※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-10 09:55:36
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [情報] Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed
時間 Fri May 10 06:39:52 2013
/* 補充 我在巴哈的圖文版技能簡譯 只想看技能的話這比較直覺 */
【情報】新英雄 Aatrox (僅簡譯技能部分) @英雄聯盟 League of Legends 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
Blood Well (Passive)Aatrox stores a portion of his abiliti ...
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed - League of Legends Community Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed Announcements ...
Aatrox, the Darkin Blade emerges from the shadows of history to slake his
thirst for blood and battle. This deft warrior cuts down his foes and drains
their life force with his blade. Aatrox's abilities cost health to cast.
Blood Well (Passive)
Aatrox stores a portion of his abilities' health cost in the Blood Well,
which slowly drains to a base amount while he is out of combat. When Aatrox
loses all of his health, he draws on the Blood Well and recovers the amount
of health stored.
(Aatrox 放技能消耗血量)
Dark Flight
Aatrox rises into the air and slams into a target location. Enemies within
the impact zone are knocked up and take damage, while nearby enemies take
Aatrox升空後向目標區域猛衝 受影響範圍內的敵人會被擊飛並承受傷害
Blood Thirst
Aatrox heals himself on every third attack. Activating Blood Thirst toggles
Blood Price.
Blood Price: Every third attack now deals bonus damage instead of healing
Aatrox. Aatrox loses health based on the bonus damage dealt.
(主動)每三下普攻現在不會治療 而是造成額外傷害
Blades of Torment
Aatrox fires a line attack that damages and slows enemies caught in its path.
Aatrox is refunded a part of the health cost if Blades of Torment strikes an
enemy champion.
Aatrox發射一條線 攻擊並緩速路徑上的目標
如果命中敵方英雄 Aatrox會恢復部分消耗的血量
Upon activation, Aatrox instantly damages enemies in an area around him. For
the duration of Massacre, Aatrox gains bonus attack speed and range. Massacre
has no health cost.
在這招的持續時間內 Aatrox獲得額外攻速和攻距 這招無生命消耗
Aatrox is a basic attack dependent melee champion who excels as a duelist and
team fighter. His built-in sustain and escape mechanics make him an ideal fit
for top lane.
The sustain from Blood Thirst keeps Aatrox's health topped off, allowing him
to farm throughout the laning phase. Aatrox excels as a duelist, able to
switch to Blood Price for heavy burst damage when trading with his lane
opponent. After the exchange, Aatrox can toggle back to Blood Thirst to top
off his health. When he's ready to finish the job, Massacre adds
significantly to an already potent burst combo.
If the lane isn't going Aatrox's way, the knock-up effect from Dark Flight
can be used to set up ganks for his jungler. Or, if Aatrox has bullied his
enemy out of lane, he can push aggressively, safe in the knowledge that the
disengage from Dark Flight and Blades of Torment's slow will aid his escape
when enemies come charging. Even when things go totally wrong, Blood Well
offers a second chance to secure kills or make a quick exit.
Team fights
Aatrox's mobility gives him an innate ability to pressure enemy carries in
team fights. Blood Thirst grants Aatrox plenty of sustain as he tangos with
enemy initiators and tanks. When he sees an opportunity to reach an enemy
carry, Dark Flight closes the gap and allows the punishment to begin. When
Aatrox is in deep, the area of effect burst and extra range from Massacre,
and slow on Blades of Torment prevent high-value targets from escaping. All
the while the consistent healing from Blood Thirst and resurrection effect
from Blood Well keep him alive long enough to cut through enemy squishies.
If Aatrox's team is on the defensive, a well-aimed Blades of Torment can slow
multiple enemies and open a window for retreating allies to slip away.
Alternately, he can kite enemies with Dark Flight, and create an opportunity
for the remainder of his team to turn and counter-initiate. If Aatrox is
focused, Blood Thirst's sustain and the Blood Well keep him in the fight,
giving his teammates an opportunity to cut through foes as he resurrects and
delivers the killing blow.
Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of only five that remain of an ancient
race known as the Darkin. He wields his massive blade with grace and poise,
slicing through legions in a style that is hypnotic to behold. With each foe
felled, Aatrox's seemingly living blade drinks in their blood, empowering him
and fueling his brutal, elegant campaign of slaughter.
The earliest tale of Aatrox is as old as recorded history. It tells of a war
between two great factions remembered only as the Protectorate and the
Magelords. Over time, the Magelords won a series of crushing victories,
leaving them on the brink of obliterating their sworn enemy forever. On the
day of their final confrontation, the Protectorate army found themselves
outnumbered, exhausted, and poorly equipped. They braced for inevitable
Just when all hope seemed lost, Aatrox appeared among the ranks of the
Protectorate. With but a few words, he urged the soldiers to fight to the
last before throwing himself into battle. His presence inspired the desperate
warriors. At first, they could only watch in awe as this unknown hero cleaved
through their enemies, his body and blade moving in unison as if one being.
