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作者 s963870 (flare0118)
標題 [情報] PATCH 3.8 NOTES
時間 Tue Jun 11 04:57:19 2013


Patch 3.8 notes - League of Legends Community
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3.8 Patch Preview - YouTube
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Aatrox, the Darkin Blade is in this build but will be turned on at a later


We've made some changes to Tibbers to make him a tankier and more threatening
presence in late game team fights beyond his initial burst damage.

Summon: Tibbers

Tibbers' Health increased to 1200/2100/3000 from 1200/1600/2000
Tibbers' Magic Resist increased to 30/50/70 from 25/45/65
Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 125/175/225

熊HP BUFF-->1200/2100/3000  MR+5  魔耗全LVL100


This change allows Ashe players to use her passive in more strategic ways
beyond a level one poke or incidental crit.

Ashe now gains 3/4/5/6 Focus stacks every second while not attacking instead
of gaining Critical Strike Chance
Ashe will critically strike on her next basic attack when she reaches 100
Focus stacks
Initial Focus stacks are equal to Ashe's Critical Strike Chance

艾希改被動  沒在普攻每秒就會疊3/4/5/6專注(非爆擊%) 疊滿100下一發爆擊


Missile Barrage

Fixed a bug where Missile Barrage would sometimes fail to deal damage



As a strong sustain fighter, Hecarim was blowing up squishy targets with
Onslaught of Shadows' high damage and on-impact fear. To balance the ability
out, we've taken away the landing damage and shifted it to the riders that
travel with Hecarim.

The Devastating Charge buff should let Hecarim jump over small walls and
ledges to his opponents when he dashes to them. Keep in mind that when we say
small ledges, there are only a few in the game like the river ramp ledges and
very thin jungle walls.

Devastating Charge

If Hecarim's target is beyond narrow terrain, Hecarim will now leap over the
terrain to the target


Onslaught of Shadows

No longer deals damage at the end location
Rider damage increased to 150/250/350 (+1.0 Ability Power) from 100/200/300
(+0.4 Ability Power)

R全程傷害1.2AP(0.8+0.4) NERF到只發動一次1AP


Focused Resolve was impractical because whenever players wanted to use it,
they needed the healing up front, not over time. This change still emphasizes
the "leash break" gameplay, but now appropriately rewards Karma for using
Mantra on her W and keeping her enemies close.

Inner Flame

Mana Cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70
Explosion radius increased to 250 from 230
Q耗魔減少  爆炸半徑增加20

Focused Resolve

Now correctly gives vision of the unit while rooted
Mantra Bonus - Renewal
No longer heals over time for 25% Missing Health
Now heals Karma for 20% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of missing Health
immediately upon casting and another 20% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of
missing Health if the leash is not broken


改為傷害2秒內回復20%(+1% per 100 Ability Power)
發動定身就再補一次20%(+1% per 100 Ability Power)


Mantra Bonus - Defiance
Fixed a bug where Defiance's mini-shields weren't applying the Ability Power



The changes to Kha'Zix are ultimately about giving him more viable choices
when picking evolutions. Evolving Void Spikes granted such huge damage, high
poke, and great utility that it was crowding out his other evolutions. Now
Void Spikes gets a slow as part of the base skill, so its utility is there
even at level one. Taste Their Fear's evolution was previously reliant on
having targets isolated. Now it works whether they are isolated or not, but
does more damage against isolated targets, making it a more reliable choice.
We also increased Void Assault's damage reduction while in stealth to make it
a slightly more enticing choice and to remind players of its additional

Taste Their Fear

Isolation bonus now increases damage by 45%
Evolution adds 8% missing Health damage (Can be further increased by
Q孤立增傷改45%  進化額外造成8%損失生命的傷害

Void Spikes

Now slows targets hit by 20% for 2 seconds
Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/70/80/90/100
Bonus Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.9
Evolution no longer consumes passive to apply effects--instead triples shot
Can no longer be cast during Leap
耗魔降低 AD0.9-->1
進化不再能附加被動技在W上  不能再接EW了

Void Assault

Damage reduction while in stealth increased to 50% from 40%


Void Ooze

Fixed a bug where the slow wasn't reduced by tenacity


For a control mage with the kit she has, Lissandra was throwing out a lot of
front-loaded damage. The intention of these changes was not only to lower her
damage, but to also better highlight her in-fight control as her core

