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※ 本文為 scarfman 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-12-09 03:22:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 a4729kimo (獅子狗)
標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有太平輪是洗腦片的八卦?
時間 Tue Dec  9 00:52:30 2014


當然也不是說都沒人期待國民黨的建國大業  實際上很多知識分子戰勝時是引頸期盼的


本來只是因為國民黨的經濟剝削  後來就是大家知道的白色恐怖


At last, eight months after V-J day, sugar-starved China was getting
supplies from its new sugarbowl, Formosa. Ships were plying the 400 miles
from Kiirun to Shanghai with the first of 150,000 tons of Japanese stores
confiscated by the Chinese Army that took over the island, under U.S.
tutelage, last fall. But the resumption of trade with tropically lush,
industrially rich Formosa was a sweet-&-sour business.

V-J: victory over Japan. 這篇文章寫完後不到一年  發生了228
這段在說當時中國缺糖  所以政府充公了台灣的糖(日本商店賣的),從基隆運到上海

Formosans complained that the Chinese occupation army was looting stocks,
letting crops, refineries, railroads and power plants go to rack & ruin. Just
as angry Shanghailanders, who could buy only from the government-backed
Formosa Sugar Co., feared that a colossal sugar corner was being rigged in
the already disastrous black market.


Of the Moon & Sun. The Japanese, who seized Formosa after their first war on
China 50 years ago, ruthlessly exploited its land and people. Formosa made
Japan the world's fourth sugar-producer; it yielded enough rice to feed all
the Mikado's armies as well as coal and tin, gold, silver and copper; teak
and camphor (70% of U.S. mothballs) and aromatic Oolong tea. At
mountain-ringed Jitsu-Getsu-Tan—Lake of the Moon and Sun—the Japanese built
the nucleus of a power system that put Formosa industrially ahead of the


The Taiwan (after the island's Asiatic name) Development Co. rigidly
controlled industry and trade, brought half a million Japanese to live among
six million Formosans (chiefly Chinese who have pushed the Malayan
headhunters into the mountains). World War II brought B-29 raids to Formosa,
and liberation brought the scarcely more welcome visitation of Chinese
bureaucracy. (Formosans use the adjective "Chinese" as a synonym for
inefficiency and confusion.) The new Chinese Governor Chen Yi found the
raid-battered Formosans docile. He promptly put his nephew in charge of the
Taiwan Co., which bought coal at 200 yen a ton and sold it at 4,000.
Black-market gold sold at 300,000 Chinese dollars an ounce, against $180,000
in Shanghai. Even in fertile Formosa, mass starvation threatened.
Japan Got the Atom. Chen Yi rounded up scores of 'collaborators' while his
pooh-bahs made themselves snug. Last week "Down with the Governor!" posters
appeared all over the island. In two towns, hungry natives burned sugar
godowns. Formosans greeted the few visiting Americans with: 'You were kind to
the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us!'


二次大戰讓美軍空襲台灣  所以就算台灣光復 台灣人也沒多歡迎中國政府


當時陳儀長官讓他姪子去掌管Taiwan Co.這間國營公司

在台灣低價生產煤礦 高價賣給黑市 把明明資產豐饒的台灣搞到四處飢荒


上周抗議民眾在全島都高喊著陳儀下台  還有餓民們燒掉了糖廠


你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們

Thoughtful Chinese on the mainland began to agree with the Formosans. Said Ta
Rung Pao, China's counterpart of the New York Times: 'Fundamentally speaking,
China was not qualified to take over . . . she lacks the men . . . technique
 . . commodities . . . capital. She governs, but is inefficient. She takes,
but she does not give. This is the government's shame.'
Most foreign observers in Formosa agreed that if a referendum were taken
today Formosans would vote for U.S. rule. Second choice—Japan.

當時中國一間大報社也評論過  中國根本沒資格接管台灣

人才 技術 日常供給 資本...甚麼都缺

中國統治  但沒效率;中國接管 但不付出  這是恥辱啊

多數外國觀察家認為,如果島上能辦公投  大多數台灣人會投給美國  再來是日本

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1418057552.A.87D.html
blmp1234: 那時候台灣知識份子水準根本屌打國民政府阿1F 12/09 00:53
blmp1234: 會反彈不意外 這也就是為什麼要搞白色恐怖
只是來台的不是軍校出身 就是草芥莽夫 如果當年多點知青來台  或許不會有這麼多衝突
lalasnow: 敢出來不爽中國的幾乎都殺光了 其他都禁聲/晉升了3F 12/09 00:54
sandiato: 對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們4F 12/09 00:54
sos007sos: 那句話真的中肯阿XD5F 12/09 00:56
HKfood: 推,請問能給這篇報導的連結嗎?6F 12/09 01:07


也可以google  在一些部落格裡會找到原文
HKfood: 謝謝~~7F 12/09 01:14
ilie0208: 好用心8F 12/09 02:35
luuva: 好文, 但confusion應該沒有儒家的意思.9F 12/09 02:46
看錯了  已改正  謝謝
※ 編輯: a4729kimo (, 12/09/2014 03:11:34
misaka0120: 回不去了10F 12/09 03:17

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( ̄︶ ̄)b Sifox, hiritsuki, hatuki, AxA, Runner, crazydancer, lemontaste, abcabc, fsvc, salrcab1995 共 10 個人 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2014-12-09 10:15:00 (台灣)
+1 12-09 10:15 TW
3樓 時間: 2014-12-09 11:41:23 (台灣)
  12-09 11:41 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們
4樓 時間: 2014-12-09 13:12:39 (台灣)
  12-09 13:12 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們 很中肯所以要po三次
5樓 時間: 2014-12-09 15:12:22 (台灣)
  12-09 15:12 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們
6樓 時間: 2014-12-09 15:36:19 (台灣)
  12-09 15:36 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們
7樓 時間: 2014-12-09 16:07:01 (台灣)
  12-09 16:07 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們
8樓 時間: 2014-12-09 17:12:30 (台灣)
  12-09 17:12 TW
You were kind to the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us!
9樓 時間: 2014-12-09 17:19:48 (台灣)
  12-09 17:19 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們
10樓 時間: 2014-12-09 18:49:33 (台灣)
  12-09 18:49 TW
You were kind to the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us!Q-Q
11樓 時間: 2014-12-13 09:02:58 (台灣)
  12-13 09:02 TW
你們對日本人真好,丟了原子彈給他們 卻丟了中國人給我們QAQ
12樓 時間: 2014-12-25 07:46:07 (台灣)
  12-25 07:46 TW
You were kind to the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us +1
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