Soon, the warriors found themselves imbued with a potent thirst for battle.
They followed Aatrox into the fray, each fighting with the furious strength
of ten until they had won a most unlikely victory.
Aatrox vanished after that battle, but the Protectorate army's newfound fury
did not. Their surprising triumph led to many more until they were able to
finally return home victorious. Their countrymen hailed them as heroes, but
though they had saved their entire civilization from destruction, darkness
lingered in the mind of each warrior. Something within them had changed. Over
time, their memories of battle faded, only to be replaced with a grim
revelation: their acts of heroism were, in fact, brutal atrocities committed
by their own hands.
Tales like these appear among the myths of many cultures. If they are all to
be believed, Aatrox's presence has changed the course of some of the most
important wars in history. Though these stories remember him as a savior in
dark times, Aatrox's true legacy may be a world filled with conflict and
"Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight."
- Aatrox
故事就算了 有點懶得看...
故事就...PASS 等待其他大神翻譯XD
標題 [聯賽] TeSL 4/ 5 看板 StarCraft
時間 Fri Apr 5 19:54:59 2013 #1HNhkMPC (StarCraft)
噓 :懶的看 八成 hui ak sen贏04/05 20:02
37 (0-7) Nilon O 星際基地 X Hui (2-4)38 (5-2) AK X 克哈市 O Rex (3-3)
39 (2-3) Jojo O 紐科克轄區 X Sen (6-0)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :看外型就買了1F 05/10 06:42
推 :造型不錯!2F 05/10 06:43
推 :好像又是個噴血角,兩個CC一突進,先推OP!!3F 05/10 06:46
推 :看起來可Jungle Q擊飛 W被動有趙信W感覺 E緩人4F 05/10 06:46
推 :感覺是無消耗的卡利斯5F 05/10 06:48
→ :Q:飛向目標區域敲飛,阿不就石頭人R6F 05/10 06:49
→ :W:普攻三下回血(阿不就趙信W)主動:三下附加傷害(阿不
→ :W:普攻三下回血(阿不就趙信W)主動:三下附加傷害(阿不
推 :W不開就是趙信 開了就是打三下我損血對方也多損血8F 05/10 06:50
→ :就賈克斯R的被動)9F 05/10 06:50
推 :石頭人集飛後帶stun,應該說牛的EQ combo比較相像10F 05/10 06:52
→ :E:直線路徑上敵人傷害+緩 R:周圍瞬傷後加攻速和距離11F 05/10 06:54
推 :痛苦之刃(E):直線型範圍傷害附帶緩速 擊中後回饋生命12F 05/10 06:54
→ :種族名:Darkin,官方何不把果斷R改I,李弘毅幾班?13F 05/10 06:57
→ :最近出的新角好像都沒有很OP的14F 05/10 06:57
→ :尤其這隻又這麼帥,又帥又OP感覺有點難,希望不是一
→ :出就需要等Buff就好..
→ :尤其這隻又這麼帥,又帥又OP感覺有點難,希望不是一
→ :出就需要等Buff就好..
→ :這隻以後叫他李弘毅好了....17F 05/10 06:57
※ 編輯: a2364983 來自: (05/10 06:59)推 :牛的EQ combo? QW吧18F 05/10 06:59
推 :這支O不OP就看體質跟QE的距離了19F 05/10 07:00
推 :看圖片感覺e滿遠的20F 05/10 07:01
→ :這...夜曲尾巴被拔掉了...21F 05/10 07:01
推 :感覺可以將狗22F 05/10 07:02
推 :這個R...也太像一粒蛋了吧23F 05/10 07:03
推 :有點wow的感覺24F 05/10 07:03
推 :NOC長腳了?????25F 05/10 07:04
推 :你還沒準備好(?26F 05/10 07:06
→ :故事簡單來說這種族有五個傳說戰士(隊長是紅色吧?),27F 05/10 07:07
→ :然後喜歡到處當救援投手,戰場哪邊弱就往哪邊幫
→ :然後喜歡到處當救援投手,戰場哪邊弱就往哪邊幫
推 :所以以後會出現一粒蛋戰隊29F 05/10 07:08
推 :Q-ZAC的E W-趙信的W E-LULU的Q R-長宗我部的T30F 05/10 07:09
→ :故事講最早有他們登場記錄的一場戰役,一群輸到脫褲31F 05/10 07:09
