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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-12-18 12:56:43
看板 Gossiping
作者 ppoo1234 (joe)
標題 [問卦] 哪句英語一開口就覺得覺得很道地
時間 Mon Dec 18 10:24:21 2017






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QDoROy7 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1513563864.A.F07.html
leoqqqoel: may1F 12/18 10:24
Wacha52: Check it out2F 12/18 10:24
vowpool: 花惹發3F 12/18 10:24
chivalry70: oh my4F 12/18 10:24
Rrrxddd: F_ck5F 12/18 10:25
wondtty: yo~6F 12/18 10:25
kent: mother fucker7F 12/18 10:25
librasniper: fxxk8F 12/18 10:25
cvit: Taiwan...girl..are...easy9F 12/18 10:25
SupCat: 瑪德伐克10F 12/18 10:25
AOA2: long time no see11F 12/18 10:25
parrot11: "come on" 各種語調適用各種情況12F 12/18 10:25
sexbox: stfu nigger13F 12/18 10:25
haydenhhh: You know14F 12/18 10:26
linfon00: Hi15F 12/18 10:26
kent: how do you turn this on16F 12/18 10:26
kingtama: god damn17F 12/18 10:26
bruce511239: damn18F 12/18 10:26
data1728: 幹你娘a老雞掰19F 12/18 10:26
greyyouth: 那個...我英文不好   先這樣講大家就體諒你ㄌ20F 12/18 10:26
kiuyeah: May show gun more21F 12/18 10:26
mikayu: what,s up body22F 12/18 10:26
bobru525: Is it good to drink?23F 12/18 10:26
avrild12: may show gun more24F 12/18 10:27
kosuke: Cum Together25F 12/18 10:27
dodo5478: Could you speak Chinese?26F 12/18 10:27
a0986188522: nigger27F 12/18 10:27
taiwanesgoi: casco28F 12/18 10:27
aabbcdcd: 尼哥29F 12/18 10:27
ultralarge: 認真回 外國人打招呼都講How’s you going30F 12/18 10:29
ann52066: Nigga bro31F 12/18 10:29
North4use: Bloody hell32F 12/18 10:29
ericpan70096: wuts up dog33F 12/18 10:29
studenthot: 德瑪西亞34F 12/18 10:29
pig55790: 樓上 How’s going 吧35F 12/18 10:30
tigerface: yo~鼻曲36F 12/18 10:30
misogyny5566: Say my name!37F 12/18 10:31
nges10310: suck my dick38F 12/18 10:32
North4use: You can't see me (揮手)39F 12/18 10:32
Charley2309: pardon me ?40F 12/18 10:33
eflove43: son of the bitcX41F 12/18 10:33
cobra5566: despacito42F 12/18 10:34
HKfood: well...you know43F 12/18 10:34
voyhanxu: 撒朗黑喲44F 12/18 10:34
af2772af: This is a book45F 12/18 10:36
shintz: three small46F 12/18 10:36
keith780902: 那個47F 12/18 10:36
rgyldhaj02: Notice me Senpai48F 12/18 10:36
benson29804: done49F 12/18 10:38
eb3pb3ey83: I enjoy anal sex50F 12/18 10:39
daniel129: 每個字後面都加like51F 12/18 10:39
eric0424tw: 尼哥52F 12/18 10:40
slimfat0202: 就是倪哥53F 12/18 10:41
dirubest: howdy~54F 12/18 10:42
qoo55253: sup55F 12/18 10:43
king945la: holy跟fuxking開頭56F 12/18 10:43
kk870618: you know57F 12/18 10:45
rtyujlk: mother fucker58F 12/18 10:45
ElrosHsun: yo bitch!59F 12/18 10:46
linyap: Chicken attack Oooo~ chicken attack oOoOO~60F 12/18 10:48
blacksam0525: Jesus fucking christ61F 12/18 10:49
Ramon325: 媽惹發科62F 12/18 10:50
speedest555: hey yo 尼哥63F 12/18 10:53
LiebeAddo: You had me at hello64F 12/18 10:55
ad20scott: hello world65F 12/18 10:57
fragmentwing: damn it66F 12/18 10:58
tokyoto: 所有的話都加fucking67F 12/18 10:58
dan1196: I am the one who knocks!68F 12/18 10:58
samuel1201: ikea69F 12/18 10:58
sonja66325: pretty tight70F 12/18 10:59
colddrink: cost down71F 12/18 10:59
tttt0204: boy next door72F 12/18 10:59
ttjj67: well73F 12/18 11:02
Plasticine: 后里穴74F 12/18 11:03
leinru: wanna fuck?75F 12/18 11:06
罵到差點得奧斯卡!山繆傑克森在電影中的每句「媽的發科」 (中文字幕) - YouTube 看更多山繆傑克森的煞氣影片請見以下連結!  觀看更多精彩影片請至:  馬上加入粉絲專頁取得第一手的更新資訊:

