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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Uber eats 給黑人餐廳免運被控歧視
時間 Sat Oct 31 14:54:25 2020
1.媒體來源: Tech Crunch
2.記者署名:Megan Rose Dickey
Uber Eats faces discrimination allegations over free delivery
from Black-owned restaurants
※ 社論特稿都不能貼!違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!可詳看版規
Uber says it has received more than 8,500 demands for arbitration
as a result of it ditching delivery fees for some Black-owned
restaurants via Uber Eats.
Uber Eats made this change in June, following racial justice
protests around the police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed
Black man. Uber Eats said it wanted to make it easier for
customers to support Black-owned businesses in the U.S. and
Canada. To qualify, the restaurant must be a small or medium-sized
business and, therefore, not part of a franchise. In contrast,
delivery fees are still in place for other restaurants.
In one of these claims, viewed by TechCrunch, a customer alleges
Uber Eats violates the Unruh civil Rights Act by “charging
discriminatory delivery fees based on race (of the business
owner).” That claim seeks $12,000 as well as a permanent
injunction that would prevent Uber from continuing to offer free
delivery from Black-owned restaurants.
“We’re proud to support black-owned businesses with this
initiative, as we know they’ve disproportionately been impacted
by the health crisis,” Uber spokesperson Meghan Casserly said in
a statement to TechCrunch. “We heard loud and clear from
consumers this was a feature they wanted—and we’ll continue to
make it a priority.”
The website soliciting customers says eligible people can make up
to $4,000 in compensation if they have paid a delivery fee in
California since June 4, 2020.
The arbitration demands are not super surprising, given that Sen.
Ted Cruz said he expected Uber to face discrimination lawsuits
from restaurants without Black ownership.
It’s also worth noting that the representative for the customer
listed in the complaint is Consovoy McCarthy, whose partners
include President Donald Trump lawyer William Consovoy and others.
TechCrunch has reached out to Consovoy McCarthy and will update
this story if we hear back.
These complaints are reminiscent of one Microsoft is facing,
though not at as high of a level. Earlier this month, the U.S.
Department of Labor essentially accused Microsoft of “reverse
racism” (not a real thing) for committing to hire more Black
people at its predominantly white company.
Meanwhile, this is just one of many legal battles Uber is facing
these days. On the worker side of Uber’s business, a California
appeals court judge recently upheld a ruling granting a
preliminary injunction to force both Uber and Lyft to reclassify
their workers as employees. However, that has yet to go into
effect. That means all eyes are on Proposition 22, a California
