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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-12 22:54:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 DebbieLu0926 (貧窮可愛肥宅)
標題 [問卦] "來互相傷害"的英文要怎麼講呢?
時間 Mon Feb 12 21:04:38 2018



想用英文回嗆他 "來互相傷害啊" 感覺比較高級一點


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1518440687.A.C0D.html
Skydier: FUCK ME1F 02/12 21:04

OK, I'm ready

Wardyal: Hey,I'm John2F 02/12 21:05

Hi how's going?

wuyiulin: Fuck together3F 02/12 21:05


Julian9x9x9: come each other damage4F 02/12 21:05

people mountain people sea

wet00428: 咩休幹哞5F 02/12 21:05

may show gun more

GGrunrundela: Come to me if ici you and you too6F 02/12 21:05

I 吸 U

rapnose: HIV+OK7F 02/12 21:05


cc02040326: let's fuck8F 02/12 21:05


GGrunrundela: I fuck you and you too9F 02/12 21:05

so, who's wanna be on the top?

YHOTV4096: gun together10F 02/12 21:05

we can cow cow together

i14d14: cashe outside11F 02/12 21:06

all money back me home

cc02040326: '多的 選錯字12F 02/12 21:06
jior: inside u and me,together13F 02/12 21:06

we can makein lxxe all night long

tooeasy: TK14F 02/12 21:06


corlos: fuck each other15F 02/12 21:07

it's all about the seeeeex

YHOTV4096: 肛 together16F 02/12 21:07

I c your ass and you too, wanna try?
※ 編輯: DebbieLu0926 (, 02/12/2018 21:14:05
dostey: 6917F 02/12 21:07


peiring: Fuck each other18F 02/12 21:08
tim9527: Me show gun mo19F 02/12 21:08
Edison1174: Let's hurt each other!20F 02/12 21:08
cedca: 認真回,MAD mutual assured destruction21F 02/12 21:09
DIVIS: 阿拉花瓜22F 02/12 21:10
la1aco:23F 02/12 21:11
chong17: Fuck  me and fuck  you !24F 02/12 21:11
wife4D7: AIDS25F 02/12 21:14
forhorde5566: Despacito26F 02/12 21:14
agong: With you Captain27F 02/12 21:15
jamesadobe: 問阿滴 我記得有一集是鄉民用語28F 02/12 21:16
Kate5566: let's cum together29F 02/12 21:18
carrycool: Let's fuck each other30F 02/12 21:20
banislolz: My name is Jeff.31F 02/12 21:20
dirk2011mav: printf('Hello World')32F 02/12 21:21
Simonfenix: Oh, you wanna this? Fine.33F 02/12 21:22
wagner: try me34F 02/12 21:23
greg7575: suck my dick35F 02/12 21:24
externaload: Come and hurt each other36F 02/12 21:26
L9C4iO: May show gun more37F 02/12 21:26
Anikk: show me the money38F 02/12 21:28
supremebox: fuck each other39F 02/12 21:30
Loire: diss40F 02/12 21:30
Szss: if we burn, you burn with us41F 02/12 21:32
a963: Battle42F 02/12 21:33
iWatch5566: This is a book43F 02/12 21:34
skywalker001: Costco44F 02/12 21:36
lookforu: Lie Who Shame Some High  選我正姐45F 02/12 21:39
jackythere: may eye for an eye46F 02/12 21:39
muserFW: Come to Hurt each other!47F 02/12 21:39
※ 編輯: DebbieLu0926 (, 02/12/2018 21:42:36
InMoDa: Jolin in the hource48F 02/12 21:47
panda80911: I fuck you , you fuck me49F 02/12 21:52
r30385: Let's fuck each other until both jizz.50F 02/12 21:54
b81314: Let be hurt together51F 02/12 21:54
IO8OP: You sure you wanna do this? Let’s play you motherfucke52F 02/12 21:56
IO8OP: r
hdotistyle: May show gun more54F 02/12 21:59
gebidan: 我到底看了三小xddddd55F 02/12 22:00
UccUccc: Let's to the hell together56F 02/12 22:02
hat13201: who shawn sun hi58F 02/12 22:04
jackson517: Chinese Fucking TAIPEI   選我正解59F 02/12 22:06
mogli: so this is how it's gonna play huh?60F 02/12 22:17
BlackBass: Fucking u n me61F 02/12 22:22
runlikewind: You do me, me do you.62F 02/12 22:28
notfound0407: Come mon~ bring it on ,man.63F 02/12 22:30
ccucwc: eat me64F 02/12 22:37
mmmu123: Ger Ger moo tune o~~65F 02/12 22:38
penalize17: O_O ok?66F 02/12 22:39

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1631 
※ 本文也出現在看板: terievv
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