※ 本文為 Jaies 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-11 18:31:28
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 台灣和菲律賓的網民已經開戰了...
時間 Sat May 11 16:21:42 2013
Ron Ramos its west philippine sea....we are claiming our 200 nautical economic zone..beside the boundary between taiwan and philippines is the bashi channel and it is recognized internationaly not unless your country is also claiming the whole batanes gorup of island which is part of the philippines
讚 · 5 · 15 小時前Nico de Guzman your fishing vessel try to rammed our coast guard ship thats why they fired their 50 caliber to stop the incoming ship
讚 · 3 · 15 小時前
Kane Zyril Rayat Bernardino taiwan, get ready for more
讚 · 14 小時前
Kane Zyril Rayat Bernardino we will sympathize to the family but we wil NEVER apologize!!!!!!!
讚 · 2 · 14 小時前
Vince Hubilla Dizon Hey Up There Do You Know The Word Grammar? I Think You Don't. RIP ENGLISH
台灣加油吧, 別再讓國際看不起...
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◆ From:
→ :(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪1F 05/11 16:22
→ :支那用語2F 05/11 16:22
推 :(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪3F 05/11 16:22
推 :民族主義研發完成4F 05/11 16:22
推 :求翻譯5F 05/11 16:22
噓 :這樣開戰哪裡值得爆掛了...6F 05/11 16:23
→ :公殺小7F 05/11 16:23
噓 :喔8F 05/11 16:23
噓 :說人話 不要PO一堆鬼話就想騙推文9F 05/11 16:23
→ :PTT每天都在戰10F 05/11 16:23
推 :真鍵盤開戰11F 05/11 16:23
→ :就跟鄉民在八卦板互嗆一樣 有什麼好暴卦...12F 05/11 16:23
噓 :這種程度的發言就不用爆掛了 不然你把八卦板的言論翻譯去貼13F 05/11 16:24
噓 :鍵盤開戰就可以發爆卦文喔 那看男女板不就可以一直發14F 05/11 16:24
噓 :PTT 整天 南北都在開戰~ 是趁機可以買雞排了嗎?15F 05/11 16:24
噓 :筆戰罷了 而且太和平了 無可看性16F 05/11 16:24
→ :比PTT的還噓....17F 05/11 16:26
噓 :去那邊貼中文真的很白痴 而且發現台灣人英文不好文法錯誤18F 05/11 16:26
→ :去那邊筆戰 台灣人英文還被菲國人取笑英文不好.....
→ :去那邊筆戰 台灣人英文還被菲國人取笑英文不好.....
→ goetze …
噓 :臉輸爆卦喔21F 05/11 16:30
噓 :無聊 叫他們GPL強一點比較實在 看那幾個拔剌打我快笑死22F 05/11 16:31
推 :都英文23F 05/11 16:34
→ :菲菲:i don't care24F 05/11 17:09
噓 :支那用語25F 05/11 17:17
噓 :筆戰的東西不用貼出來26F 05/11 17:22
→ :要筆戰的人拜託英語好一點 貼出來還給菲律賓人笑...27F 05/11 18:01
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※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2128