/20 23:30
DRAWER: 加坡有言論自由
mudee: 她一直在發文  有被限制嗎? 同樣的  別人罵她  也是別人的36F 04/20 23:30
mudee: 自由  互不限制
dos01: 看到那一排Heehee 我還以為是國棟XDDD38F 04/20 23:31
dos01: 電競瘋狗瘋起來! HeeheeHeehee!
dos01: 他該不會有在看國棟的直播吧XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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1樓 時間: 2020-04-21 06:45:37 (台灣)
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2樓 時間: 2020-04-21 08:57:34 (台灣)
  04-21 08:57 TW
雖然大家很不爽他, 但是他是手握3000億美金的人生勝利組, 他這種高度的人說話瘋瘋癲癲還是有人信的, 所以請大家選擇忽視不理他, 沒浪他就拍不出浪花了
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