Ring of Frost

Cooldown reduced to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 18/16/14/12/10
Mana cost reduced to 50 from 70
Fixed a bug where the root failed to apply if Lissandra died
W 前期CD減少 耗魔減少 改掉死掉不會ROOT的BUG

Glacial Path

Cooldown now begins upon initial cast rather than upon recativation or at the
end of the missile
E丟出去就進CD  不管有沒有接E2

Frozen Tomb

Self-cast duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5
Slow increased to 20/30/40% from 20/20/20%
Damage reduced to 150/250/350 from 150/300/450
R自己BUFF為2.5秒  緩BUFF 20%-->20/30/40%
傷害小NERF調整為 150/250/350


If Nautilus gets ahead in levels, he ends up with both high damage and high
tankiness when leveling Titan's Wrath first. As a strong initiator tank with
high crowd control, we've reduced some of that mid-game damage output so he's
less overwhelming when he snowballs.

Titan's Wrath

Damage changed to 40/55/70/85/100 from 30/55/80/105/130
Fixed a bug where the Ability Power ratio on hits was lower than intended
W傷害調整40/55/70/85/100 並改掉AP加成實際上較小的BUG


Heroic Charge

Spell has been refactored to better detect terrain


Sejuani's rework left her incredibly powerful in terms of overall damage and
crowd control potential. We've tuned back some of those strengths to bring
her more in line with other initiator tanks.

Northern Winds

Bonus maximum Health ratio reduced to 10% from 16%


Reduced slow duration to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3
E緩NERF 0.5秒

Glacial Prison

Reduced stun and slow duration to 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds from 1.5/1.75/2
R定NERF 0.25秒


Sona is a consistently strong support, so after we fixed a long-standing bug
with Power Chord: Diminuendo we felt she would be a dominant pick without
additional balancing. On that note, we've reverted some of our older changes
to Sona. These changes are designed to maintain her parity with other
supports by lowering her early game burst and her late game durability while
making her a little more forgiving in the early game.

Base Health increased to 450 from 410
Base Armor increased to 11.3 from 9.3
基礎生命+40 物防+2

Power Chord

Base Power Chord damage changed to
13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192 from 8 + (10 x

Aria of Perseverance

Fixed a bug where Aria of Perseverance's Power Chord: Diminuendo was not
decreasing damage dealt
Lowered the duration of Aria of Perseverance's Power Chord: Diminuendo to 3
seconds from 4
Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to self and healed ally reduced to
6/7/8/9/10 from 8/11/14/17/20
Changed aura bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to 6/7/8/9/10 from 3/6/9/12/15


Death Sentence

Fixed a bug where Thresh could cast Flash while casting Death Sentence


Piercing Arrow

Fixed a bug where casting Piercing Arrow while targeting an enemy would cause
Varus to stop moving


Blast Shield

Fixed a bug where Blast Shield's cooldown at higher levels was 1 second
longer than intended

Vault Breaker

Fixed a bug where casting Vault Breaker while targeting an enemy would cause
Vi to stop moving.

General Champion Notes

修正一些技能的指標 並讓玩家知道該技能 能不能成功過牆

Targeted wall-jump abilities now check both sides of the wall for the closest
location of the cursor, so players don't fail-jump into a wall, when the
other side was clearly in range.
We've added new targeting indicators to show how far the target is knocked
back for the following abilities:
Alistar's Headbutt
Lee Sin's Dragon's Rage
Poppy's Heroic Charge
Vayne's Condemn

修正以下技能會無視FLASH的BUG  有閃出去就不會進CD

We've improved consistency for abilities that behaved inconsistently when the
targeted enemy uses Flash. We're cleaning up these interactions so that
either the ability won't cast or Flash won't be used up (it will be one or
the other, never both).
Jayce's Thundering Blow
Singed's Fling
Skarner's Impale
Volibear's Rolling Thunder

Changes to Slow Zones

All slow zones now update on a quarter-second interval, meaning when you move
out of a slow field, the slow will wear off almost immediately unless you're
hit by an ability that applies an individual slow (like Kog'Maw's Void Ooze).
What this means: your champion's movement speed will be restored more quickly
when leaving a slow field, but the slow within the fields have not been

This change should make interacting with slow zones more intuitive while
rewarding players who react quickly (as stepping out of a slow field will
reward you faster). This is a small nerf to most of the champions affected,
but we will be closely monitoring champions affected by these changes.

