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E看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 愛滋病患者用藥藥價將調漲5000%
時間 Tue Sep 22 12:00:52 2015
※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞
NBC News
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Drug That Fights Complications of AIDS and Cancer Goes From $13.50 to $750
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者劣退,貼廣告會被劣喔!
When the cost of a popular drug that treats life-threatening parasitic
infections increased 5,000 percent, it caused concern for many.
Daraprim fights toxoplasmosis, which infects people whose immune systems have
been weakened by AIDS, chemotherapy and pregnancy, according to the Center of
Disease Control. It's also used to treat malaria.
Turing Pharmaceuticals of New York bought the drug from Impax Laboratories in
August for $55 million and raised the price from $13.50 a tablet to $750.
laxoSmithKline sold the drug for about $1 a tablet after being approved by
the Food and Drug Administration in 1953. CorePharma bought it in 2010 and
Impax Laboratories bought Core and all affiliated companies for $700 million
last year.
For some patients, this hike in price brings the annual cost of treatment to
hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even those with insurance could be paying
$150 a tablet.
Related: New Poll Finds Many Blame Pharmaceutical Companies for High Drug
The company will be putting the money it makes into developing better
treatments for toxoplasmosis, with fewer side effects. They also plan on
investing in marketing and education tools to make people more aware of the
Daraprim isn't the only drug to increase their price in recent months. The
average cost of brand-name medications rose 13 percent in 2013, according to
a report from the Prime Institute at the University of Minnesota. New cancer
drugs now cost over $100,000 a year.
"This isn't the greedy drug company trying to gouge patients, it is us trying
to stay in business," Martin Shkreli, the founder and CEO of Turing, told the
New York Times.
Daraprim 是一種給愛滋病患者用於治療弓蟲症的藥 該藥的藥價從原本的13.5美金一片
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Drug That Fights Complications of AIDS and Cancer Goes From $13.50 to $750 - NBC News
When the cost of a popular drug that treats life-threatening parasitic infections increased 5,000 percent, it caused concern for many. ...
※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者劣文,請注意
愛滋族群快屯藥喔! 還是台灣有健保可以吸沒差?
11/02/2014 00:11:07 iPad3 暫停 obov 發言,期限為 60 天
理由: 推文違反板規七+累犯第一次 = 兩個月唷!
→ : 臭肛甲幹拎量11/01 23:25
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● 09-22 12:00 ■ [新聞] 愛滋病患者用藥藥價將調漲5000%
09-22 13:21 ■ Re: [新聞] 愛滋病患者用藥藥價將調漲5000%
09-22 22:06 ■ Re: [新聞] 愛滋病患者用藥藥價將調漲5000%
