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看板 NBA
作者 標題 Re: [討論] 到底怎麼樣會被稱為刷?
時間 Thu Apr 12 23:06:17 2018
How Russell Westbrook Racks Up 10 Rebounds Per Game - YouTube Read this before you comment. These aren't cherry picked, I picked 5 random games and got all of his rebounds from them, some are good hustle rebounds, some ...

How Russell Westbrook Racks Up 10 Rebounds Per Game - YouTube Read this before you comment. These aren't cherry picked, I picked 5 random games and got all of his rebounds from them, some are good hustle rebounds, some ...

How Russell Westbrook Racks Up 10 Rebounds Per Game - YouTube Read this before you comment. These aren't cherry picked, I picked 5 random games and got all of his rebounds from them, some are good hustle rebounds, some ...

How Russell Westbrook Racks Up 10 Rebounds Per Game - YouTube Read this before you comment. These aren't cherry picked, I picked 5 random games and got all of his rebounds from them, some are good hustle rebounds, some ...

How Russell Westbrook Racks Up 10 Rebounds Per Game - YouTube Read this before you comment. These aren't cherry picked, I picked 5 random games and got all of his rebounds from them, some are good hustle rebounds, some ...

How Russell Westbrook Racks Up 10 Rebounds Per Game - YouTube Read this before you comment. These aren't cherry picked, I picked 5 random games and got all of his rebounds from them, some are good hustle rebounds, some ...

Melo gets pissed at Russ for stealing his rebound, drains a 3 at the other end - YouTube Melo gets pissed at Russ for stealing his rebound, drains a 3 at the other end

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第四節都落後了 自己空檔一堆 但為了要10助攻 一直傳
2017.04.07 Russell Westbrook stat padding for triple double highlight - YouTube When only 2 assists away from breaking Big O's triple double record...

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推 : 我先幫補血1F 04/12 23:08
推 : 其實只要看季後賽大家都玩真的就知道了2F 04/12 23:08
→ : 每個都護板如護女 你看他還能不能撿那麼多
→ : 每個都護板如護女 你看他還能不能撿那麼多
→ : 一堆放棄防守等籃板 搶道也沒快攻阿 呵呵 護航的呢?4F 04/12 23:11
→ : 最後一個影片真的廢到笑5F 04/12 23:11
推 : 最後一個超好笑6F 04/12 23:16
推 : 有夠廢的大三元...無恥刷刷龜..靠隊友讓你7F 04/12 23:19
推 : 真的是很無恥,他打球的目的就是為了數據?8F 04/12 23:26
推 : 笑死9F 04/12 23:30
→ : 所以她真的有那麼強那麼全面?根本不然
→ : 所以她真的有那麼強那麼全面?根本不然
推 : 倒數二比較猛11F 04/12 23:30
推 : 我他媽刷爆12F 04/12 23:31
推 : 前面也罷了,有些無傷大雅。最後一個根本是傷害球隊13F 04/12 23:36
推 : 推樓上 看分差有機會追平 根本刷到敗球14F 04/12 23:43
→ : 最後一個說明了為何不配當mvp15F 04/12 23:47
→ : 底角無人大空檔為了助攻居然選擇傳球,而且球隊落後
→ : 底角無人大空檔為了助攻居然選擇傳球,而且球隊落後
推 : 這篇怎麼那麼少人來噓? XDDD17F 04/12 23:51
→ : 因為今天刷籃板時噓的夠累了都去睡了吧18F 04/12 23:57
推 : 影片超扯…--19F 04/12 23:57
推 : 這篇把臉打爆了 誰還敢來討打啊哈哈哈20F 04/12 23:58
→ : 上一季的東西又出現了XD21F 04/13 00:01
→ : 而且今年有人說龜刷板刷到西區第4 但這個西區第4跟22F 04/13 00:01
→ : 西區第8 只差一個勝場....根本不能用來護航阿
→ : 西區第8 只差一個勝場....根本不能用來護航阿
推 : 最後一個影片留著當作平均大三元的備註剛好24F 04/13 00:07
推 : 推25F 04/13 00:11
→ : 9助攻後他傳得都很爛...26F 04/13 00:13
推 : 這都op了大家記性真差27F 04/13 00:18
推 : 最後一個真的是很扯啊,球隊落後自己頻頻出現空檔28F 04/13 00:27
→ : 不出手,一直想傳球助攻,腦袋到底在裝啥
→ : 不出手,一直想傳球助攻,腦袋到底在裝啥
→ : 對方也知道呀 所以故意給他空檔30F 04/13 00:30
推 : 真的噁心31F 04/13 00:32
推 : 對方領先2位數了 就故意想玩玩他32F 04/13 00:33
推 : 快笑死 昨天如果對手是太陽應該會五個人卡死他吧XDD33F 04/13 00:40
推 : 倒數第二個應該去抱怨為何沒bloack+134F 04/13 00:48
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 301