The following abilities have had their slow refresh rate reduced to 0.25
Singed's Mega Adhesive
Lux's Lucent Singularity
Gangplank's Cannon Barrage
Lulu's Wild Growth
Miss Fortune's Make It Rain
Trundle's Pillar of Ice
Varus' Hail of Arrows
Viktor's Gravity Field
Vladimir's Sanguine Pool
Lux's Lucent Singularity also applies a 0.25 second slow to targets hit by
the detonation
被LUX E碰到就先有0.25秒緩
Kog'Maw's Void Ooze missile also applies a 1 second slow to targets struck
被KOG E碰到就先有1秒緩

We've lowered the price on a number of starting items to give players more
options with consumables and general builds.

Boots of Speed

Cost reduced to 325 from 350
Items that build out of Boots of Speed have had their recipe costs increased
by 25

Doran's Ring

Cost reduced to 400 from 475
Health reduced to 60 from 80
Mana restore on kill reduced to 4 from 5
多蘭戒改為400  生命NERF20  殺怪回魔少1

Doran's Shield

Cost reduced to 440 from 475
Armor reduced to 0 from 5
Health Regen increased to 10 from 8
UNIQUE Passive now blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks from 6
多蘭盾改為440 不再加物防 回血上升2 格擋+2

We've removed the randomness on Madred's and Wriggle's to increase
consistency while allowing players to plan out their jungle routes better.
Wriggle's wasn't very enticing so we've tuned up its stats to be worthy of a
slot later in the game for those who can take advantage of it.

All instances of Rend as a passive have been changed to Maim

Maim is now the passive that refers to dealing bonus magic damage to monsters
with every basic attack
Butcher is the passive that refers to dealing percent bonus damage to
monsters from all sources

Hunter's Machete

UNIQUE Passive - Rend changed to UNIQUE Passive - Maim
Now deals 10 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack

Spirit Stone

UNIQUE Passive - Rend changed to UNIQUE Passive - Maim
Now deals 10 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack

Madred's Razors

UNIQUE Passive - Maim
Now deals 60 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
No longer deals bonus damage to minions

獵人彎刀 紅爪 精靈石不能疊被動了
紅爪被動改為每下60魔傷 並移除另一個增傷被動

Wriggle's Lantern

UNIQUE Passive - Maim
Now deals 100 bonus magic damage to monsters with every basic attack
No longer deals bonus damage to minions
Ward duration reduced to 90 seconds from 180
Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 180
Attack Damage increased to 25 from 15
Life Steal increased to 15% from 10%
Armor reduced to 25 from 30
Combine cost increased to 500 gold from 100 (total cost increased to 2000
gold from 1600)
A few patches back we buffed a number of jungle items to make them more
enticing for junglers. The changes, however, made these items so efficient
that even lane champions were buying them with no regard for the Butcher
passive. We still want lane champions to consider these in strategies that
center on poaching jungle camps or helping with map objectives, but we
ultimately want these to feel like the optimal choice for junglers first.
燈籠被動改為每下100魔傷 攻擊+10 物防少5 吸血多5%
眼CD跟持續時間都改為1分半 配方增加400$

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

UNIQUE Passive - Butcher
Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%

Spirit of the Elder Lizard

Attack Damage reduced to 35 from 45
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher
Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

Ability Power reduced to 40 from 50
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher
Damage bonus to monsters increased to 30% from 25%

所有精靈石升級系列的殺怪被動BUFF5%  刀跟面具各少10AD/AP

We've moved Malady's passives to the two other Attack Speed on-hit items to
further solidify Nashor's Tooth's niche role as an Ability Power focused
auto-attacker item, while moving the magic shred onto Wit's End to better
synergize with magic damage based fighters (Sunfire Cape combines quite well
with Wit's End even for champions that don't deal magic damage). Malady has
been removed as it has been a poor fit in the current space that it was in.