→ :的傢伙被鋼彈武力介入之後逆轉勝的事蹟
→ :的傢伙被鋼彈武力介入之後逆轉勝的事蹟
推 :外形像黑暗版的凱爾 R也像凱爾的E33F 05/10 07:12
推 :救援王團體XDD34F 05/10 07:14
→ :不知道會取啥譯名...阿戳斯(?)35F 05/10 07:14
→ :RRRRRR裝死36F 05/10 07:16
推 :譯名是 AA戳司37F 05/10 07:21
→ :夜曲的尾巴+138F 05/10 07:23
→ :雖然大家稱他們為英雄,但戰鬥的回憶退色後他們才醒39F 05/10 07:23
→ :L大快發一篇吧XD 我要去睡惹...40F 05/10 07:23
→ :悟道,原來他們那英雄主義的行動其實也只是殘酷的暴41F 05/10 07:23
→ :唸法>>>> A-A-trox42F 05/10 07:24
→ :行而已..這故事設定跟造型都是濃濃的中二味黑暗英雄43F 05/10 07:24
→ :RIOT真的很跟得上ACG族群的流行趨勢
→ :RIOT真的很跟得上ACG族群的流行趨勢
→ :Q跟W主動自己都會受到傷害...- -a45F 05/10 07:27
→ :就耗血量放技能46F 05/10 07:28
→ :看W說明應該是增傷但是自己也會扣血
→ :看W說明應該是增傷但是自己也會扣血
推 :AA抽絲48F 05/10 07:30
推 :耶~戳死49F 05/10 07:33
→ :被動看起來是死亡的時候會發動的效果o_o? 又是個OP角50F 05/10 07:33
→ :爺戳死! NAZ:main角出現??51F 05/10 07:33
推 :巴哈有EZ說他故事的翻譯52F 05/10 07:35
推 :那個拿槍的歐巴馬呢?ˊˋ53F 05/10 07:37
推 :未看先猜XJ9拿去JG 然後OP聲四起54F 05/10 07:38
推 :然後就被nerf XD55F 05/10 07:43
推 :帥到爆炸>////////<56F 05/10 07:43
推 :感覺G社翻出來會跟特朗德會類似的感覺57F 05/10 07:47
推 :光看造型就想買了 居然還是上路噴血角 買了!!58F 05/10 07:47
→ :快上架 快上架 快上架59F 05/10 07:48
推 :不管OP不OP先買就對了61F 05/10 07:51
→ :又是之上路OP繳了62F 05/10 07:52
→ :這隻有點沒特色..63F 05/10 07:54
推 :被動看起來又是死了會爬回來的 這年頭天生有GA變成流64F 05/10 07:55
→ :行 不知道CD多久
→ :行 不知道CD多久
推 :阿戳66F 05/10 07:56
推 :佐久間67F 05/10 07:56
推 :如果照特朗德,Vi那種取名的話 那就... 厄翠斯 0..068F 05/10 07:58
推 :樓上雷文爹兒69F 05/10 08:01
推 :看起來是個近戰普攻AD角,感覺有點不太妙70F 05/10 08:01
→ :忽然覺得他長得很像日本老漫畫的那個惡魔人71F 05/10 08:02
推 :又無消耗72F 05/10 08:02
噓 :又出73F 05/10 08:02
推 :最後可能會有復活戰隊XD76F 05/10 08:10
推 :看起來..嗯...技能組有點不特別啊..77F 05/10 08:13
推 :我突然想到"你還沒準備好~~~"這位78F 05/10 08:15
推 :怎麼現在內建復活角有越來越多的趨勢...被動沒梗了?79F 05/10 08:16
→ :阿戳師?80F 05/10 08:19
推 :技能組有點普通...81F 05/10 08:19
推 :蒙多表示更傷心了82F 05/10 08:34
推 :感覺是賈克斯伊瑞這流的 跳進去一直砍83F 05/10 08:36
推 :推 隊長是紅色的XD84F 05/10 08:36
推 :佐久間盛政?85F 05/10 08:45
推 :夜曲生前版86F 05/10 08:45
→ :不一定是復活角啊 比較像是熊的被動吧87F 05/10 08:50
推 :每個新角都有位移,舊角情何以堪88F 05/10 08:50
→ :差別在這隻是0%啟動,而且是一次性回掉儲存的量89F 05/10 08:50
→ :上路前三勝率:藍寶 狗頭 阿伯表示 位移能吃嗎?
→ :上路前三勝率:藍寶 狗頭 阿伯表示 位移能吃嗎?
→ :打JG好像會浪費他的被動...91F 05/10 08:51
→ :回Ku大,狗頭應該是jg吧!93F 05/10 08:55
推 :好像之前魔獸信長的佐久間(?)94F 05/10 08:55
推 :上跟JG應該都有吧95F 05/10 08:57
推 :好像傳奇夜曲混伊利單喔= =96F 05/10 09:01
推 :佐久間政盛97F 05/10 09:09
→ :佐久間盛政吧?98F 05/10 09:19
推 :佐久?99F 05/10 09:22
推 :魔劍士斯巴達100F 05/10 09:30
推 :伊利丹 快回去找你哥哥吧 別來鬧101F 05/10 09:30
推 :佐久間盛政 可惜沒凍牙跟久棄可以搭102F 05/10 09:38
推 :sorry 我搞錯了lol103F 05/10 09:40
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● 05-10 06:39 ■ [情報] Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed
05-10 08:14 ■ Re: [情報] Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed
05-21 10:46 ■ Re: [情報] Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, revealed
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