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※ 本文為 CSLabor.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-18 12:56:32
看板 Tech_Job
作者 normanshi (原則就是原則)
標題 [新聞] 周永明的信加我的譯文加心得
時間 Sat Aug 18 00:57:06 2012



I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the situation and my
thought regarding recent progress and challenges of htc.
You had probably heard of our announcement of q3 outlook which is definitely
Yes, of course we are disappointed that our sales are down while smartphone
market share is growing.

I think there are multiple reasons for the challenges we are facing today.

The franchised Brands are playing a major role today. Htc has not built a
franchised brand until HTC One.
今天品牌扮演著一個重要角色。 Htc直到HTC One前並為營造一個品牌。
It requires sometime to build a successful brand. HTC One is a very strong
product which is well recognized.
要經營出一個成功的品牌需要一些時間。 HTC One是個非常棒也有識別度的產品。
However the mass awareness was not big enough. While building HTC one
franchised Brand is the right
然而群眾魅力卻不足。 然而HTC one品牌是正確的方向,
direction, we still need to continue to improve the awareness of the Brand
and drive greater consumer demand and preference.

There are multiple areas we need to be improving. Traditionally htc depended
on products a lot. We have
有許多區域我們必須改進。 傳統上htc非常依賴產品。
leading products and they have helped us in the market to get to where we are

However when market changed, competitors strategies changed and when they
became better the product gap
became narrower. Our competitors can leverage their scale, brand awareness
and big marketing budget to do
things which htc could not do.

There are always room for us to be improving, e.g. products, quality,
holistics readiness of product, marketing,
sales, retail, etc. We have identified those areas and  have plans to improve
 them. We have recently optimized
我們已經識別出那些區域並準備改進它們。 我們最近已經對一些組織進行調整來確保我
some organization to ensure that we have new way of working on them. To
ensure we can focus on  making
our big ideas bigger. To ensure our holistic readiness is there when we go to
確保我們投入市場時達到整體完備性 。

We also need to improve our communication. Htc used to be a company where we
did things quick and reacted
我們同時必須改善溝通。 Htc曾是間直行和反應快速的公司。
quick. However the fast growth from the last 2 years has slowed us down. We
have people in meeting and
然而,過去兩年間快速的成長已讓我們速度變慢。 我們有許多人無時無刻在開會和討論
talking all the time but without decision, strategic direction or sense of
urgency. Bureaucracy crept in without
clear ownership. We agreed to do something but we either didn’t do it or
executed it loosely.

That’s what happened to us. Market changed and we also have our own issues.
 這就是發生在我們身上的事。 市場變了而我們也有自己的問題。

However I have strong confidence in HTC. Our origin and culture are still
there. We have great people and they
但我對HTC有很大的信心。 我們的根本和文化仍在這。 我們有許多傑出的人而且他們仍
are still there very committed to htc. We have the best products as
recognized by the One X having the
我們有最棒的產品One X被認為擁有業界最棒等級。
industry’s best rating. In addition, our product pipeline is very strong and
I am super excited about the new
products we are working on for later this year and early next year. Htc’s
design, innovation and technologies
are one of the tops in the world. We have excellent customer relationship
which is invaluable. We have reacted
我們有非常棒的客戶關係這是無價的。 我們正快速地反應來修復我們主要的問題。
quick in  fixing our major issues. We are coming back soon; we are one of the
top three worldwide major
smartphone brands with tremendous respect from the industry.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your family as well for
their support to you and to htc. I want to
thank you for your hard work and contribution. You are the people who make me
feel very proud of HTC.

You have every reason to remain confident. Do not be influenced by noises
from market and industry. We really
你有任何理由感到自信。 不要被市場和業界的雜音給干擾。
are the strong player in the market and we are just having short term
challenges. But short term challenges
我們確實是市場上的高手,我們目前只是面臨短期的挑戰。 但短期的挑戰沒問題。
are fine. We are still very strong and financially healthy. The most
important thing is what we do to solve the
我們仍強大而且財務健全。 最重要的事我們如何解決問題。
problem. Our own action matters. The way we behave matters. Please make sure
that we kill bureaucracy.
我們的行動很重要。 我們如何回應很重要。 請確保我們剷除官僚。

