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※ 本文為 topchris.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-10 01:07:29
看板 LoL
作者 NoHeartQQ (我才不要告訴你)
標題 [閒聊] LoL 火柴人動畫
時間 Sat May 10 00:07:13 2014

應該有人還沒看過吧,看過了也可以再看喔,搞笑又有趣 XD

Stick Figure Spotlight 1
League of Legends - Stick Figure Spotlight - YouTube
Help support animations like these -  Didn't understand the animation? It's cus you don't play LoL -  Ou...


Stick Figure Spotlight 2 - Demacia vs Noxus
Stick Figure Spotlight 2 - Demacia vs Noxus - YouTube
Help support animations like these -  Didn't understand the animation? It's cus you don't play LoL -  Ou...


Stick Figure Spotlight 3 - The Twisted Treeline
Stick Figure Spotlight 3 - The Twisted Treeline - YouTube
Help support animations like these -  Didn't understand the animation? It's cus you don't play LoL -  (r...


Stick Figure Spotlight 4 - Final Eclipse (剛剛首播)
Stick Figure Spotlight 4 - Final Eclipse - YouTube
Support animations like these! -  Visit Hyun's Dojo! -  Didn't understand the animation? It's cus yo...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1399651638.A.F1A.html
NeVerEnouGh :這次的真的比較有梗XDDD1F 05/10 00:07
wangjing12  :3Q2F 05/10 00:07
Dimitre     :XD 原來剛首播3F 05/10 00:07
casto       :後三集都是對立英雄的對決4F 05/10 00:09
NavisAnswer :國外也懂凱能神5F 05/10 00:10
cat0405     :這系列的影片都超棒的~~~6F 05/10 00:11
cat0405     :明明就超血腥可是卻有辦法弄得很可愛 www
Doblue      :這AP雷歐娜阿!!!8F 05/10 00:14
a2364983    :還我雷歐娜+黛安娜的溫馨百合結局啊\皿/ 尾刀狗9F 05/10 00:14
wayne40230  :第一部阿姆姆大絕的表情符號好有梗xD10F 05/10 00:15
EVEREVEn    :有人才剛推薦我看~~~謝謝分享11F 05/10 00:15
cat0405     :@wayne40230  阿姆姆的機器人SKIN大絕就是那樣喔~12F 05/10 00:16
iconforhire :還不錯!!13F 05/10 00:16
xo45527788  :越做越棒了14F 05/10 00:16
f222051618  :超棒的動畫!15F 05/10 00:17
fearimba    :report ez !16F 05/10 00:17
sanajp      :XDDD17F 05/10 00:18
cat0405     :可以看造型展示影片~  http://goo.gl/dFnG5a18F 05/10 00:18
【新造型】「哀傷機器人」阿姆姆 - YouTube
【綜合】 機油亂灑與黑龍怒吼的造型上架資訊  ※ 影片僅供參考,展示效果有可能因拍攝角度、電腦配置、效能設定的不同或是原廠的修改而有所差異,請以實物為準。 《英雄聯盟》官方網站:

balisondavid:那地魯斯也太大隻了吧19F 05/10 00:18
Diablue     :好看!!20F 05/10 00:20
f222051618  :百合無限好 (*〞︶〝*)21F 05/10 00:21
howar31     :https://youtube.com/watch?v=JSGqsH01gKY 作者真神22F 05/10 00:21
Stick Figure Tutorial 2 : Basic Fight - YouTube
(Best watched in full screen!) Another stick figure tutorial made by me! This time covering a very basic fight scene. ~~FACTS~~ - This tutorial is just ONE o... ...

s199483524  :納帝的頭根本__23F 05/10 00:22
zoo506888   :有人注意到第二集的時候 就有稻草人了嗎?25F 05/10 00:23
alexjeter   :推26F 05/10 00:24
holypaul    :最後一堆人打GG的時候 作者Hyun有偷混入聊天 XD27F 05/10 00:26
abccbaandy  :http://i.imgur.com/t4YsbIP.jpg 好萌的姿勢(?28F 05/10 00:26
howar31     :(Hyun): 0=[{f:D}]>OD29F 05/10 00:28
cat0405     :我也有注意到Diana那個坐姿 wwww  超可愛的30F 05/10 00:29
howar31     :(Hyun): 0=[{:D}]>  原來剛剛複製到髒髒的東西31F 05/10 00:30
frog20605   :還我反差傲嬌萌Diana!!! (?! 好久不見的貓大32F 05/10 00:34
tawicool    :第二集 1:01秒那小兵的動作...XDDD33F 05/10 00:34
wayne40230  :我還以為是惡搞的xD  不過動畫裡多出現8==D~34F 05/10 00:34
Romaps      :五多蘭戳到我笑點了QQ35F 05/10 00:38
ShengYuC    :讚36F 05/10 00:40
a28200266   :魔豆在說啥阿?37F 05/10 00:43
howar31     :brazil38F 05/10 00:43
Onzala      :後面兩集超棒的39F 05/10 00:57
bbs0840738  :第三集好讚阿40F 05/10 01:06

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