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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] CNN 亞洲關於台灣選舉頭條
時間 Sun Nov 25 23:00:30 2018
今天 CNN Asia 的頭條是台灣選舉/公投. 以下有大量英文在電腦上排版的
手機閱讀排版可能會怪怪的. 翻譯部分是自己翻的, 非常不專業可是意思
手機閱讀排版可能會怪怪的. 翻譯部分是自己翻的, 非常不專業可是意思
媒體來源: CNN
完整新聞標題: Taiwan President resigns as head of party after losses
in local elections (台灣總統在當地選舉失利後辭退黨主席)
(CNN)Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen announced her resignation Saturday
as head of the Democratic Progressive Party after the party suffered
a "crushing defeat" in local government elections, a vote with
significant implications for the island's relationship with mainland
(CNN) 台灣總統蔡英文在星期六 DPP 慘敗於選舉後辭去黨主席一位, 本次選舉
The local elections, as well as a failed referendum on whether the
island's Olympic athletes would compete under the name "Taiwan,"
were both seen as bellwether contests for public support on
場競賽. (這翻的怪怪的請大神修改... 基本上就是說這場選舉和公投被認為在
場競賽. (這翻的怪怪的請大神修改... 基本上就是說這場選舉和公投被認為在
Voters Saturday expressed dissatisfaction with Tsai's harder-line
approach to relations with the Beijing government and continued
sluggish economic performance.
Analysts say that most support the status quo, reaping economic
benefits from mainland China without being governed by it.
分析員說大部分的人民都支持維持現狀, 在不被中國大陸統治的狀況下賺取
Tsai's Democratic Progressive Party has traditionally leaned in
favor of formal independence from China, compared to Taiwan's
other main political party, the Kuomintang, as the Nationalists
are known locally.
跟台灣的另一大黨國民黨來比較, 蔡英文的 DPP 傳統上傾向正式從中國獨立.
Cross-strait relations have cooled under Tsai's leadership and
the Chinese government under President Xi Jinping has become
more tenacious in asserting its claim over the island, which
Beijing considers a breakaway province that must be reunited
with the mainland.
兩岸關係在蔡英文當政下冷卻了下來, 中國政府在習近平當政下變得更
堅持台灣是屬於中國的. 北京政府認為台灣是脫離的省, 必須回歸.
Taiwan's Central News Agency reported Tsai apologized to
supporters for the ruling party's "disappointing performance"
in a speech at its headquarters, and she took full
responsibility for the party's losses.
根據中央社的報導, 蔡英文在選舉總部的演說中由於執政黨
"令人失望的表現" 對支持者表達歉意並且對敗選負全責.
Although she resigned as the party head, Tsai -- the first
woman to be elected President of Taiwan -- will serve out
the remainder of her term. But the Saturday vote could hamper
her chances at winning another term during the next presidential
election, scheduled for January 2020.
雖然蔡英文這第一位台灣女總統退下了黨主席一位, 她仍然會當完她剩下
的總統任期. 星期六的選舉結果可能對她 2020 連任的可能性造成反效果.
Tsai said while her administration is moving in the right
的總統任期. 星期六的選舉結果可能對她 2020 連任的可能性造成反效果.
Tsai said while her administration is moving in the right
direction, the election results were proof that the Taiwanese
people are setting a higher standard for their government.
The traditionally pro-independence DPP is expected to undergo a
"major reshuffle" soon, Tsai said, to prepare for the challenges
傳統傾向獨立的 DPP 被認為很快就會有黨內職務的大風吹好來應付未來
Premier Lai Ching-te echoed Tsai in a Facebook post, saying the
election results indicated the public's dissatisfaction with the
government's performance.
行政院長賴清德重申了蔡英文在臉書上的一篇 post, 說選舉結果表現出
Lai had offered to resign earlier Saturday and take ownership of
the party's defeat, but Tsai asked him to stay on as premier to
ensure the continuity of the government's policies and initiatives.
賴清德在星期六提出了辭呈來對黨的失利負責, 不過蔡英文挽留他來確認
Tsai was elected President in a landslide victory in January 2016
after a political career mostly as an outsider. She joined the
Democratic Progressive Party in 2004 and was its chairwoman by
2008. She lost her first bid for the presidency in 2012 and resigned
as the party head before taking the mantle back up in 2014.
