※ 本文為 nthuhoward 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-05 18:38:29
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作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] forst CloudTemplar對clg na的建議
時間 Fri Oct 5 17:51:06 2012
※ 引述《ccler (我是很萌Saber的)》之銘言:
: From Reddit的三手 簡單翻譯(完整翻譯等人認領吧)
: http://0rz.tw/NyPVN
Frost CloudTemplar's opinion abt clg.na : leagueoflegends
im just writing down wut my korean friend and my half-ass korean skill understood. on the ongame.net stream, apparently cloudtemplar was the caster f... ...
im just writing down wut my korean friend and my half-ass korean skill understood. on the ongame.net stream, apparently cloudtemplar was the caster f... ...
: understood.
: on the ongame.net stream, apparently cloudtemplar was the caster for a few
: games and said / expressed the following:
: 這是他在ongame.net上實況 大家的問題 簡單整理
: -(on doublelift saying practicing 10hrs doesn't work for us) as soon as i
: heard it, i knew they were gonna get dq'd so fast. this is not the right
: mentality for professional gamers. you have to work on basics and teamwork by
: constantly playing as 5, even if you like it or not. that is the only way.
: -my team and clg na share the same hotel and they all brought their
: girlfriends with them. and i thought 'if i lose to a team that is hanging out
: with their gfs, wut am i gonna do in real life?' They all have cute
: girlfriends and we don't have any gfs, so we knew we had to win the game
: (/sad face).
: -clg na says they are the best, but you can tell by their facial expressions
: that even they don't think it is true. they are living in the past. they were
: the best top players in the world 1 yr ago, but not anymore. it seems like
: they are just trying to think about their past, rather than their future. and
: it makes me sad cuz i like them.
: -clg eu always gets upset about their mistakes / loss, but i think clg na
: doesn't. they just brush it off like it's nothing. and i think that is what
: is stopping them from improving unlike clg eu; they will always improve.
: & some other things that are not related to clg.na
: -clg.eu has their own solid style and that is why they can give up so many
: good champs to the other team, but still take over the game. if someone can
: beat clg.eu's rock solid late game, then i can confidently say that team can
: beat everyone else.
: -(to a question 'who is the one to look out for from TSM?') i'm looking
: forward to tomorrow's match against theoddone. i think he is very up there in
: terms of jungler tier and it will be interesting.
: that is pretty much it. again, this is cloudtemplar's opinion, not mine.
: that is pretty much it. again, this is cloudtemplar's opinion, not mine.
: tldr; i believed in s2secretsgg, but it let me down :(
: edit: just to clarify something. cloudtemplar didn't say this to diss or
: disrespect clg na. according to cloudtemplar, they are very good friends.
: seems like this is getting quite a view, i'll add some more stuffs.
: -(picks&bans of clg eu vs sword - related to my 5th point talking abt good
: champs) ezreal is the top ad carry, sona is the top support, maokai is one of
: the well rounded junglers, ori's utility is one of the best. only clg eu can
: afford giving ez and sona combo to the other team
(對CLGEU vs Sword b/p的看法) EZ是最好的AD,Sona是最好的sup,茂凱也是很全面的
JG,球女的大絕也是最好的大絕之一。只有CLGEU有能力放任敵隊選到EZ+Sona combo。
JG,球女的大絕也是最好的大絕之一。只有CLGEU有能力放任敵隊選到EZ+Sona combo。
: -(maknoon's nidalee killing froggen's karthus mid) i hate maknoon's nid cuz
: he is everywhere on the map. he is in the jungle, he is in mid, in bot, and
: in top. you can't predict where he is and that playstyle is just too tough to
: deal with. froggen is probably saying 'wtf he was bot with no red buff, and
: now he just killed me in mid lane with red?'
(對maknoon的奶大力殺掉佛跟死哥的看法) 我討厭maknoon的奶大力,因為他隨時會出現在
: -(during clg eu vs. sword) clg eu always goes for the late game. they often
: dont win their lanes, but they dont fall too far behind either. sure, they
: will give 1 or 2 kills, but not more than that. they just make up for that by
: staying tight til the late game.
(clg eu vs sword比賽中) CLGEU總是想把遊戲帶往後期,他們常常無法贏線,但是
: -(as he was taking off after clg.eu vs sword) we still have to fully analyze
: tsm for tomorrow. we got a few replays we have to watch again. we got some
: work to do.
(clg eu vs sword賽後)
: -fun fact: 3 korean guys casted on the ongame.net stream for 13.5 hrs today
: without subbing out. they didn't switch like phreak,riv, deman and jatt. HOLY
場邊花絮: 3個韓國人主播撐了13.5hr從沒換過人?! holyshit韓國人OP
諫山黄泉 遠坂凛 セルベリア Riven 執行夕闇 蒼井セナ 天草シノ 和宮リオ 葛城ミサト
桔梗 姫宮千歌音 三郷雫 庚夕子 織斑千冬 カルラ 神代マヤ 神裂火織 ライダー シロナ牧瀨紅莉栖 姉原美鎖 巡音ルカ 夜明アキノ 鬼灯ハル 草壁美鈴 毒島冴子 アルファルド
遠野秋葉 姫倉麻貴 ナルカナ 戦場ヶ原ひたぎ 両儀式 棗真夜 如月千早 アリアンロード
リエラ シグナム レイラ・ハミルトン C.C. オクタヴィア 直江愛 星彩 Irelia<增加中>
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :?1F 10/05 17:53
推 :問號2F 10/05 17:53
→ :這是幹嘛3F 10/05 17:53
推 :.4F 10/05 17:54
推 :他翻一些細節5F 10/05 17:55
推 :喔喔6F 10/05 17:56
推 :翻完整的阿7F 10/05 17:57
推 :CLG 認為練習10小時沒用 難怪 jiji lose his lane8F 10/05 17:57
→ :jiji lose his lane是因為他練習超過10小時吧9F 10/05 18:02
推 :補充一下.CloudTemplar = A.Frost的Jungler10F 10/05 18:05
標題順便改了 感謝提醒※ 編輯: YomiIsayama 來自: (10/05 18:12)
推 :SV表示:11F 10/05 18:15
推 :DL自負成這樣被打臉了 韓國隊練習每天都16小時上下12F 10/05 18:16
→ :CLG不到10小時 用腦袋想也知道誰贏誰輸
→ :EU差不多12小時 結果也是輸 只能第二晉級 看M5了!!
→ :CLG不到10小時 用腦袋想也知道誰贏誰輸
→ :EU差不多12小時 結果也是輸 只能第二晉級 看M5了!!
→ :我還是很看好EU就是了 不會因為他第二名晉級15F 10/05 18:19
→ :就不看好他
→ :就不看好他
推 :EU +1 NA只剩下綜藝的功能了~17F 10/05 18:25
→ :KR搞這小動作 那些女友都是KR派過去的間諜18F 10/05 18:33
推 :有女友就贏了 哭哭 連女友直播的人數都比職業選手多19F 10/05 18:33
→ :搞爛NA的士氣20F 10/05 18:34
※ 同主題文章:
10-05 17:00 ■ [閒聊] forst CloudTemplar對clg na的建議
● 10-05 17:51 ■ Re: [閒聊] forst CloudTemplar對clg na的建議
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