※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-08 15:14:06
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] CNN稍早新聞 Taiwan&China:One China
時間 Sat Nov 7 22:26:16 2015
※ 引述《kether (‧_‧)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/07/asia/china-taiwan-summit/index.html
China, Taiwan's leaders set for first talks since split - CNN.com
Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore Saturday in a landmark meeting that could reboot relations between the two. ...
: Leaders of China and Taiwan hold first talks since bitter 1949 split
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: (CNN)—When the Presidents of China and Taiwan shook hands on Saturday, they
: reached across a gap that has yawned between the two sides since 1949, in the
: wake of China's civil war.
: Then, the Communist Party took control of the majority of China and Chiang
: Kai-shek's Nationalists fled to Taiwan. The mainland became the People's
: Republic of China; Taiwan took the name Republic of China and embraced
: democracy.
中國大陸成為中華人民共和國,台灣則使用了中華民國 雙方分治
: Mistrust and fear of more bloodshed between them have haunted them for
: decades.
: Chinese President Xi Jinping and Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou met in a
: third-party country -- Singapore. They eschewed their presidential titles and
: address each other simply as "Mr."
: In a Thursday press conference, Ma said that the two sides would even split
: the bill for their hotel and meal costs.
: What may seem like informal manners was actually governed by a complicated
: protocol reflecting the bitter history between the two. Every gesture they
: made has been closely scrutinized.
: Improvement? Perhaps, perhaps not
: The two men sounded upbeat in their public statements.
: "Today marks a new chapter in the cross-strait relationship," Xi told
: journalists. "The separation of families on both sides of the Taiwan strait
: has caused deep pain and regrets to countless families."
: Ma called for a hotline between Taiwan and the mainland to deal with urgent
: matters.
「有進展嗎?也許有 也許沒」
: "I call for (a) reduction of hostility, and for the resolution of disputes
: with peaceful measures," he said. "I call for enhancement of cross-strait
: exchange, and reinforcement of win-win."
我希望加強雙邊的關係 製造雙贏」
: But Ma's political opposition in Taiwan is displeased with the meeting with
: Xi, and with an election around the corner, they are ahead in the polls. Ma's
: visit could boost his party's standing, analysts say, but it also might not.
: Protesters took to the street in Taiwan's capital Taipei to voice protest
: against the meeting.
: Taiwan politics
: Ma is the former head of the Kuomintang (KMT) party, and has been a key
: driver in forging closer ties with Beijing since he came to power in a 2008
: election.
: Tsai Ing-wen, the head of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
: and the leading candidate to replace Ma in the January elections, has spoken
: out against his rival's historic meeting with Xi on Saturday.
: The KMT's candidate Eric Chiu is trailing Tsai by a wide margin, and Ma
: cannot run because of term limits. If the positive effects of closer ties
: between China and Taiwan don't weigh well in the balance, Ma's party could
: lose by a landslide.
國民黨的參選人 艾瑞克。朱 (朱立倫) 落後蔡英文有相當大的幅度
: China sees Taiwan as a renegade province, which heats up resentment in
: Taiwan. Beijing has warned that a formal declaration of independence by
: Taiwan could lead to military intervention.
: To this day, it's reported to have missiles pointed at the island of 22
: million people.
: Ma raised the issue with Xi on Saturday.
: "I have expressed people's concerns over the deployment of hostile military
: presence against Taiwan, including missiles. Xi told me that those are not
: targeted at Taiwan," Ma said.
(譯者:幹 這樣鬼才信)
(譯者:幹 這樣鬼才信)
: Xi: One country, not two
: On Saturday, Xi reinforced Beijing's stance that Taiwan is a Chinese province.
: In a closed door meeting, he told Ma that the cross-strait relationship is
: not a relationship between two countries, is not the relationship between
: China and Taiwan. Territories on both sides of the strait belong to the same
: country, this is a historical fact, and the legal foundation of this fact
: cannot and will not change, he said, according to China's Taiwan Affairs
: Office.
: That will likely not sit well with many in Taiwan.
: Ma told journalists that Taiwan agreed with China's One China Policy, "but we
: continue to differ on its definition."
: Despite differences, both sides have made strides toward each other over the
: last seven years.
: "Since 2008, the cross-strait relations have moved on to a path of peaceful
: development, and have been increasingly stabilized in the past seven years,
: thanks to the efforts of many people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait," Xi
: said.
他告訴馬英九台灣不是國與國關係 而是同屬一個國家的關係(即一中原則)
(譯者:幹 哪齣拉)
: No agreements
: Both sides have said that no agreements would be signed at the meeting, but
: that they would discuss ways to cement peace.
: "If Xi tries to put down any markers about improving political ties or
: setting any deadlines for steps toward reunification, it will cause a massive
: anti-Beijing backlash across Taiwan," said Robert Manning, senior fellow at
: the Atlantic Council.
: READ: Explained: Why historic meeting matters
: Despite the rift, China is Taiwan's biggest trade partner, hundreds of
: flights go between the two nations each week and Chinese banks now operate on
: the island, while some Taiwanese companies have factories in China.
: MORE: Summit: Empty symbolism or game changer?
: MORE: Behind threats and supercharged rhetoric: Trade
: CNN's Shen Lu in Beijing contributed to this report
1.幹 水溫有點燙
2.馬英九賣國無誤 (不過外國人會解讀成國民黨的政策)
3.外國新聞比台灣好多了 一篇新聞甚麼都說了 台灣有哪篇能這樣敘述?
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/07/asia/china-taiwan-summit/index.html
China, Taiwan's leaders set for first talks since split - CNN.com
Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore Saturday in a landmark meeting that could reboot relations between the two. ...
: 一個國家的元首對著全世界講台灣中國是同一個國家
: 現在CNN報出來了 國際間現在很難插手了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MFWeCMS (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1446906380.A.59C.html
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