Recurve Bow

Cost reduced to 900 gold from 950


Removed from the game
腐蝕之刃移除 效果送給新那什跟智慧末刃

Nashor's Tooth

Combine cost increased to 920 from 500
Ability Power reduced to 60 from 65
Additional Passive - Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power) as bonus
magic damage on hit
那什之牙 配方改920$  法傷-5  新增被動 每下普攻造成15+15%AP的傷害

Wit's End

New Recipe: Recurve Bow + Null Magic Mantle + Dagger + 700 gold = 2400 gold
Attack Speed increased to 42% from 40%
Revised Passive - Basic attacks steal 5 Magic Resist from the target, stacks
up to 5 times
智慧末刃 改為反曲弓+小魔抗+400攻速+700配方 = 2400
被動改為每下普攻偷竊目標5魔防可疊5次  攻速BUFF2%

Summoner's Rift

We've increased the initial spawn times of jungle creeps to get rid of the
frustrating experience advantage players could get by killing certain jungle
camps before laning phase. This was a much requested change from a lot of pro
teams around the world, as the only real counter was to switch lanes or to
try to prevent it altogether.

The other changes are to reassure junglers since they won't be able to start
wolves or wraiths before heading to their buffs. Faster spawns will also help
some champions who have exceptionally high clear times and want to just stay
in the jungle. Overall, this will be a buff for junglers across the board as
we've opened up additional jungle route options for them.

On that note, junglers traditionally have high impact in the early game, so
there is some concern that these changes may be making them too strong in
that area. We will be closely monitoring the situation to see if we need to
balance further.

jungle都改為1分55秒才出怪  小怪重生-10秒除了4鬼
紅藍BUFF多120經驗 BUFF區的小蜥蜴減少30經驗

Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:40
Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
Ancient Golem
Base Experience granted increased to 340 from 220
Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
Lizard Elder
Base Experience granted increased to 340 from 220
Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
Young Lizard
Base Experience granted reduced to 10 from 40

Twisted Treeline

Enabled several items
Hunter's Machete
Spirit Stone
Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
Crystal Scar

Added Dominion variants of several items
Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)
Mana per charge increased to 5 from 4
Manamune (Crystal Scar)
Mana per charge increased to 8 from 4
Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)
Mana per charge increased to 10 from 6
Rod of Ages (Crystal Scar)
Now gains stacks every 40 seconds, down from 60 seconds

Howling Abyss


Enabled several items
Hunter's Machete
Spirit Stone
Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
Shop close distance is now calculated from the spawn, not the shop
Shop close distance increased to 1600 from 1400
Fixed a bug causing players to become stuck if they wiggled behind blue laser
Poros have gone through an 80s action movie training montage and now have
some resistance to lasers

Game Interface
Minimap & HUD

The Player's nameplate will now always be drawn last, causing it to always
appear over ally and enemy health plates.
Item Shop

The search terms "Spooky Ghosts", "Bork", "Botrk", "AA", "NLR", "SOTO",
"SOTD", "dshield", "dblade", and "dring" have been added to the in-game item
Custom Item Sets

Item sets will no longer be lost when a player changes their Summoner name.
Game Menus

The Key Binding page has been reorganized to be easier to use
Gifting Animation

Gifting animation has been updated
Custom Game Mini-maps

Custom Game Mini maps updated to include unique mini maps for each map
League System
Added the ability to spectate players and teams in challenger tier via an
option in the leagues menu.
Added notifications to inform players when they are close to hitting LP decay
for inactivity in ranked queues.
Player Behavior
Behavior Alerts

The PVP.net client will display new warning alerts for players with spikes of
negative activity, in order to help course-correct them as soon as possible
with quick and direct feedback.

