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※ 本文為 guapisimo.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-11 23:59:23
看板 Gossiping
作者 MaAngel5566 (Why so Cynical?)
標題 Re: [新聞] 華爾街日報諷馬入「丟鞋俱樂部」?
時間 Tue Dec 11 17:36:09 2012


Taiwan’s Ma Joins the Shoe Club
Taiwan’s Ma Joins the Shoe Club - China Real Time Report - WSJ
European Pressphoto AgencyAfter nearly five years in office, Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou on Monday finally joined the ranks of an elite group of world leaders than includes former US President George W. Bush and outgoing Chinese Premier Wen Jia Bao.Whether Mr. Ma sees his inclusion in the league ...

也成為批評者指控他過度傾中,「向中國叩頭」(kowtowing to China)的理由。

After nearly five years in office, Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou on Monday
finally joined the ranks of an elite group of world leaders than includes
 former US President George W. Bush and outgoing Chinese Premier Wen Jia Bao.


Whether Mr. Ma sees his inclusion in the league as brag-worthy is unclear.


While delivering a speech at Taiwan Human Rights Jingmei Park, Mr. Ma was
heckled and jeered by a group of pro-Taiwan independence protesters who
 demanded his resignation, saying Taiwan’s human rights condition has
worsened under his watch.


Eventually, the protesters got riled up enough to attempt to hit Mr. Ma
with shoes — as well as a few bags and hats

最後,怒不可遏的吱吱朝馬囧丟鞋 - 還有背包和帽子

Mr. Bush famously dodged an airborne shoe during a news conference in Iraq
 in late 2008. A few months later, Mr. Wen experienced a similar
(if less accurate) assault while giving a speech at the University of


Neither had to dodge multiple items, however.


The protesters appeared to have been moved to throw the objects after
Mr. Ma repeatedly refused to acknowledge their angry chants, instead
plowing ahead with his speech as if he couldn’t hear them.
he presidential security detail immediately ran up the stage to protect
the president, who finished his talk behind the human wall. No arrests
were made.


President Ma, who was reelected in January with 51% of the vote, has
watched his approval rating plummet to the 13% in less than a year (pdf).
 Heated demonstrations against the president are becoming a frequent sight
 in Taipei as public discontent climbs while the economy continues to


Those who are dissatisfied with the president blame the government for
 Taiwan’s snail-paced economic growth. According to the island’s official
 statistics agency, the island’s full year gross domestic product is
tipped to rise 1.13% year-on-year, down from 4.07% in 2011 and 10.79% i
n 2010.


Taiwan’s unemployment rate still remains above 4% and wages have been
stagnant for a decade. Despite his promise that signing a trade pact
with China would jump start Taiwan’s exports, data shows Taiwan’s
exports is expected to fall 2.16% from a year earlier.


Those who support Ma lay blame the dour global economy for Taiwan’s
anemic growth and note that the government has meted out a variety of
measures to revive market,
such offering tax breaks to Taiwanese companies that move their
operations back to the island from mainland China, relaxing cross-Strait
banking ties, and raising the cap on foreign manual workers to solve
Taiwan’s labor shortage

The government’s recent refusal to grant a visa for to Dalai Lama has
given Ma bashers yet another reason to accuse him of kowtowing to China.


Like many of the current world leaders, Mr. Ma has been dealt a bad hand,
 such as two major worldwide economic crises and a deadly typhoon during
 his terms. But unless he can quickly offer new and sound measures to
boost the economy and quell people’s concerns of Taiwan’s over-reliance
 on China, the president may end up playing dodge ball with the protesters
 more times than he would like in the next three years.





2006/10/12  陳水扁總統在國慶典禮上遭藍軍立委嗆,引發綠營反彈,國民黨主席馬英九
2012/12/10  馬英九參加世界人權日活動,卻被白色恐怖受難者家屬嗆聲,馬終於忍不住

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◆ From:
chester71:一群台獨吱吱 XD1F 12/11 17:37
xiemark:kowtow2F 12/11 17:37
blissful:打臉簽名檔3F 12/11 17:37
wht810090:這翻譯www4F 12/11 17:37
abucat:吱吱真是台灣亂源5F 12/11 17:38
cidcheng:kowtow是直接音譯嗎 XD6F 12/11 17:38
chester71:這簽名檔好新鮮7F 12/11 17:38
kopfschuss:余老:小布希跟溫家寶都被丟 證明馬總統是菁英中的菁英8F 12/11 17:38
wht810090:馬先生的新身份又獲得一間外國媒體認證www9F 12/11 17:39
jrshiun:"blogs" 這是新聞稿嗎 口亨!10F 12/11 17:39
fujimoto:頗ㄏ11F 12/11 17:39
deju:小布希不是也是B字輩的嗎  溫家寶也是教育部長之流 被丟正常12F 12/11 17:40
everest: http://cdict.net/q/kowtow [Chinese, knock head.]13F 12/11 17:40
kowtow 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
kowtow (v.)叩頭;恭服;磕頭;阿諛;奉承 ...
andante6851:不要被視為沒面子喔0.<14F 12/11 17:42
shunchao:XDD15F 12/11 17:44
no321:因為外國沒有叩頭這種中國特有的禮儀16F 12/11 17:44
wolve:又要開英文單字研習營了17F 12/11 17:45
bobobola:溫家寶是總理18F 12/11 17:48
chanh:這翻譯有笑有推19F 12/11 17:49
yehmd:信雅達兼具,翻譯得體20F 12/11 17:52
yumcheese:翻譯XXXXD21F 12/11 17:53
yhchen2:其實還滿好笑的22F 12/11 17:55
neverfly:這原文就超酸的23F 12/11 17:57
Killebrew:魚缸中:shoe club是領袖名人堂的意思 媒體不要亂翻24F 12/11 17:59
oscar721:這群吱吱隨後被驅吱別怨<--這句好笑 XD25F 12/11 18:00
PanJason:簽名檔中肯26F 12/11 18:08
dongyen:驅吱別怨XD27F 12/11 18:09
inbongos5566:簽名檔跟備註都很中肯28F 12/11 18:14
elzohar:神翻譯 XDXD29F 12/11 18:23
Archs:有笑有推!!! 超強翻譯~~30F 12/11 18:25
cowboyz1105:抓吱吱 鞭數十 驅吱別怨31F 12/11 18:28
Islo:XDD32F 12/11 18:28
frf2pujols17:推一下33F 12/11 18:29
kiliman:翻得不錯34F 12/11 18:33
gfg714kimo:純推好笑翻譯35F 12/11 18:58
water0202:你讀過兒時記趣喔36F 12/11 19:09
millia62219:我喜歡這翻譯的文筆37F 12/11 19:21
momo777:翻譯真好,沒馬屁沒政治色彩,點出事實38F 12/11 19:27
jeff0811:kowtow-ing39F 12/11 19:29
katenkite:原PO的英文很強大40F 12/11 19:29
momo777:指細看原來是MA天使降臨,斬妖除魔41F 12/11 19:32
Asucks:余光中:kowtow有禮貌與謙讓的意義,證明馬總統溫良謙恭42F 12/11 20:04
unadix:信達雅兼備 好翻譯43F 12/11 20:35
dragonsoul:XD44F 12/11 21:12
macefindu:強大的翻譯45F 12/11 21:16
jonneth:驅吱別怨是三小XD46F 12/11 21:25
Finarfin:glorfindel6996@hotmail.com47F 12/11 22:01
kuter:推48F 12/11 22:26
seradk:推49F 12/11 22:48
fuda:又一個國際認證 get50F 12/11 23:22

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