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※ 本文為 ChiChi7.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-01-15 17:59:53
看板 Gossiping
作者 Schwinger (千金之子不死於盜賊)
標題 Re: [新聞] 20世紀最偉大數學家 法國病逝
時間 Wed Jan 14 17:18:20 2015

     非常感謝鄉民推文XDDDD, 有人提到 高斯 Poisson  小魯在這邊先解釋好了,






但是高斯曾經謙虛說過人類的三大數學家是     阿基米德  牛頓  愛森斯坦(猶太人)

Gotthold Eisenstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein (16 April 1823 – 11 October 1852) was a German mathematician. He specialized in number theory and analysis, and proved several results that eluded even Gauss. Like Galois and Abel before him, Eisenstein died before the age of 30. He was born and died in Berlin, Prus ...







 人類十大數學家                                   人類十大物理學家
Lev Landau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lev Davidovich Landau (Russian: Ле́в Дави́дович Ланда́у; IPA:&#160;[lʲɛv dɐˈvidəvʲitɕ lɐnˈdaʊ]&#160;( listen); January 22&#160;[O.S. January 9]&#160;1908&#160;– April 1, 1968) was a prominent Soviet physicist who made fundamental contributions to many areas of theoretical physics. His accomplishment ...

 1.阿基米德                                     1.牛頓

 2.牛頓                                         2.愛因斯坦

 3.高斯                                         3.Maxwell

 4.Leonhard Euler                               4-10  可能是這些物理學家在搶吧

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Riemann       5.Wigner
Bernhard Riemann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann [ˈʁiːman]&#160;( listen) (September 17, 1826 – July 20, 1866) was an influential German mathematician who made lasting contributions to analysis, number theory, and differential geometry, some of them enabling the later development of general relativity. ...

 6-10可能是這些數學家在搶吧                         6.Heisenberg

   Fourier   傅立葉                                 6.Schrödinger

   Laplace    (法國牛頓)                            6.Dirac

   Cauchy                                                      Pauli

   Lagrange   拉格宏機                               Boltzmann

   Legendre   雷建德                                  Gibbs

   Dirichlet                                       接下來看你的普物課本,誰出現
   W.R.Hamilton 愛爾蘭牛頓

   Galois  伽羅瓦

   Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (/dʒəˈkoʊbi/;[1] German: [jaˈkoːbi]; 10 December 1804 – 18 February 1851) was a German mathematician, who made fundamental contributions to elliptic functions, dynamics, differential equations, and number theory. His name is occasionally written as Carolus Gustavus Iacobus I ...

Joseph Liouville - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joseph Liouville (/ˈdʒoʊzəf ˌliuːˈvɪl/; French pronunciation:&#160;​[ʒɔzɛf ljuvil]; 24 March 1809 – 8 September 1882) was a French mathematician. ...

Siméon Denis Poisson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Siméon Denis Poisson (French:&#160;[si.me.ɔ̃ də.ni pwa.sɔ̃]; 21 June 1781 – 25 April 1840), was a French mathematician, geometer, and physicist. He obtained many important results, but within the elite Académie des Sciences he also was the final leading opponent of the wave theory of light and was p ...

Karl Weierstrass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass (German: Weierstraß; 31 October 1815 – 19 February 1897) was a German mathematician often cited as the "father of modern analysis". Despite leaving university without a degree, he studied mathematics and trained as a teacher, eventually teaching mathematics, physics, ...

         當然想過那  歐基里德(Euclid),笛卡爾那些做出更基本的貢獻呢?

我也不知道要怎麼回答= =


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1KjZHWYk (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1421227104.A.8AE.html
※ 編輯: Schwinger (, 01/14/2015 17:21:06
L0v35: 推1F 01/14 17:20
pchunter: 對鄉民來說,這些數學都只是常識而已2F 01/14 17:20
marvyuh: 幹左邊整套的工數惡夢3F 01/14 17:21
akira00150: 媽的 高斯尤拉雷曼傅立葉拉普拉斯 看到這些名字就頭痛4F 01/14 17:21

※ 編輯: Schwinger (, 01/14/2015 17:24:59
Entropy1988: 普物到後來 或者比普物進階一點 左邊那串也現身了5F 01/14 17:23
lucky360: 十大物理學家沒有愛迪生跟特斯拉嗎 對人類影響深遠6F 01/14 17:23
rr856658: 我最恨傅立葉...7F 01/14 17:24







Joseph Fourier University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coordinates: 45° 11′30″N 5° 46′22.72″E / 45.19167° N 5.7729778° E / 45.19167; 5.7729778 Université Joseph Fourier (Joseph Fourier University), often known as UJF, is a French university situated in the city of Grenoble and focused on the fields of sciences, technologies and health. This institution w ...

Henri Poincaré University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Henri Poincaré University (a.k.a. UHP or Nancy 1) was a public research university located in Nancy, France. UHP is a member of the Nancy-Université federation, belonging to the French Nancy-Metz Academy. It merged with Nancy-II, Paul Verlaine University – Metz, and the INPL forming the Universi ...

akira00150: 我想應該是發明家並非物理學家8F 01/14 17:24
Entropy1988: 高斯麵 富氏轉換 最小作用量 什麼的不勝枚舉9F 01/14 17:24
※ 編輯: Schwinger (, 01/14/2015 17:29:16
Entropy1988: Galois我只記得決鬥掛掉 慚愧10F 01/14 17:27
Entropy1988: 他的研究卻不太懂



nelson1992: 我已經被右邊的搞崩潰了12F 01/14 17:28
※ 編輯: Schwinger (, 01/14/2015 17:32:34
※ 編輯: Schwinger (, 01/14/2015 17:35:27
Torreschu: 以智商來排,左邊那排Galois絕對有前三,Galois理論是他13F 01/14 17:41
Torreschu: 十七歲做出來的東西!幹!他貢獻比其他人少是因為他活不
Torreschu: 到20歲! 他決鬥死前把手稿寄給柯西,柯西看不懂就丟一邊
moebius3: 高斯不是踢球很厲害那一個?16F 01/14 17:44
jayfrog: ABEL沒在上面XD,原PO應該對代數相關的數學家不熟吧 我猜17F 01/14 18:06
cwind07: 霍金排不進十大物理學家阿 他不是被稱為近代最偉大的嗎18F 01/14 18:08
kromax: 跟大咖比 霍金偉大在還活著人又搞笑19F 01/14 18:52
marvyuh: 給Galois活到20歲還得了,更多人要崩潰了20F 01/14 19:03
Chihche: 多謝分享!21F 01/14 20:36

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