蔡英文以一個政治素人在 2016 年一月以壓倒性勝利選上總統. 她於 2004 年
加入 DPP 而 2008 年就當任黨主席. 她在 2012 年第一次參選總統中失利後
辭去黨主席一位, 而在 2014 年又再次就任黨主席.
加入 DPP 而 2008 年就當任黨主席. 她在 2012 年第一次參選總統中失利後
辭去黨主席一位, 而在 2014 年又再次就任黨主席.
Tsai is a lawyer by training and studied at National Taiwan University
before continuing her studies by earning a master of law degree from
Cornell University and then a doctorate from the London School of
蔡英文是一位台大畢業的律師, 在台大後於 Cornell 大學修得法學碩士, 又再
從倫敦經濟學院 (我不知道正確的譯名所以從字面翻) 修得博士學位.
Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman for China's Taiwan Affairs Office, said on
Sunday: "The results reflect Taiwan people's strong wishes to continue
enjoying benefits of peaceful cross-strait relations and to keep
improving the economy and their livelihood.
馬曉光, 中國台灣事務辦公室的發言人在星期日發言: "結果 (指投票) 反映
出了台灣人民對繼續享受和平的兩岸關係帶來的經濟效益有強烈希望, 以及
繼續提高經濟和人民的生活" (這段翻的怪怪的...)
出了台灣人民對繼續享受和平的兩岸關係帶來的經濟效益有強烈希望, 以及
繼續提高經濟和人民的生活" (這段翻的怪怪的...)
"We will continue to firmly oppose 'Taiwan independence' forces and
their activities and unite the people of Taiwan to take a path of
peaceful development in cross-strait relations."
"我們會繼續強硬的反對台灣獨立力量和他們的活動, 同時凝聚台灣同胞們走
Regarding the decision striking down the Olympic name change, Ma said
"the result shows the lack of public support for the gambit of using
the interest of Taiwan athletes as a wager."
關於公投東奧正名失敗, 馬曉光說 "這結果展現出人民大眾並不支持用台灣運
Taiwan currently competes using a special Olympic flag and anthem and
participates under the name "Chinese Taipei," as decided under a 1979
resolution by the International Olympic Committee.
台灣目前使用特別的奧林匹克旗和國歌並且用 "中華台北" 之名來參賽, 這是於
1979 年國際奧運協會所作出的決議.
According to Taiwan's Central News Agency, a US State Department
spokesperson said in an email to the news agency, "The United States
congratulates the people of Taiwan for once again demonstrating the
strength of their vibrant democratic system through a successful round
of elections."
照中央社的報導, 一位美國國務院發言人致中央社的電郵, "美國恭喜台灣的人民
The spokesperson said the United States looks forward to working with
both old and new counterparts "to continue our fruitful cooperation on
a wide range of issues of mutual concern," CNA said.
中央社說美方發言人提到美國期待與舊和新的窗口 (counterpart 不知道該怎麼
翻才對) 共事, 繼續雙方在眾多問題中有效的合作
Despite the lack of formal diplomatic ties, Taiwan remains an important
American ally in the region, and the Trump administration has sought
closer ties between Washington and Taipei.
雖然沒有正式的邦交, 台灣仍然是美國在這地區中一位重要的盟友, 川普政權曾
America's alliance with Taiwan has long been lambasted by officials in
Decisions on same-sex marriage
Also in Saturday referendums, voters in Taiwan opposed changing the
current civil law to accommodate same-sex marriage, dealing a heavy
blow to the island's LGBT community and its allies.
在星期六的公投中台灣的選民們反對修改民法來容納同性婚姻, 對台灣的 LGBT
The three referendum questions initiated by groups that opposed marriage
equality passed, while those put forth by same-sex marriage advocates
did not.
三項由反婚姻平權團體發起的公投都通過了, 支持同性婚姻團體發起的則沒有通過
For instance, the majority vote was yes on a question that asked, "Do you
agree that Civil Code regulations should restrict marriage to being
between a man and a woman?"
舉例來說, 大部分的投票都對一個問題表示同意, "你同意民法應該限制婚姻於一
The votes came after Taiwan's high court passed a resolution in May 2017
ruling it was unconstitutional to ban same-sex marriage.