Players with recently detected unsportsmanlike behavior will see a warning
after the End of Game screen.
Alerts will not follow every player report; alerts are targeted toward
players that exhibit uncharacteristic spikes of highly negative behavior.
The Loading Screen no longer appears off-center in your monitor after Champ
Select, when in Borderless or Windowed mode.
Included a possible fix for an issue that would cause LoL to open in the
bottom right of the screen on computers under heavy load
Logitech monochrome keyboards should no longer clear their display when the
last two heads-up buttons are pressed.
Logitech keyboards should no longer change their brightness when your
champion is dead.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
gd2s0203    :明天起床就有翻譯機1F 06/11 04:57
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 05:06)
AncientLich :早期野區要掀起革命了2F 06/11 05:00
demon47     :終於看完了,排板可以再弄一下,這次改動還蠻大的3F 06/11 05:04
redblue99p  :安安 翻譯呢 安安 頭好痛4F 06/11 05:04
BRIANKUO    :耶~~泰貝爾大BUFF5F 06/11 05:04
T9          :戰魂系列正式入侵ARAM6F 06/11 05:05
ahinetn123  :終於要改版了7F 06/11 05:05
BRIANKUO    :怒噓野區都改1:55,這改法有點智障8F 06/11 05:07
sillymon    :幹 泰貝爾這BUFF有點大啊9F 06/11 05:07
a23017174   :Annie Buff一個怒推,超爽Derrrrrr10F 06/11 05:08
ahinetn123  :泰貝爾是曹子效的改法11F 06/11 05:09
jeffreyshe  :將狗大變動12F 06/11 05:09
FearBomb    :瑟雷希閃現勾要被改掉了!!?13F 06/11 05:10
randy90516  :Asheeeeeeeeeee14F 06/11 05:10
eist        :先推再說15F 06/11 05:10
nanokdash   :戰魂改到沒那麼op了 打野外應該不會想出了16F 06/11 05:10
b2202761    :純虛 那個虛的 藍方下路吃雙石速上2 超GY17F 06/11 05:11
b2202761    :不改才有鬼
nanokdash   :反倒覺得多蘭盾op到爆19F 06/11 05:11
yanfen222   :多藍降價拉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20F 06/11 05:12
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 06:11)
BRIANKUO    :你怎麼不說地圖上路地方對藍方比較有利??21F 06/11 05:14
justsay     :多蘭戒+2水or1眼的起手或許有搞頭22F 06/11 05:14
BRIANKUO    :不如地圖不要用反對稱,用對稱好了?23F 06/11 05:14
randy90516  :也只能這樣出阿24F 06/11 05:14
ice76824    :為了一種流派改地圖蠻強的25F 06/11 05:15
b2202761    :地圖牽扯太多 藍方下路2人線雙石速2 壓人卻是很難解26F 06/11 05:16
satousei    :淦野豬妹死透了,要這樣砍成殘廢不如不要重製27F 06/11 05:16
edwdada     :好多 翻到客家人我就放棄了 愛睏28F 06/11 05:17
Themis      :先騙你買再nerf29F 06/11 05:18
goolgo      :之前好像有紫方打野紅起 雙人線吃三狼的應對方式30F 06/11 05:21
b2202761    :只要買冰箱底層的角色 就不會被NERF31F 06/11 05:21
b2202761    :藍方> 紅>藍 GANK上中 紫方如果紅>藍 只能GANK中
b2202761    :而且我能藍方會更過分 中上吃三郎 JG一人吃四鬼
b2202761    :如果紫方 中上幫JG吃 四鬼+紅 那藍方
b2202761    :中上吃三狼 速上2 一樣虧
Ferscism    :看來他們覺得kha還不夠強 狂buff他 真佩服36F 06/11 05:23
Minesweeper :卡瑪每個版本都改,我只能說這支腳色被做壞了37F 06/11 05:24
Ferscism    :Lissandra看來要飛天了 跟螳螂一樣飛高高38F 06/11 05:24
lucifiel1618:這個WE好像有點猛39F 06/11 05:25
Ferscism    :我才剛買的sona就被砍好多刀 真慘40F 06/11 05:25
myfirstjump :感謝翻譯的人 T_T41F 06/11 05:27
koll60317   :kha zix還要在BUFF?42F 06/11 05:27
vi5417      :豬女跟人馬都好慘 我JG的MAIN角阿 O_Q43F 06/11 05:29
b2202761    :爬很高的角色都要有心理準備44F 06/11 05:29
vi5417      :多藍盾看起來有點強 前期檔8超威45F 06/11 05:29
FearBomb    :一直都是一代Patch一代神  三年來這定律永不變46F 06/11 05:29
DarkerWu    :新吉德沒變?47F 06/11 05:30
vi5417      :卡利斯不算BUFF W不吃被動差很多48F 06/11 05:31
twpisces    :辛吉德不必變吧 現在野怪晚出來不用吃 上中做好防守49F 06/11 05:31
twpisces    :位置 辛吉德就進不去了吧
b2202761    :反正你放心 太高調的角色都有被NERF的一天51F 06/11 05:32