Melody000: Hey~what's up dude?77F 12/18 11:09
luckyodi: Mother fucker78F 12/18 11:09
ownwei: 尼格79F 12/18 11:11
shenchermi: Costco80F 12/18 11:12
allenching: asshole81F 12/18 11:14
tending: exactly,隨時隨地冒出這一詞,讓人感到你時尚又專業82F 12/18 11:15
BAR21: one plus one equals six83F 12/18 11:16
ben0606: I like cream pie84F 12/18 11:16
WayneCSH: Nigga85F 12/18 11:20
yushes920179: 不要怕86F 12/18 11:22
brocklessar: Yo my nigger87F 12/18 11:24
Mrlegend: I am fine thank you, and you?88F 12/18 11:25
goldflower: aren't you thankful89F 12/18 11:26
WWIII: 去紐約看到黑人 記得說 又 尼格 媽的 法課90F 12/18 11:27
colorsnows: may show gun more91F 12/18 11:30
SkySwimmer: MDFK92F 12/18 11:33
hellomotogg: hey bro93F 12/18 11:34
HSGJR77: https://goo.gl/paOW2E Oh Baby94F 12/18 11:35
梁文音Rachel Liang Oh Baby 官方完整版 MV - YouTube
梁文音【黃色夾克】數位平台: KKBOX:  myMusic:

azbycx12: Bloody hell!!!95F 12/18 11:35
Arronomy: GI JOE96F 12/18 11:36
CSBS: got97F 12/18 11:37
chiguang: so98F 12/18 11:43
ptt80357: I fine 3q Ann u?99F 12/18 11:43
chiguang: and100F 12/18 11:43
stayawesome: Hell no101F 12/18 11:44
jevin: hey nigger102F 12/18 11:46
ks007: Costco103F 12/18 11:47
crimson11: May show gun more104F 12/18 11:48
Maffia: monter fucker105F 12/18 11:49
lineagewen: s,up mate? Cheers mate.106F 12/18 11:51
neoa01: You mother boom ?107F 12/18 11:53
flykick62: go fuck yourself108F 12/18 11:57
ja1295: I'm your father! 對方會崩潰109F 12/18 12:00
PhySeraph: what's up nigger110F 12/18 12:01
xu3ru0454: mother fucker111F 12/18 12:02
moccabranco: Bad ass mother fucker112F 12/18 12:03
ren0518: labors are the sofest meet in my heart113F 12/18 12:12
LWSH: definitely114F 12/18 12:16
CelicaGT: 縮寫115F 12/18 12:17
Kidd03: I am the danger116F 12/18 12:18
kenny810820: human piece of shit117F 12/18 12:24
Poleaxe: Allow me.118F 12/18 12:27
totocc: pussy money weed119F 12/18 12:36
c7683fh6: 黑尼格120F 12/18 12:36
ambitious: what’s up nigger121F 12/18 12:40
mengche: Kiss my asshole122F 12/18 12:40
sDwlr: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER123F 12/18 12:41
sDwlr:  SHIT
fresh0925: 帝瑪西亞126F 12/18 12:47
ckd42: you know127F 12/18 12:48
chaobii: 媽惹發科128F 12/18 12:53

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1249 
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1樓 時間: 2017-12-18 11:30:21 (台灣)
  12-18 11:30 TW
May I speak Chinese?
2樓 時間: 2017-12-18 16:37:48 (台灣)
  12-18 16:37 TW
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