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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-05-01 10:44:43
看板 Gossiping
作者 Schwinger (千金之子不死於盜賊)
標題 Re: [新聞] 我們的宇宙是投影?物理學家計算發現,全像原理適用二維
時間 Fri May  1 05:38:19 2015


Monstrous moonshine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics, monstrous moonshine, or moonshine theory, is a term devised by John Conway and Simon P. Norton in 1979, used to describe the unexpected connection between the monster group M and modular functions, in particular, the j function. It is now known that lying behind monstrous moonshine i ...






叫做怪獸群(monster group)


      當時我們某個代數老師嘴砲說數學家她覺得最聰明的群論學家叫做John Conway

John Horton Conway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Horton Conway FRS[3] (/ˈkɒnweɪ/; born 26 December 1937) is a British mathematician active in the theory of finite groups, knot theory, number theory, combinatorial game theory and coding theory. He has also contributed to many branches of recreational mathematics, notably the invention of the c ...


Conway group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics, the Conway groups Co0, Co1, Co2 and Co3 are four groups discovered by John Horton Conway. The last three are sporadic groups: finite simple groups that are not part of infinite series. ...

Thomas Thompson (1983) relates how John Leech about 1964 investigated close
packings of spheres in Euclidean spaces of large dimension. One of Leech's
discoveries was a lattice packing in 24-space, based on what came to be
called the Leech lattice Λ. He wondered whether his lattice's symmetry group
contained an interesting simple group, but felt he needed the help of someone
better acquainted with group theory. He had to do much asking around because
the mathematicians were pre-occupied with agendas of their own. John Conway
agreed to look at the problem. John G. Thompson said he would be interested
if he were given the order of the group. Conway expected to spend months or
years on the problem, but found results in just a few sessions.

Witt (1998, page 329) stated that he found the Leech lattice in 1940 and
hinted that he calculated the order of its automorphism group (the double
cover of Conway's largest simple group).



Gauss定義一個東西叫lattice,最有名的是Leech lattice,這可應用用在編碼學上面


    這裡面有一個Havard史上最年輕的26歲正教授Noam Elkies做一個很轟動的結果

Noam Elkies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Noam David Elkies (born August 25, 1966) is an American mathematician and chess master. ...

Noam Elkies是一個著名數學家,音樂學家和象棋學家


    有哈佛的鄉民或是數學系知道這位Noam Elikes教授其他的八卦嗎?XD

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LGg3GXX (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1430429904.A.861.html
※ 編輯: Schwinger (, 05/01/2015 05:41:41
krishuang: 耶!又有連載,繼續拜讀~1F 05/01 05:45
mghfsaoz: 啊...對,你跟我想的一樣2F 05/01 05:46
myeggisbig: 大概就是這樣3F 05/01 05:46
krishuang: 這篇結尾變問卦了= =4F 05/01 05:49
SRNOB: 有阿 我朋友哈佛蔡添建物理 明天去問他5F 05/01 05:50
aallan: 靠 居然有lattice 材料的路過6F 05/01 05:55
SolarKa6626: 樓上,我沒弄錯的話,那應該是不同東西吧??7F 05/01 06:03
SolarKa6626: 物理與數學家沒什麼文化素養,所以取名常常撞名
SolarKa6626: 我猜原PO 是應用數學系的XD 因為你說得這些
SolarKa6626: 物理系都不會教,就算教也不會用這種方式
krishuang: 物理哥數學系轉物理系的樣子11F 05/01 06:14
krishuang: Field!=Field, Ring!=Ring, Lattice!=Lattice
SolarKa6626: 原來如此,果然有些東西要跨領域的人才學的會13F 05/01 06:15
march55237: 科普連載14F 05/01 06:40
JeanSijhih: 跟上跟上15F 05/01 06:57
riomusi: 偽科普文16F 05/01 09:05

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