TIPPK       :大概知道了 就是說....有東西更動嘛52F 06/11 05:37
ma713       :卡利斯這樣還蠻慘的53F 06/11 05:40
donkey5566  :好多 看得有點煩= =  等翻譯機好了54F 06/11 05:41
KingHsun    :我覺的螳螂不算BUFF =m=55F 06/11 05:42
卡利斯是NERF目前的W主流  傷害基本上少很多
iuiuisme    :RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR56F 06/11 05:43
loonety     :為何要NERF那第魯斯  可惡57F 06/11 05:48
Saifulin    :Sona又砍喔 豬女還沒起飛就墜機是哪招?58F 06/11 05:55
u770114     :sona被BUFF 稻草人持續低調OP 爽59F 06/11 05:56
DavyBlue    :人馬ap ratio 1 好有趣60F 06/11 05:58
K988        :最好SONA被 NERF 起始HP便450 防便1161F 06/11 06:00
u770114     :技能被削弱勒 幹62F 06/11 06:00
jackys313   :Sona體質Buff, 靈氣效果neff, 力量和弦小砍63F 06/11 06:05
winklly     :神拉技法要被nerf了?64F 06/11 06:05
amALu       :karma Rw變有點威 順補20%miss 沒斷再補20%65F 06/11 06:06
jackys313   :至少不會那麼軟了66F 06/11 06:06
lkshfish    :推!67F 06/11 06:11
amALu       :改閃勾= =68F 06/11 06:14
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 06:17)
Vinir       :瑟雷西閃線勾竟然被改掉了69F 06/11 06:19
amALu       :155不給上下路打經驗搶2@@70F 06/11 06:21
amALu       :戰魂還有cdr嗎? 真傷被砍了= =
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 06:38)
amALu       :witsend這樣還有onhit嗎?還是只剩純偷魔防?72F 06/11 06:23
42點魔傷ON-HIT 42%攻速 根本故意 好險不是偷42魔防?!
wl02324041  :維克特怎還沒動?73F 06/11 06:30
維克特要等到S4一開始  官網有說了
eternalwrath:哇靠  整個開局的meta又變了 XDDDDDD74F 06/11 06:33
johnnyjaiu  :淦,把malady移除是哪招,躺著也中槍75F 06/11 06:40
效果被其他道具拿走了  而且BUFF了..
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 06:45)
lkshfish    :感覺納什變得很不錯76F 06/11 06:45
squall0963  :燈籠感覺不錯 吃很快77F 06/11 06:46
ganbatte7712:請問什麼是malady78F 06/11 06:46
lkshfish    :腐蝕之刃吧?79F 06/11 06:47
這個裝的中文  我一直都不知道  0.0
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 06:47)
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lkshfish    :>>ungle都改為1分55秒才出怪       少打J80F 06/11 06:49
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※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 06:58)
myran       :艾希被動不是有爆才消失喔,他原文是說疊滿才會爆81F 06/11 06:52
myran       :你沒疊滿的情況下靠裝備或天賦的爆擊不會吃掉被動
myran       :就跟電刀一樣,只有疊滿才會發動效果=>必定爆擊
TY 我ASHE的部分幾乎沒細看XD
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 07:01)
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 07:05)
howlongbing :庫奇的導彈傷害消失果然不是我的錯覺...上次打AI84F 06/11 07:11
howlongbing :被吃掉十幾顆 完全都沒有傷害="=
myran       :庫奇R傷害消失這麼大的bug幾乎沒人討論XD 時代的眼淚86F 06/11 07:14
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 07:32)
Simonfenix  :看看艾希的被動 再看看凱特的 唉~87F 06/11 07:34
s963870     :我覺得凱特琳的還是比較強..88F 06/11 07:36
s963870     :只是這樣改 就更有讓艾希塞爆傷的價值了
tu80715     :我覺得艾希的被動還是不怎麼樣0.0...90F 06/11 07:38
pilistar0222:早安農沒91F 06/11 07:43
iamalam2005 :艾希最好的改動就是增加傷害="=92F 06/11 07:44
jo041228    :腐蝕之刃移除!?不93F 06/11 07:44
myran       :腐蝕的特效都轉給其他兩把了阿,還留著惹人嫌幹嘛94F 06/11 07:46
ms0308372   :庫奇被動爆擊改掉太傷了95F 06/11 07:46
roy047      :人馬的Devastating Charge是E不是Q喔~96F 06/11 07:47
我中邪了..  一直想成拉姆斯... TY
invander    :這把智慧末刃給慎專用?97F 06/11 07:48
※ 編輯: s963870         來自:        (06/11 07:55)
swbthj      :RIOT有說這修正本來就沒打算讓艾希的被動多強98F 06/11 07:53
lpca        :其實艾希勝率不錯呀99F 06/11 08:01
zyxwvoklove :Sona至少前期沒那麼悲劇了 雖然後期微nerf就是了100F 06/11 08:09

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