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作者 標題 [情報] 新英雄
時間 Fri Feb 8 07:44:33 2013
I know you guys have been patiently waiting and I'm happy to announce we
FINALLY have some details on our next champion! Prepare for your first look
into the mind of Quinn, an upcoming champion that's going to represent
Demacia on the Fields of Justice!Continue reading for the full teaser, including a short story and two images
taken from Quinn's Journal
Here is the teaser / announcement from none other than IronStylus:
"They are the legions of blue and gold. They are the beacons of justice. They
bear the standard. They lead the charge.
Demacia has always stood a stalwart sentinel against darkness and evil, but
the nation faces a world of new and terrible threats. They wield the swordand spear, marching against their foes in mighty numbers, but can an army
catch an assassin? Can numbers alone hold back spells woven in shadow and
flame? With such vicious forces bearing down upon her doorstep, how willDemacia endure?
The answer is simple: a new champion approaches.
She is a new kind of hero, one of new mind and new method. One who can go
where armies cannot reach, where swords cannot clash.This is her story. Her worth will be tested, her ways will be questioned, but
she will forge ahead. Honor guides her path. Justice steadies her aim. Valor
is the only ally she needs."
Following the post, a RiotRunaan took to the forums to tease even more!
"Demacian justice does not cower in the face of growing darkness. Demacian
justice does not bow its head to the tyranny of cruel nations. Demacian
justice does not flinch when challenged by overwhelming odds and forces
No—as evil casts it shadow over Valoran, Demacian justice rises above it.
Embracing the new and the old, with vigilance and honor, Demacian justice
takes wing."
(1) 公告文 (括號內應該是Quinn的手寫注記)
Wanted: for crimes against Demacian Justice
Talon, the Blade's Shadow
(not his style...)
Top priority: Four men lie dead, victims of Noxian treachery
(sloppy) (...why raise alarm?)
Attempted strike against the King Himself!
Your duty: track and execute the guilty
Target headed towards Golden Crossing
(too obvious)
All units within region called to defend border immediately
(waste of time)
(Prince Jarvan needs to know!)
In the King's name
His Majesty, King Jarvan III
(2) 日記 (應該是Quinn所寫)
I spoke with Prince Jarvan IV and Garen, Captain of the Dauntless Vanguard.
Garen does not believe me - the dispatch will stand.
I fear the Dauntless Vanguard will find nothing.
The Prince has urged me to follow my instincts.
Val and I leave tonight.
Garen ->Stubborn(這句被槓掉) By the book
->Righteous intent
->Has earned the utter devotion of his men
->Val doesn't respect him
Prince Jarvan IV ->Prince of Demacia
->He isn't what I expected
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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※ 看板: CookyCat 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 128
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