※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-12-08 23:22:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 歐洲版龍婆!盲眼靈媒預言IS明年入侵歐洲 2043年建國
時間 Tue Dec 8 23:10:19 2015
還預測2130年 人類將會和外星人合作
原文 http://goo.gl/k0qu2N
Baba Vanga: ‘Bulgarian Nostradamus’ predicted ISIS, 9/11, Fukushima?
A BLIND mystic who reportedly foretold 9/11, the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear spill and the birth of ISIS also made dire predictions for 2016 and beyond. ...
2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we
know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out
populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”.
2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (nobody really knows what this means).
2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero.
2028: Mankind will fly to Venus, in hope of finding new sources of energy.
2033: World water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is
already happening).
2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is
named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule.
2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a
bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.
2076: Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world.
2084: Nature is reborn (nobody is really sure what this means).
2100: Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet (This is already
in the pipeline — since 2008, scientists have been working on creating an
artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology).
2130: With the help of the aliens, civilisations will live underwater.
2170: Major global drought.
2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.
2201: Temperatures drop as the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down.
2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.
2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in more drought.
2480: Two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.
3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.
3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of
rock and ash.
3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilisation
will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1449587423.A.285.html
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12-08 21:33 ■ [新聞] 歐洲版龍婆!盲眼靈媒預言IS明年入侵歐洲 2043年建國
● 12-08 23:10 ■ Re: [新聞] 歐洲版龍婆!盲眼靈媒預言IS明年入侵歐洲 2043年建國
※ 編輯: Machinator (, 12/08/2015 23:10:55
推 : 哈哈哈1F 12/08 23:10
→ : 有中文翻譯板的 不貼嗎2F 12/08 23:11
推 : 又是個神經病 這種靈學板一堆3F 12/08 23:11
→ : 聽他在懶覺 2016就空無一人了 還撐得到2130跟外星人4F 12/08 23:11
推 : 時間說長一點到時現代人早死光了誰能驗證?5F 12/08 23:11
推 : 蕭婆6F 12/08 23:11
推 : 歐洲空無一人難度太高了 歐盟解散比較有可能7F 12/08 23:15
推 : 很有遠見 像說什麼1999 2012世界末日的 馬上就穿幫了8F 12/08 23:17
推 : 有可能的 根據駭客任務劇情 是空無一人9F 12/08 23:18
→ : 2016 歐洲人發現 他們只是活在電腦裡 現實歐陸沒人
→ : 2016 歐洲人發現 他們只是活在電腦裡 現實歐陸沒人
推 : 在歐洲種幾顆香菇才會沒人?11F 12/08 23:20
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3546