※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-15 11:47:16
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 中共南海軍演提前結束內幕:美航母直闖包
時間 Sun Apr 15 01:37:01 2018
※ 引述《phew18 (休士頓)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 新唐人
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: 中共南海軍演提前結束內幕:美航母直闖包圍圈
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: 常規訓練,與中共海軍對峙。
: 美媒《商業內幕》(Business Insider)報導,20分鐘內,20架F-18戰鬥機(F-18
: fighter jets)從航母上演練了升空、降落,有力地展示了美軍的精準度和效率。
: 美聯社稱,美軍還邀請多名菲律賓軍方將領和官員、記者隨「羅斯福號」觀摩軍演。
: 《商業內幕》報導,「羅斯福號」上的海軍上將科勒(Steve Koehler)告訴記者,當時
: 他們已看到周邊有很多中共軍艦,但美國海軍若無其事,繼續演練。
: 科勒說,中共有權和美軍同時軍演,但不需要中共海軍負責為美軍劃定途經路線。美軍的
: 這次部署早已計劃好了,不會因為中共軍隊的存在而改變。
: 《菲律賓星報》報導,「羅斯福號」軍演結束後,於11日抵達菲律賓首都馬尼拉。
: 據此分析,中共海軍原定11日-13日為期3天的軍演,只進行了一天就提前結束,可能與美
: 航母有關。此次演習可能是針對「羅斯福號」,隨着「羅斯福號」離開,中共「示威」即
: 告結束。
補一下引用的各家報導,以免又有人崩潰 大紀元 新唐人不可信
Business Insider
China flexed its navy in the South China Sea — and the US responded with an
aircraft carrier
US sends aircraft carrier to South China Sea after China shows off - Business Insider
The US aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is operating in the South China Sea after a massive Chinese Navy drill in the area. ...
The US aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt is operating in the South China Sea after a massive Chinese Navy drill in the area. ...
US carrier sails in disputed sea as China shows own force
US carrier sails in disputed sea as China shows own force | Philstar.com
As fighter jets streaked overhead, a U.S. aircraft carrier sailed through the South China Sea on Tuesday in the latest display of America's military m ...
As fighter jets streaked overhead, a U.S. aircraft carrier sailed through the South China Sea on Tuesday in the latest display of America's military m ...
US carrier Roosevelt displays capabilities in disputed South China Sea
US carrier Roosevelt displays capabilities in disputed South China Sea
Recent U.S. deployments of aircraft carriers, backed by destroyers, to the disputed waters for freedom of navigation challenges to Beijing’s territori ...
Recent U.S. deployments of aircraft carriers, backed by destroyers, to the disputed waters for freedom of navigation challenges to Beijing’s territori ...
Washington Post
US carrier sails in disputed sea as China shows own force
US carrier sails in disputed sea as China shows own force - The Washington Post
— As fighter jets streaked overhead, a U.S. aircraft carrier sailed through the South China Sea on Tuesday in the latest display of America’s military ...
— As fighter jets streaked overhead, a U.S. aircraft carrier sailed through the South China Sea on Tuesday in the latest display of America’s military ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QqZn3tq (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1523727427.A.DF4.html
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