※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-10-04 23:47:39
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 太空戰士哪一代的戰鬥音樂最好聽?
時間 Tue Oct 4 22:34:14 2016
Battle 1 - Final Fantasy IX Music Extended - YouTube
Final Fantasy IX music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stre...
Final Fantasy IX music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from This stre...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NyxtfMT (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1475591657.A.59D.html
推 : 81F 10/04 22:34
推 : FF IX2F 10/04 22:34
推 : 十代也超好聽3F 10/04 22:34
推 : 44F 10/04 22:34
推 : 85F 10/04 22:35
→ : 66F 10/04 22:35
推 : 7,87F 10/04 22:35
→ : 太空戰士4---魔界塔士8F 10/04 22:35
推 : 149F 10/04 22:35
推 : 片翼天使 BJ410F 10/04 22:35
推 : 711F 10/04 22:36
推 : FF6的妖星亂舞跟死鬥12F 10/04 22:36
推 : 8跟10都不錯13F 10/04 22:37
Super Smash Bros. 4 - Final Fantasy 7 Battle theme (Unofficial) - YouTube Extended version: I didn't really have time to buy and play smash when it came out, but after seeing the Cloud tr...

Final Fantasy VIII Soundtrack - Battle Theme [Don't Be Afraid] - YouTube The music on this soundtrack is beautiful music. Nobuo Uematsu, the legendary composer of the Final Fantasy music, has once again succeeded in making another...

推 : 716F 10/04 22:37
推 : 10 battle17F 10/04 22:38
推 : 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 1018F 10/04 22:38
推 : 6代不錯19F 10/04 22:38
推 : 14的Answers 真的讓人忍不住repeat20F 10/04 22:39
→ : 以前6代還有專門出CD,好久了21F 10/04 22:39
推 : 622F 10/04 22:39
推 : 923F 10/04 22:40
推 : 624F 10/04 22:41
推 : 3跟1325F 10/04 22:43
→ : 以前很喜歡6代碰到ultima weapon的場景26F 10/04 22:43
→ : 大隻有氣勢的王 配上魔大陸背景跟那首陰森的歌 帥
→ : 大隻有氣勢的王 配上魔大陸背景跟那首陰森的歌 帥
推 : 大叔我22年前有花錢買原版六代CD 一千三吧28F 10/04 22:44
推 : 6代我記得久石讓配樂很有名29F 10/04 22:44
推 : 7,930F 10/04 22:45
→ : 當然是FF5 基加美修戰鬥音樂 大橋的死鬥32F 10/04 22:46
→ : 大橋的死鬥也很不錯 配上那個丑角33F 10/04 22:47
推 : 神作636F 10/04 22:48
推 : 植松伸夫的作品都不錯 其他人的味道都差多了37F 10/04 22:49
→ : 五橋上,六歌劇38F 10/04 22:51
Final Fantasy Final Boss Music - Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth - YouTube Part 7! Well here it is, the very theme that made him infamous among FF nerds worldwide, so im happy to present to you the original version of One Winged Ang...

→ : 七代最終戰 VS 希菲斯40F 10/04 22:52
推 : FF8 the extreme滿好聽的41F 10/04 22:55
推 : 13 有買原聲帶43F 10/04 22:56
推 : 644F 10/04 22:57
推 : 九代開頭舞臺劇上的戰鬥音樂超好聽45F 10/04 22:58
Final Fantasy VII OST - Fight On! (Boss Battle Theme) Extended - YouTube An extended version of 'Fight On!', also known as the boss battle theme, from the video game Final Fantasy VII. Extended by yours truly. The original track b...

推 : 6代啊47F 10/04 22:59
→ : 七代中BOSS才是經典48F 10/04 22:59
FF9 BGM 作業用 この刃に懸けて - YouTube
ファイナルファンタジーIX 今年の芝居は、名作『君の小鳥になりたい』だっ! そして、それを演じるのは劇団タンタラスだっ!! ハンカチ必須の名作で流れた戦闘曲です。
ファイナルファンタジーIX 今年の芝居は、名作『君の小鳥になりたい』だっ! そして、それを演じるのは劇団タンタラスだっ!! ハンカチ必須の名作で流れた戦闘曲です。

這首我也有印象XD 讚
Final Fantasy - All Boss Battle Themes - YouTube
**Click on the picture for its theme!** XIII-2's picture has two different links. The top leads to Worlds Collide and the bottom takes you to Limit Break. 0:...
**Click on the picture for its theme!** XIII-2's picture has two different links. The top leads to Worlds Collide and the bottom takes you to Limit Break. 0:...

→ : 8代一般戰鬥51F 10/04 23:01
推 : 8的戰鬥和最終boss最有感52F 10/04 23:01
※ 編輯: Ho1liday (, 10/04/2016 23:02:34Final Fantasy Battle Themes 1-13 - YouTube
Battle Themes from FF1-FF13 sry, there is no FF12 in this mix... I also had to edit and shorten a few tracks for 15 minute limited time reasons :P Themes use...
Battle Themes from FF1-FF13 sry, there is no FF12 in this mix... I also had to edit and shorten a few tracks for 15 minute limited time reasons :P Themes use...

→ : 聽到3代戰鬥音樂前奏 雞皮疙褡跑出來 滿滿的回憶湧上心54F 10/04 23:05
推 : 655F 10/04 23:06
推 : 356F 10/04 23:08
推 : V57F 10/04 23:08
推 : 8 氣勢十足58F 10/04 23:09
推 : 6,759F 10/04 23:09
推 : 660F 10/04 23:11
→ : 761F 10/04 23:13
推 : 862F 10/04 23:14
推 : 863F 10/04 23:17
推 : X-2有一首鋼琴超級好聽64F 10/04 23:23
Don't Be Afraid - YouTube
Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY live with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Arnie Roth
Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY live with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Arnie Roth

01 - Final Fantasy X-2 - Kuon Hikari To Nami No Kioku - YouTube Music from the video game Final Fantasy X-2 from 2003, by Square Music by Noriko Matsueda & Takahito Eguchi -------------------------------------------------...

→ : 太8 戰鬥音樂 演奏版 現場聽一定超爽67F 10/04 23:24
推 : 6,7,1068F 10/04 23:26
推 : 869F 10/04 23:28
→ : 9加1票70F 10/04 23:36
推 : FFT71F 10/04 23:38
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1970
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