ballot measure backed by Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and Instacart that
seeks to keep gig workers classified as independent contractors.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
為了聲援 #BLM 運動,Uber Eats 推出黑人經營的餐廳免運活動。
TechCrunch 說有一件是控訴 Uber Eats 根據人種提供特殊待遇違反了
Unruh civil Rights 法案。要求給其他在加州付運費的使用者補償。
參議員 Ted Cruz 之前也說給黑人優待會違反平權法案:
Unruh civil Rights 法案。要求給其他在加州付運費的使用者補償。
參議員 Ted Cruz 之前也說給黑人優待會違反平權法案:
@tedcruzThis will be an expensive exercise in virtue signaling. Because their explicit race-based discrimination is willfully in defiance of federal civil rights laws, Uber Eats will lose EVERY ONE of the lawsuits that are about to be filed.https://twitter.com/DavidJHarrisJr/status/1270570132176351233 …
Uber Eats replaced an equality-based system with one that is racially biased… You can’t make this stuff up. https://davidharrisjr.com/lawrence-d...lack-owned-for-0-delivery-fee/ …
Microsoft 也因為承諾錄取更多黑人而被美國勞工部警告,要求他們
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推 : 北七XDDD1F 10/31 14:55
推 : 那黑人外送員都不要給小費好了2F 10/31 14:55
推 : 給特定族群福利,通常不是特權就是歧視這些人3F 10/31 14:56
推 : 黃人都被送拳頭4F 10/31 14:56
推 : 笑死 借議題洗聲量被反撲了5F 10/31 14:56
推 : 那台灣給原住民加分也是歧視啊 應該廢除才是6F 10/31 14:56
推 : 台灣的UberEats也歧視台北人7F 10/31 14:56
→ : 給權貴加分是特權,給原住民加分是看原住民可憐8F 10/31 14:56
→ : 平權法案要註記某些種族要比其他種族更平等9F 10/31 14:57
推 : 不給原住民加分 人家喊外省人滾出台灣 怎模半10F 10/31 14:58
推 : 福利太小就歧視阿11F 10/31 14:58
→ : 那怎麼有學校底分錄取黑人ㄚ12F 10/31 14:58
推 : 玩過頭 北七13F 10/31 14:58
推 : 左膠內戰14F 10/31 14:58
→ : 低15F 10/31 14:58
→ : 如果黑人點那家免費 就不是歧視了16F 10/31 14:58
→ : 到時候閩南客家 都算外省人了 都要滾回去y17F 10/31 14:58
推 : 笑死 毛最多18F 10/31 14:59
→ : 你就不怕部安撫 原住民成立解放組織 定時在台北放炸彈..19F 10/31 14:59
推 : 左膠就是這樣,黑人更平等 嘻嘻20F 10/31 14:59
推 : 哈哈哈哈21F 10/31 15:01
推 : 笑死 就說這些人才是真正搞歧視的人 什麼都用特權那套22F 10/31 15:02
推 : 笑死 之前不能以種族為錄取標準是為了保護黑人23F 10/31 15:06
→ : 幹,自助餐是想怎樣24F 10/31 15:06
→ : 現在被反過來利用 真的很賤25F 10/31 15:06
推 : 用黑人抬棺BGM取代免運好了26F 10/31 15:08
推 : 本來就是啊27F 10/31 15:09
推 : 加分真的很蠢,可以保留名額,至少保證程度有到。28F 10/31 15:11
推 : 直接餐點免費就不會有人靠北了29F 10/31 15:17
→ : 黑人 點炸雞跟西瓜五折30F 10/31 15:24
推 : 原住民:?31F 10/31 15:24
推 : 智力左傾到一邊拿著補貼特權又一邊喊平權,被反打剛好32F 10/31 15:25
推 : 台灣原住民表示:33F 10/31 15:27
推 : 真的搞不懂34F 10/31 15:32
推 : 憑實力決定的話黑人就從世界上消失了XD35F 10/31 15:39
→ : 開放一個櫃檯給他們搶劫就對了36F 10/31 15:51
推 : 原住民加分、女性保障名額:37F 10/31 15:55
推 : 歧視黑人沒錢38F 10/31 15:55
→ : 笑死39F 10/31 15:57
推 : 給或不給都愛靠背...40F 10/31 16:07
噓 : 反種族歧視只有BLM黑人的命才是命?只有黑人需要獲41F 10/31 16:11
→ : 得公平對待?其它種族不需要被公平對待?你們駡黃
→ : 種人是黃猴子、奴隸,甚至有時候還施以暴力,請問
→ : 有像BLM一樣去燒人家房子搶刧人家財物?
→ : 得公平對待?其它種族不需要被公平對待?你們駡黃
→ : 種人是黃猴子、奴隸,甚至有時候還施以暴力,請問
→ : 有像BLM一樣去燒人家房子搶刧人家財物?
→ : 左膠怪怪的45F 10/31 16:15
推 : 原住民:?46F 10/31 16:15
推 : 美國各種族平等 但黑人比其他種族更加平等47F 10/31 16:36
推 : 名字有abc免費、生日有0204免費、八八節爸爸免費都騎士啦48F 10/31 17:00

推 : 因為特別優待某人種就是對別的人種的歧視啊乾50F 10/31 18:42
→ : 根據名字、生日 跟人種無關 當然就沒種族歧視啊幹
→ : 根據名字、生日 跟人種無關 當然就沒種族歧視啊幹
→ : 毛真多52F 10/31 21:15
推 : 原住民加分是歧視!53F 10/31 23:15
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