→ aa1052026 …
→ : 健保用爽爽 毒趴我不怕2F 09/22 12:01
推 : 臭肛甲幹拎量3F 09/22 12:01
→ : 升50倍就算本來有給付也會變不給付吧4F 09/22 12:01
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※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 09/22/2015 12:02:43推 : 台灣給甲甲吃藥都免錢的 連外國甲都要免錢6F 09/22 12:02
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→ : 臭甲做愛不戴套感染的都活該8F 09/22 12:02
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推 : 甲甲末日10F 09/22 12:03
推 : 終於 某族群濫牽光纖的報應11F 09/22 12:03
推 : 身在鬼島 有健保補助 超爽der12F 09/22 12:03
→ : 當甲甲的成本很高的13F 09/22 12:03
→ : 爽 愛肛肛麻XDDDDD14F 09/22 12:03
→ : 不是每天吃的抗病毒藥物,我覺得還好。15F 09/22 12:04
→ : 調漲5000%!!!!!16F 09/22 12:04
→ : 台甲:好險有健保 爽爽花補助17F 09/22 12:04
推 : 快自費啦 槓18F 09/22 12:05
推 : 甲甲完了19F 09/22 12:05
推 : 其實要怎麼濫交是無所謂 但藥物使用者自費 健保不行了20F 09/22 12:05
推 : 藥命俱樂部21F 09/22 12:05
推 : 十年來 女女 患病人數 0 甲甲 1600022F 09/22 12:05
→ : 只是一但感染到要服用就是恐怖的臨時支出。23F 09/22 12:05
聽說弓蟲症的主要的傳染族群是貓科動物※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 09/22/2015 12:07:59
推 : 水啦24F 09/22 12:10
推 : 死好!不過愛滋病患者一定會對社會更加不滿25F 09/22 12:10
推 : 所以是甲到公貓?26F 09/22 12:10
推 : 嗜插表示:我都有叫後面的帶套才能進來27F 09/22 12:11
推 : XXXXCAT:(滾動28F 09/22 12:12
→ : 北七29F 09/22 12:15
推 : 為何我繳的稅 要給那些亂多P的臭甲得病後治療用?30F 09/22 12:16
推 : 甲甲福音31F 09/22 12:16
推 : 台灣健保要如何因應?!32F 09/22 12:17
→ : 甲甲崩潰33F 09/22 12:18
推 : 最近沒有版主打壓言論自由、甲色恐怖之後,終於大家34F 09/22 12:20
→ : 都敢說出最真實的真心話了,想封住天下人悠悠之口,
→ : 永遠都會失敗的
→ : 都敢說出最真實的真心話了,想封住天下人悠悠之口,
→ : 永遠都會失敗的
→ : 太好了 台灣要變愛滋地獄了 這麼貴的藥健保不會買37F 09/22 12:23
推 : 樓樓上太樂觀了,甲色恐怖或許快來了....38F 09/22 12:24
推 : 哈哈 甲甲要滅亡了39F 09/22 12:29
噓 : 雖然我不喜歡甲甲 可是50倍也太扯....40F 09/22 12:30
推 : 愛滋病患者用藥藥,就不會痛痛惹~~~41F 09/22 12:32
→ : 健保要爆炸了。不過50倍是哪招……42F 09/22 12:33
噓 : 你暗戀4x吧43F 09/22 12:34
→ Kobelephants …
推 : 簽名檔正確45F 09/22 12:34
推 : 抽菸的繳健康捐~46F 09/22 12:36
→ : 不要人云亦云有訪問慢慢看再放炮47F 09/22 12:39
→ : 甲甲本來就會被自然淘汰 有藥也只是延長時間而已48F 09/22 12:41
推 : 好貴哦幹49F 09/22 12:41
推 : 使用者付費 不爽不要得愛滋50F 09/22 12:42
推 : 得愛滋的不一定是甲甲...51F 09/22 12:47
→ : 幹你娘暴利愛滋病都差不多是慢性病了還這樣搞52F 09/22 12:50
噓 : 沒健保的國家53F 09/22 12:57
推 : 至少100倍吧!!!54F 09/22 12:59
推 : 健保大不了不給付囉~55F 09/22 13:07
推 : 甲:56F 09/22 13:09
→ : 甲:沒差 反正是健保出的57F 09/22 13:09
→ : 西醫無能58F 09/22 13:12
推 : 甲甲戴個套很難嗎59F 09/22 13:20
→ : 又不是得愛滋就是甲甲,有腦子嗎?60F 09/22 13:21
推 : 甲甲末日61F 09/22 13:26
噓 : 活該啦62F 09/22 13:30
→ : 愛滋也有倒楣中鏢的,不見得是濫交。不用仇視吧63F 09/22 13:35
推 : 這樣健保會不會更早倒阿?64F 09/22 13:41
→ : 保險公司敢不敢推愛滋保阿 反正一堆人都強調意外65F 09/22 13:44
→ : 塵爆邏輯一樣66F 09/22 13:56
推 : 這是治瘧疾的,台灣很少瘧疾了67F 09/22 14:00
→ : 借轉gay68F 09/22 14:20
※ jac19860114:轉錄至看板 Stock 09/22 14:21推 : 爽爽爽 , 去死吧69F 09/22 14:26
推 : 活該 愛玩屎洞的天譴70F 09/22 14:41
推 : 甲甲崩潰71F 09/22 14:45
推 : 北七還真多 我家附近就有女童一出生就因為父母問題而72F 09/22 14:46
→ : 感染愛滋 這負擔對小孩來說有多重啊
→ : 感染愛滋 這負擔對小孩來說有多重啊
→ : 看來有愛滋的人不應該生小孩!74F 09/22 14:57
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