Make sure we are doing the right thing quick and make it works. We
communicate with clear goals and targets
確保我們快速地做正確的事而且讓它成功。 我們勾勒出清楚的目標和標的並且完成它。
and make it happen. For example, after meeting we say we want to prioritize
to achieve A,B,C and we want to
get this done within one week. If there is concern and conflict we should
immediately talk and agree upon the
goals and target. We need to prevent that yeh, yeh we are looking into that,
we are working on that without
clear target. Of course you can say I need 2 days to confirm it and that’s
fine. But make sure you confirm it
當然你可以說我要兩天來確認它,這樣是沒問題的。 但確保你在未來兩天內完成確認。
within the next 2 days.

When we are working on something we need to have a clear sense of what  the
most important items and
hero features are, and make sure we have high confidence to get those
priorities done instead of everything is
everything. Don’t let the processes, rules and norms to impact our important
goals. Of course we have to follow
不要讓過程、規則和規範來影響我們的重要目標。 當然我們必須遵守某些規則和條件
certain rules and criteria but don’t let small things kill the major goals.
Again make sure we have big things in
但不要讓小事物阻礙了主要目標。 在次說明,確保我們專心在重點上。
mind.  Stay firm with the hero innovations and make them even bigger and
deliver them.We are coming back.
專注在那些關鍵創新,確保它們更棒而且完成他們。  我們將會回來。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
ameko34:END1F 08/18 00:58
taiwanmonkey:感覺是從很多勵志文章排列組合出來的2F 08/18 01:02
kitten631:其實我很想問整公司都台灣人幹嘛寫英文...3F 08/18 01:02
taiwanmonkey:伴隨著自我感覺良好4F 08/18 01:02
QQ29:也不是他寫的吧 不知道哪裡google到的5F 08/18 01:04
diabloevagto:Htc直到HTC One前並為(並未)6F 08/18 01:07
ViperII:我們有非常棒的客戶關係          <- 肯定不是在說台灣 掰8F 08/18 01:39
iammc:台式英文,果然是寫給奴才看的XD9F 08/18 01:43
bervis:就很普通的英文...10F 08/18 02:02
h2897:三樓 國外也有員工啊 自己的英文要加強喔! ^.<11F 08/18 02:52
Obama19:國外有員工又怎樣? 不會叫他們學中文嗎12F 08/18 03:01
javatea:阿唷 ~台灣人真的很喜歡電自己人的英文爛了~13F 08/18 03:43
giantwinter:One...14F 08/18 04:14
kruskal:看了之後,更沒信心了!15F 08/18 06:04
lattesheep: 要端的出牛肉阿!!!16F 08/18 06:32
jeff94lee:htc全球都有員工吧,寫英文才確保大家看的懂17F 08/18 06:49
ieDaniel:有人搞笑喔,還在台灣看世界,htc北美,歐洲分部有外國員工18F 08/18 08:19
JizzInGirls:會問email要用中文寫的人,一看就知道沒當過工程師20F 08/18 08:22
youthanasia:看完整篇文的心得是:加班加到死吧!當我說兩天就要完22F 08/18 08:49
QQ5566:我以為周會下罪己詔25F 08/18 08:56
furuuchi:不成文規定, 聽你在喇吧咧. 當全世界只有你在工作喔?26F 08/18 08:59
comeon2007:樓上說得好,現在全世界包含美國一堆人搶著學中文27F 08/18 09:06
kitten631:台商公司的外國員工都不懂中文也蠻有趣的XD28F 08/18 09:09
bkm1:台灣99%員工信件是用中文寫的 我保證!29F 08/18 09:11
atengo:一個公司成功通常跟執行長沒什麼關係,但是失敗卻是30F 08/18 09:19
Cisse:HTC慘了 現在正妹都會PO剛拿到三爽機開心的照片31F 08/18 10:12
Cisse:更別說蘋果了 HTC要趕快想辦法打入正妹市場阿
WSISH:科技業mail用英文溝通很正常很自然,怎會在這版面酸這個呢?!33F 08/18 10:57
casimodo:幫你推一個,但是周先生似乎沒有解決困境的手段與想法~~~34F 08/18 11:01
cuteboy70:那個i開頭的要不要寫篇英文演講稿讓大家看看?嘴炮你最會36F 08/18 11:46

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