這項公投在台灣最高法院 2017 年五月釋憲, "禁止同性婚姻違反憲法" 後發生
Taiwan lawmakers had a two-year deadline to enshrine marriage equality
Taiwan lawmakers had a two-year deadline to enshrine marriage equality
into law, but a deadlock gave opponents an opportunity to put the issue
to the public in the form of referendum questions.
台灣的立法委員有兩年的期限來把同性婚姻載入法規內, 但這期限也給了反同組織
A majority of the island's voters, however, did say "yes" to a referendum
question -- also put forth by opponents of marriage equality -- that asked
if the legislature should enact a new law to protect the rights and
interests of same-sex couples.
不過台灣大部分的投票人在同為反同組織提出的公投項目 "是否同意建立專法保護
同性結婚者的權益" 答出了同意.
CNN's Dakin Andone in Atlanta contributed to this report.
完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://goo.gl/vf7TCM
Taiwan President resigns as head of party after losses in local elections - CNN
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen announced her resignation Saturday as head of the Democratic Progressive Party after the party suffered a "crushing defe ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R-haHXj (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1543158033.A.86D.html
→ : 你的簡體呢?1F 11/25 23:00
→ : "中國"台灣2F 11/25 23:01
→ : 唉3F 11/25 23:01
→ : 簡單說國際認知的親美DPP敗給了親中的KMT,各位中國台北4F 11/25 23:01
推 : 2020繼續教訓民進黨 讓他們拿不到150萬票宣布解散!5F 11/25 23:01
→ : 美國人滾啦6F 11/25 23:01
→ : 人抓緊了!!7F 11/25 23:01
推 : 外國認證的中國台北8F 11/25 23:01
推 : 親,快學簡體喔9F 11/25 23:02
推 : 感謝翻譯10F 11/25 23:02
推 : 親,一起抵制美帝11F 11/25 23:03
推 : 中國台北起飛囉 中國爸爸帶我飛12F 11/25 23:03
※ 編輯: Stimpy (, 11/25/2018 23:04:25![[圖]](https://i.imgur.com/ZVUWwQO.jpg)
推 : 外媒比台媒中肯...14F 11/25 23:03
推 : 馬曉光都能代表台灣選舉發言了 台灣要起飛了15F 11/25 23:03
推 : 支那9.2高潮 吱吱吃大便17F 11/25 23:07
推 : 你覺得韓導那些選前之夜機車愛好者懂這 但他一票你一票18F 11/25 23:10
→ : 這就是民主....沒辦法
→ : 這就是民主....沒辦法
推 : 沒救了20F 11/25 23:12
→ : 中國台北有什麼不好? 不要崩潰了21F 11/25 23:12
推 : 支那台北人你好22F 11/25 23:16
推 : 推翻譯 很多人到現在還不知道自己投票的意義23F 11/25 23:25
推 : 推24F 11/25 23:27
推 : 特顯瘦,親!您不肥!25F 11/25 23:28
→ : 沒事兒沒事兒26F 11/25 23:28
推 : 推27F 11/25 23:29
→ : 又有人從高處在檢討別人用選票表達自己的意見了28F 11/25 23:33
推 : 台灣民主的話語權被中國拿走了29F 11/25 23:38
→ : 還在華我也是佩服 中國台北念一遍好嗎30F 11/25 23:39
→ : 第二段最後是說 民意是否支持獨立的前哨戰31F 11/25 23:39
推 : CNN說川普想親台,好像川普親台被打了一耳光32F 11/26 00:05
推 : 恩我等著33F 11/26 00:06
推 : 這篇被冷處理囉34F 11/26 00:15
推 : 推35F 11/26 00:48
推 : 至少還有專法在36F 11/26 00:54
推 : 中共花大筆鈔票幫韓導,還出動大量網軍,韓導當選馬上效忠9237F 11/26 01:28
噓 : 要翻中國本土才是正確的38F 11/26 02:27
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 695
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( ̄︶ ̄)b a0987789369, klin1, op20181115 說讚!
5樓 時間: 2018-11-26 01:58:29 (美國)
(編輯過) US
the Trump administration "has sought" closer ties between Washington and Taipei.川普政權"曾"追逐台灣跟華府間更親密的關係. 應該是>>川普政權"一直"追逐"台府"跟華府間更親密的關係... 這份報紙字眼選得很平等..